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Chapter 12~ Woah

Justin's POV:

"Wow." Is all I can say as Alex walks out of her bathroom. She looks stunning. She is wearing a light pink strapless dress that stops right before the knees and jet black pumps. 

"I- I hope you don't mind. I didn't want to take to much time getting ready so I just through on some mascara, concealer, a little foundation, red lipstick, and some eyeliner." She says as she looks down at her feet. 

What? How can she even think she doesn't look as gorgeous as ever?

"Babe, you- you look beautiful." I say getting up from her bed and walking over to her as she blushes a little. 

"Thanks, Justin." Alex responds and pecks my lips. "I'm hungry. Can we go to dinner now?" 

"Of course." I say and grab her hand.


'Cause all I need is one love

One love, one love

Baby give it to me

'Cause I don't want, want nobody When I got, got your body

Baby, no no nobody has got what I need

Alex sings to my song One Love on the radio. Gosh! Shes an amazing singer! If she didn't have a career in dancing I'd take her to Scooter and let me tell you, she could be a damn overnight sensation all around the world. That would be great! I mean Alex is a phenomenal dancer and all but if she was a singer, we could go on tour together, not that we already don't but we would have more time to spend together on tour. 

I suddenly see the screen on my phone turn on and across the screen it reads Chaz Somers. I pick up my phone and look at the text message. 

"Hey man whatcha doin' tonight? Do you wanna have guys night and go clubbing in honor of you having a break?" It reads. 

I respond: "No man sorry I can't. I have a date with Alex and we're actually on the way to it right now. Maybe tomorrow?" 

"You shouldn't text while driving." Alex says as I put my phone down. "its dangerous."

"I know honey, but it was important." I respond as my screen lights up again and I pick my phone back up. 

"That doesn't make it right..." Alex sighs as she trails off. 

"I know." I respond to Alex and unlock my iPhone. 

I click on the message icon and see Chaz responded. 

"Come on! Its a tradition! How bout after your date with Alex?" 

"I can't ditch Alex to go clubbing. And even if I didn't have a date with Alex tonight, I still wouldn't go clubbing. I'd rather spend as much time with Alex as possible before we go back on tour. I'm sorry maybe another time! I have to go now man! Ttyl!" I click send and lock my phone as we pull into the restaurant 

"Nice chat." Alex says sarcastically as she steps out of the car. 

I open my car door and step out. "I'm sorry. Chaz wanted to know if I could go clubbing and I was telling him I had a date with the most gorgeous girl in the world." I tell her with a grin. 

She blushes a little as I open the door for her and she walks up to the podium where the hostess' seat you. 

"How many?" The Hostess asks us as she squints at Alex and me. 

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