Chapter 10

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"Guys! There's a Pokemon fair nearby! Wanna go?" I asked as I swiped down the screen of my phone. "Eevee!" "Vai!" "Vapo!" Three of them said in unison.

"Ok then, let's go!" I stood up and walk to the fair with the three Pokemons followed behind me. We reached the fair in about 10 minutes.

"There's so many people here!" I exclaimed as I enter the entrance. There are many stalls around. "Come on guys!" I motioned the three of them to follow me. We stopped by a stall as a strong smell that attracted us, they sold pokepuffs.

"Pokepuffs! You guys can choose one each!" Swirlz chose a chocolate one, Mist chose a vanilla one while Vaporeon chose a watermelon flavoured one. I paid for those and continued walking. Some stalls sold Pokemon items like clothes for pokemon, poke collars, and even evolving stones!

"Hello there, what evolving stones would you like? We have all types of stones! Everykind!" A lady greeted me. Suddenly the thought about evolving Swirlz came across my mind again. Evolve stones....

Somebody suddenly spoke to me which causes me to snap out of my thought. "Well, you should get one! It's a good chance to evolve your Eevee now!" A familliar male voice spoke from behind me.

I turned around to see... "Profressor? You're at the fair too?" I questioned. "Of course! Why not? I mean, why won't a pokemon profressor come to visit such a wonderful place? Especially it's held only once in a year!" The profressor chuckled.

"Oh I see, haha!" I faked a smile. "Well, here's your chance to evolve your Eevee! Go ahead! Don't waste this chance." I scrunched my eyebrows and looked at the stones, then Swirlz. She looked at me with her shiny eyes, cute little face, with...a smile.

"I uh-" as I about to speak, a loud voice spoke. "Welcome ladies and gentlemen..." Now's my chance! "Oh that sounds cool!" I fake that I'm interested about the introduction. I ran to the crowd where the host is talking, leaving the profressor behind.

Swirlz, Mist and Vaporeon followed me. Most of the people from the crowd has a Pokemon. Then I saw the host on a stage. " a special thank you for coming to the fair, we are going to held a one versus one pokemon battle! If you want to enter, it's easy! Sign your name at the blue stall right over there, and we'll end the stall in 30 minutes. Have fun and enjoy!" The host finished and walked to the backstage.

"Wow! A battle! You guys wanna go?" I squatted down to the three Pokemons. Mist and Vaporeon agreed confidently, but Swirlz is just a little but anxious. I smiled and patted her on her head. "Don't worry, you're going to be fine!" "Eevui..." Swirlz replied. I stood up and saw many people signing up at the stall. 

"Ok gang, let's go!" I signed up at the stall and wandered around the fair. We three shared a same, humongous, pink cotton candy. "It's too sweet...." I stuffed my face with another mouthful of cotton candy, and let it melt in my mouth.

After about 30 minutes, the host walked up the stage again. "Ok ladies and gentlemen, the stall to sign up for the battles is now closed! All of the contestants will get a chance to battle, but, your opponent will be randomly choose! The winner of a match will move on to the second match, and he or she will battle another randomly chose opponent. Ok, let's start!" My heart started beating faster.

"This is so exciting!" I clenched my fist. "The first round contestants will be..." Suddenly, the big screen on the stage flashed a person. It's a girl with short, red hair. "Tasha! And her opponent will be..." The screen flashed another person. It's a boy with blonde hair. "Jason! Alright contestants, please step foward to the stage!" The two contestants walked up to the stage.

"Choose your pokemon!" The red hair girl threw a pokeball and formed a Snivy while the blonde hair boy threw a pokeball and formed a Ninetales. "And now, let the battle...BEGINS!" The host raise his hand.

"Woah! A Ninetales!" I exclaimed. The boy named Jason shouted. "Ok Ninetales, use flamethrower!" "Use vine whip Snivy!" The red hair girl whose name is Tasha yelled.

Both of their attacks collided and Snivy flew out from the attack. "Snivy is too weak to battle a Ninetales! Their levels have a huge difference!" I said.

"Ok Snivy, use tackle!" "Ninetales use tackle too!" Both of them used the same attacks. "Use foul play!" Jason smirked. Ninetales dodged Snivy's attack and hit Snivy from behind. Snivy flew out and crashed, it fainted. "No Snivy!" Tasha yelled.

"Snivy is unable to battle, which means Ninetales is the winner!"

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