Chapter 2

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     The sunlight gently made way to my eyes and woke me up. I rubbed my eyes to see Swirlz sleeping soundly beside me.

A thought suddenly came upon me. "Eevee! Let's get ready for our journey!" I shook Swirlz and tried to wake her up. Swirlz blinked her eyes a little and yawned. She stood up and hop off the bed as I went to the bathroom.

I helped Swirlz bath and I bath afterwards. I threw in some pokeballs into my satchel and wore my boots. "Let's go to a Pokestore first. We need to get some items." I searched my phone for the nearest pokestop and it appears to be a 30 minute walk from my house. Swirlz tried to keep up the pace when she followed me as I walk towards the nearest pokestop.

After about 30 minutes, we finally reached the Pokestore. We went to the Pokeball isle and grabbed a few pokeballs, then I grab a updated version Pokedex.

As I'm about to pay for the items, both of us smelled something that's freshly baked. "Eevee!" Swirlz exclaimed and motioned me to look at a corner.

I saw a bakery isle. Bakery? This is a Pokestore, why would there be a bakery here? I walked towards the bakery isle and saw only cream puffs for stock. I looked at the sign above. "Oh! They also sell Pokepuffs here! I'll get some! Which flavour do you want Swirlz?" I asked.

Swirlz chose a mango flavour one and I chose a dark chocolate one. We queued up at the cashier and paid for our items.

"Ok, from where we are now, there's a train station nearby. We can board that to Anestar City, which is a hour trip from here. Let's go!" We both walk to the train station and it took only about 5 minutes to reach. I got 2 tickets and waited at the lounge for our train to come.

"I'm so excited and nervous at the same time! How bout' you Sqirlz?" I rubbed Swirlz back. "Eevui!" She exclaimed and I replied with a smile.

The train arrived soon enough and we found two seats. We napped, talk and daydreamed all the way to Kalos City.

After about 1 hour, I got my bags ready as we're about to get off. "Kalos City passengers, get ready. We're arriving at Kalos City." A voice spoke from the speaker.

Swirlz hopped onto my lap and I carried her up. The train stopped and we got off. "Alright, let's find a hotel and go Pokehunting! Before that, let's have lunch first." I checked my phone for any nearby restaurants.

After we ate, I searched for a hotel. "There's one down the street! Let's go!" We both walk to the hotel. After 10 to 15 minutes, we reach the hotel. "I room please." I told the worker at the receptionist counter. Her quick hands typed the keyboard and gave me a room card. "Please fill in this form thank you." She handed me a blank form and a pen.

I filled in all the details needed and return the form to her. "Have a nice day!" She smiled at me and I return one to her. Swirlz raced me to the lift and she hopped onto my shoulder. I pressed the button to the level of my room. The lift started moving up and stopped at level 17.

I searched for my room and scanned the card on the scanner from the door. The light in the scanner that used to be red, turned into green.
Swirlz hopped off from my shoulder and ran inside while I fall and let the bed to catch me.

The bed is very comfortable. I then sit up and take out my phone to check the time. "Let's get ready for the pokehunt!" I exclaimed. "Eevee!" Swirlz agreed. I put on a cardigan and changed my boots into a pair of converse. Swirlz took some pokeballs and threw them into my satchel. "Let's go!"

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