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Still in our mountain retreat Rowan and I have been spending our time wisely. Not really. I love it up here, in the mountains away from all my work. I miss the twins but I know that they are being taken care of.

I loved not being around people. But then I knew that I would have to soon. There was a knock on the door. Rowan rolled over opening his eyes. He of course was naked. So was I. I groaned and got up. Rowan was propped up on his elbows, watching me get dressed. Well not really dressed, I just wrapped myself in a bed sheet.

I opened the door and saw five unknown Fae. They all looked cold as was expected while being in the Staghorns. They looked at me. My hair down and only covered in a sheet.

"Are you the queen?" One of them asked.

"Yes. Who are you?" There was no way I was asking them in without knowing who they were.

"I'm Feyre. Born and raised human but turned Fae after queen amarantha killed me. She was horrible. This is Rhysand, the high lord of the night court. This is Amren. Morrigam, Azriel, and Cassian. We just want to talk to you about something. Is this a bad time?" She asked.

"Is your little story about being killed supposed to impress me? Make me pity you? Sweety, I don't think you know what a bad queen is, or that being killed is not that bad. Just come in and don't touch anything. Let me get dressed." I said. "By the way, I already know Amren. Close the door after you." I walked back into my room where Rowan was getting dressed.

"You walked out there in just a sheet? My gods woman, you have no shame."

"Absolutely none." I say and kiss him. He was reaching for a shirt. "If I have to deal with strangers and allies right now, you don't get to wear a shirt, because if you do I won't." He growled at that and let the shirt fall to the ground.

When I finished getting dressed I walked back out into the living room with Rowan. With of course no shirt on, I myself had a half shirt on that showed half of my stomach and back. When I walked in they were all sitting on different couches. Rowan narrowed his eyes.

"Coffee." I said to Rowan.

"Isn't it a little to early to drink coffee? You might be better going on tea or water." Rowan  said.

"I was woken up in the middle of the night, I want my coffee and if you don't get it for me I will use the blood vow on you." He growled and walked off into the kitchen. I looked over at the fae. They had no idea what we were saying since we spoke in our minds.

I went over and sat on one of the couches looking at them. "What do you want?" I say bluntly. The girl Feyre looked strait at me.

"We want an alliance."

"Yes, I got that. But what for?" I ask. Rowan walked back in and I saw the girl Morrigan checking him out. I growled. He handed me my coffee. "Thank you, my love." I heard him say something about how it was still to late. He sat down next to me. Putting his hand on my thigh. That made me smile.

"The king of hybern want's to shatter the wall that protects all of the humans and take them as slaves. He wants to get rid of the high lords. And well we need you're help to kill him." Feyre said. Was she supposed to be the one that everyone falls for.

"No. I have children and I do not want to go off and fight someone else's war and risk my life and have a chance I can't go back to them. I will not risk my mates life. I am sure you can figure it out you're self."

"Aelin. Think about what you went through and what they might go through." Rowan said to me in my mind. "I'll talk to her about it and try to get her to change her mind." I shot a glare at him. "You are welcome to spend the night and stay warm but we might have to ask you to leave and fight you're own war."

Rowan and I made our way back to our own room and shut the door. I pulled my shirt and pants off, leaving me in my underwear. Then I took those off too. When I was completely naked I went and got back into my warm bed. Rowan started taking his pants off and then his undershorts. Leaving him completely naked too. He came and got back into the bed with me.

"Think about it. I understand you're worries. I do, really. But just imagine what will happen when this king gets to the humans. I don't know these people, and I certainly don't know this king. But, I know you. You don't want people to go through what you went through. But they said that the humans where going to be turned into slaves. If we go and die I understand that our children will be alone and trust me, I don't want that. But I don't want innocent people to die. I know that you don't either. I will go with whatever you decided."

"Rowan, I don't. But I also know what it is like to grow up without parents. I know what it is like to lose someone you love. I mean, nothing can be worse that the king, Maeve, and Erewan. But I don't want to go into another war. I don't want to have to pick up a sword and fight. I hate killing fields. I hate them. I love you and if there is even a chance of losing you then I can't. What if Aedion dies. He doesn't have magic. He can't fight people with magic. Iron is a possibility, but these Fae are different and I don't know the way the fight. What kind of magic they have. I don't know they're weapons. I don't know how to kill them. Is there a different way? A different kind of weapon to kill with. I like knowing the land I am fighting on. I need to know that we are going to survive. I need to know that everything is going to be alright. If I say yes, you have to swear to never leave me. You stay next to me."

"I swear it."

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