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It's weird... having them here. This was supposed to be a relaxing vacation with my mate but it has turned into a debate whether I should aid these people in their war. I know they sad that humans would be enslaved, and I hate slavery. I don't know what to do. Rowan has been telling me to help them.. but I don't want to get caught up in a war that I know nothing about. 

So far I talked to them last night and fought with Rowan about it. I will make sure to get more information about this war they are talking about before answering. At the moment I am leaning towards no. I remember growing up without parents and I don't want to do that to my children especially because I don't have an heir chosen. The day the twins were born was so chaotic that we didn't pay attention to which one of them was born first. So we decided that I would choose who would be my heir... like they do on The Southern Continent. I am leaning towards Elena. 

I don't trust these people.. I trust Amren though. She is a family friend and I know she will always be there if I need her help, and if she is fighting in this war maybe it is worth considering. War...I have fought in so many and the outcome was always positive. I don't know who is fighting.. I don't know their weaknesses or how powerful they are. I'm not sure I want to know. 

Rowan and I fought last night about many things.. our children, this war, these people, slavery, what to do with our armies. But the biggest fight we had was if it was worth it. The pain, the blood, the screams. I didn't know what to do and it would take a little while for me to be able to decide whether I should fight or not.

I have always hated war since I was eight years old and there was a battle.. the streams ran red for days after. Then when I was nineteen I had a war forced on me. I don't know. I don't know anything at the moment. Protect my children and mate and country, the only things that I really need to worry about while joining another fight.

I remember that iron box... the darkness and stench of blood. The pain I felt whenever I moved. The fear when it opened and they pulled me out to see Cairn again. I remember his laugh... his smile... the way it hurt when he used my body the way only my mate was allowed to. Maeve knew what would hurt me.. she always did. And she used those weaknesses against me whenever she could.

 By the time it was time for breakfast I was already awake as I had been for hours, ever since they came into my home. Rowan, thankfully, had gotten some sleep. But I have always had this problem that when I was thinking about something too much I couldn't sleep... only think more  about that thing. 

Rowan woke minutes after.. he looked at me with curious eyes. I nodded, we had always been able to do this.. talk without talking. 

"Make me breakfast and maybe I will think about this war," I broke the silence. 

"Okay, but first come here," he spread his arms for me to crawl into. He smelled like Terrasen.. as he should. It was always comforting, being in his arms. I felt calm immediately. 

We took a few minutes to get dressed, because Rowan kept making small comments about stupid things . He was trying to distract me, and it was working because I felt a smile come to my face and a laugh tumble off of my lips. 

The kitchen was as we left it last night except for the empty coffee mug in the sink. Rowan headed over to the stove and grabbed a pan off of the rack above. He started making food.. my absolute favorite thing in the entire world. 

Amren walked into the room, I was tired and didn't want to talk to her. But a queen never said that to potential allies. It was one of the unspoken rules. Soon everyone was in the kitchen.

"Shall we discuss?" The black haired one said. I stared at him for a second wanting to say, no I do not want to discuss. But as I said earlier it is a bad idea to be rude to potential allies. So I gave him my queenly smile and agreed. 

"I want to know everything about this war, who is the enemy,  what kind of weaknesses do they have, what weapons do you fight with? Everything," I did want to know everything, it was true and it would be an absolute no if he didn't give me the information that I wanted. 

"Five hundred years ago there was a war, almost identical to the one now. The difference was that there was already slavery and we were fighting to get rid of it. I was young-- and I didn't know how evil the world could be. My father was a monster, but he still fought on the right side.  The enemy is The King of Hybern, he doesn't really have a known name so that is what we call him. He did not want to lose his slaves. So he started a war, killing thousands in the process.  Fae and Human. It took seven years for the war to end. Ash wood has always been our main weakness. Even a scratch can have us unable to fight. They have a weapon, it's called the Cauldron, it created our world and it's power is unbelievable. It has the power to turn a human Fae. It is something that should never be used." He stopped for a moment, " for the past fifty years Pyranthian, that's where we are from, was ruled by someone named Amarantha. Amarantha wanted to rule forever, but her way of ruling was tyranny. She killed those who didn't agree with her, sometimes just torturing someone just because they were there. I because her pet. She forced me to her bed and I couldn't refuse because my people and family would be unguarded. This war will define the future for us. Us and the rest of the High Lords."

"What is a High Lord?" Rowan asked from the stove, still making me food. 

"The High Lords rule the seven courts, Night, that's us, Day, Dawn, Summer, Winter, Spring and Autumn. Our magic reflects our court, for example Kallias, the High Lord of Winter, his magic is mostly ice. Mine is darkness. See, it reflects our court. Autumn is fire, look out for them, the pricks."

"Seven rulers of seven kingdoms each with powerful magic that relates to the magic on their land. I am guessing the High Lords are more powerful than the other Fae?" A nod. 

"If I am saving lives, innocent lives, I will fight with you, but my armies will not." Amren looks at me with a desperate look, almost begging me to reconsider. "That is final, I will not risk lives for a war that does not affect them. If you would not do the same you are a poor leader." Rowan and I look at each other. It has been decided, we will fight, but no one else will. 

"You supply us with your ash weapons, you tell us everything that is happening, no secrets, I'm looking at you shadow boy. You have full use of us and our magic. We will discuss the terms later. For now we have a deal." I stick out my hand and the black haired leader reached and took it. It is a promise and a deal, both unbreakable. 

Back to war. 


Hey guys.. two updates in a week, the first ones since before EoS came out. Who want's to give me an applause? 

All of these characters belong to the true queen of the fae... Sarah J Maas. 

I love all of you guys and I hope to be able to update again soon. 

Have a nice day all my lovelies. 

Miss Galathynius 19 

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