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The night before Amren, Mor, Cassian and Azriel came to our room. Aelin had promised us two hundred and fifty thousand soldiers to fight in our war. Many of them will die, but in every war thousands die. If Manon, whoever she was, agreed to letting us use her armies we will win. Though, with the army from Terrasen we will likely win. Feyre had told us that Hybern, with his allies, had two hundred thousand. We one hundred thousand more than them, giving us the upper hand.

When Aelin told us that she had been a slave I knew that she was going to give us troops. When you know what it feels like, what it is like, you either want revenge and want everyone to know what you felt, or you want to fight so nobody has to go through what you went through. She didn't seem like the person to go with the former. She was a strong ally, one that we could not lose. When I said she could come to the high lord meeting, I meant it. Aelin had the right to know what was going to happen to her armies. I wasn't sure how the other high lords were going to take it. Aelin was beautiful in many ways, so was her mate. Surely Helion would take interest in them.

Beron, however, wasn't going to trust her very easily. He knew us, and he didn't trust us. But a queen with fire magic, the same magic that flows through his blood? He wasn't going to like her. I wasn't sure about any of the other ones. If Tamlin showed up we would find out what he thinks of her, and one look could determine his loyalty.

We leave in the morning, and I still am not sure whether it is a good idea to let her know about Velaris. Not that I don't trust the queen, but I didn't know her, not like Amren did. As soon as morning comes we will leave, taking theT queen and whoever she is taking with her.

"Are you certain we can trust her?" Azriel asks Amren.

"Yes, we can trust her. I have known her for a very long time. She and her ancestors are loyal, a little too loyal if you ask me, but they are loyal and they will not betray you," answered Amren. When Amren said something it was usually the truth.

"I trust her, I don't know her, but she seems like she is trustworthy. I feel as if i could tell her all my secrets and she wouldn't tell anybody, except Rowan," Amren nodded.

"I like her," Mor cut in.

"It's final, she comes with us tomorrow, and as soon as possible her army comes."

------------------------------------The next morning--------------------------------------

As Aelin said goodbye to her children I felt like I was taking something vital from them. If I had children I know I wouldn't want to leave them to fight in another person's war. And that just made Aelin more trustworthy, the fact that she would leave what she loves most to save millions of lives.

"Goodbye my loves, remember that mommy loves you, so does daddy. We will see you soon." With that she got up and looked at me, "I better come back to them. Promise me that I will come back to them."

"I can't promise that, I want to, but I can't."

"Let's go. We have a day before the meeting and we have to brief you guys." She nodded.

Behind her stood Rowan, Aedion, Lysandra, a woman with long white hair who I assumed was Manon, and two fae that looked like twins. Another woman ran through the doors, she had blonde hair and looked slightly like Manon.

"I'm sorry i'm late, i'll be on time next time I swear," The blonde woman said.

"My second, Asterin," Manon told me.

Soon we had the portal ready. Each of them stepped through with a bag and lot's of weapons. We soon were in Velaris, the City of Starlight. The House of Wind was exactly as we left it, the table still had papers covering it, and the faelight gleamed on the walls.

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