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          So I totally realize that I need to capitalize a bunch of stuff, and for some reason I spelled Prythian wrong. Like, what the hell? After I finish the story I am going back and editing. I didn't edit them when I wrote them for some reason. I may have another update tonight if I feel up to writing more after this chapter tonight. But, who knows? I am working on updating more often. I love this story and have always wanted to read something like this but as far as I know I am the only one who has written this with this plot. I have learned that I want to read a specific plot and nobody has it, because it is my idea and if I want to read it I have to write it. I have typed into google search before the exact plot I want, no surprise, it doesn't work that way. When I finish this story I will start writing those stories. The world and characters belong to the true queen of the fae, Sarah J Maas. Hope you guys like this chapter. I realize the number I put for troops on Aelins side was extreme, but remember this is fictional and I can do anything I want with this, that is the point of fanfiction, and usually things aren't very realistic.


                   It was weird having them here, usually I know the background of every potential ally the comes into my home, but I know almost nothing about these people. I don't know why I said yes to giving them part of our army, weren't we enough? Earlier I sent a message to Manon, it won't take very long for her to get it, only a few hours. I asked her if she could sacrifice part of her army to help us, I have no idea if she will say yes or not, but I am silently hoping. 

                    Tomorrow morning, gods above, what were we going to do about Elena and Sam? I didn't want to leave them but there is no chance I am bringing them into a war camp. As I bathed I wondered what it would be like. Would the war be worse than the ones I fought in when I was nineteen? Was this enemy worse that Erawan? Or Maeve? Or was he like the King of Adarlan? 

                    Later, when we all sat in the private dining room with the foreigners, we started to discuss. How many troops did they have? Who were their allies in their world? Names of the places where we will be fighting. We wanted to know everything.

                    The door opened and Elena and Sam rushed in to say hi and eat dinner. I smiled at their innocence, thinking how I was the same at that age. This is how I always was before war, cherishing everything I loved until the last second. My children, the most precious thing to me in the entire world, in every world. My mate. My family. How lucky I was to be alive right now, in this room, with the people who love me. 

                       I hate war, I always have, for as long as I remember. And I remember when my parents died, looking at my beautiful children. Earlier I sent a message to the healers in Dorranelle, Wendlyn, the Torre. We would need as many as possible. Rhysand said that in the last war wings of the Illyrian warriors got shredded, so I also called for as much spidersilk as I could. Anything that could help. It might seem to some that I would not be willing to help, as I was not at the beginning, but now I don't know how I thought about refusing my help. 

                      Rhysand told us to pack formal clothes as well as normal clothes. I don't know why, but I am not questioning over that small thing. I am not ready for another war, I don't think I will ever be. The screaming, the noises, the smell. I hated it all. I know Rowan did, too. I didn't know what he was feeling at the moment. He was shutting me out, I know he would tell me how he feels later, but it worries me. He seems just as he did when I met him so long ago. 

                     Tomorrow morning, that's when we left. I was still waiting for the response from Manon. I was already tired. I already missed my children. And my home. I was scared, though I knew that I didn't have a very high chance of dying. I have been training since I was eight years old, I know how to fight.

                      That night I was lying next to Rowan, looking at him, "What's wrong? You have barely spoken all day," he gave me a small smile.

                       "I am remembering the valg war, how it affected us, in particular, you. I don't want to see that happen again. I love you, and I never want to see you get hurt again. What happened with Maeve was the worst thing that had every happened to me in my entire life. Not knowing where you were, knowing what was happening to you. I knew Caryn, and I knew how he was going to hurt you. I knew what they were capable of, and when I got you back you were broken. You can deny it, you hid it from them but I could tell that you would never be the same again, and you haven't been, they might have not noticed. But you aren't the same, you will never be, this is who you are and you lost part of your personality. But you gained another part, you never want what happened to you happen to anyone else, and you will protect anyone from experiencing what you experienced."  

                            The moment after he said that Elena and Sam ran in and jumped on our bed, "We are sleeping in here, maybe you will be gone for a long time and we want to be with you. We both do." Without giving either of us the chance to respond they both crawl between us. 

                             They might never know how much I love them. They might never see us again after this, we might die, we might leave them. I would not be able to bear leaving them. 

-------------------------------------------The next morning------------------------------------------------

                             I woke up with my beautiful daughter laying on my chest, clutching me like she was never going to let go. I looked and saw Sam gripping my mate's shirt, Rowan's arms were around him. I never want to know what would happen to them if we died. 

                              We had to get up, but I didn't want to wake them up, but I knew I had too, as I started reaching over Elena suddenly grabbed it and pulled it back. I looked at her, my eyes were staring right back at me. 

                             "We should go and get breakfast and bring it back to them before they wake up," she said to me. 

                             "What a wonderful idea, what do you think they want?" I saw Rowan's eye pop open, but I quickly used the bond to tell him to act like he was asleep. 

                             "Waffles, no, pancakes! That's Sam's favorite."

                               We quietly crept out of the room, down to the kitchens where the cooks were already preparing food for breakfast. "I was wondering if you could make us some pancakes, Elena had a wonderful idea and wanted to have some to wake Sam and Rowan with. Don't you think that is a wonderful idea? I do." The cook nodded and started on the pancakes.

                              Soon we walked back into the bedroom with two plates, one for the twins and one for Rowan and I. I woke the fake sleeper first, then my son. Sam squealed when he saw the pancakes, Rowan just pulled me to him and kissed me. 

                             We all sat there eating our pancakes before we had to leave in two hours. It will be a while before we had a day like this, just the four of us. 

                             "What do you guys think about Daddy and I leaving for a little while?"

                              It was Sam who answered, "We want you to stay. But we heard Aunt Lysandra and Uncle Aedion saying that you were going to help a lot of people. And I think that is what the Queen should do. We will miss you, but we know that you will be saving lives. And we like that." Elena nodded her agreement. 

                             "You are right, my darling boy, it is the Queen's job to save as many lives as she can. Just as Elena will do when she is Queen, right?" Rowan added. 

                             "Yes Daddy. I want to be just like Mommy when I grown up." 

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