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We all were outside of white I guessed was the queen's mountain home. It truly was beautiful. But it was not the time to gawk. We had Azriel to go and try to get in but he was unable to get in, apparently there was a ward around the house. We decided that it was best if Feyre did all the talking since she really was better at getting people to do things for us. Her story made people pity her. I raised my hand and knocked. Amren sucked in her breath.

It took a few minutes for the door to open and a tall blonde woman to open the door in a sheet. She was beautiful. Truly. Her long hair going all the way down to her waist. Her eyes were wonderful too.

"Are you the queen?" Feyre asked. She looked Feyre down. Twice.

"Yes. Who are you?" Her voice was dead when she asked the question. I am guessing we woke her up. Probably from a busy night if the nakedness had nothing to do with it. Though perhaps not, maybe she doesn't have a lover.

"I'm Feyre. Born and raised human but turned Fae after queen Amarantha killed me. She was horrible. This is Rhysand, the high lord of the night court. This is Amren. Morrigan, Azriel, and Cassian. We just want to talk to you about something. Is this a bad time?" I was so proud of my mate in that moment.

"Is you're little story about being killed supposed to impress me? Make me pity you? Sweety, I don't think you know what a bad queen is, or that being killed is not that bad. Just come in and don't touch anything. Let me get dressed." She paused. "By the way I already know Amren. Close the door after you." She called. Amren was right she is a bitch. Maybe she had her reasons?

We all went and sat down on the couches. I heard some voices but I wasn't sure what they were saying. Maybe I could go in their minds, but that seems rude when they welcomed you in their home. But when has being rude ever made me stop before. I reached into her mind.

'This trip was supposed to be about peace and not having to do any work. Oh, damn Rowan. Don't put a shirt on.'

I laughed at that thought.

'Do they need something from me? I don't really want to give anything. I just gave birth. Well, four years ago but that makes no difference.'


I stopped there. Not really wanting to know her thoughts. But what was coffee? She and a man walked in. The man was very scary but handsome at the same time. He had Illyrian tattoo's down his face, chest, and arm. He walked a different way that she did. She now was wearing loose pants and a half shirt like Amren does. Aelin sat down on the couch across from the one I was sitting on.

"What do you want?" She said bluntly.

"We want and alliance." Feyre said.

"Yes, I got that. But what for?" She asked. The man from earlier walked in and sat next to her, putting a hand on her thigh. She smiled. He gave her a drink too.

"Thank you, my love." Her love? Is that who he is? A lover?

"The king of Hybern want's to shatter the wall that protects all the humans and take them as slaves. He want's to get rid of the high lords. And well we need you're help to kill him." Feyre said. The queen wasn't falling for it like everyone else.

"No. I have children and I do not want to go off and fight someone else's war and risk my life and have a chance I can't go back to them. I will not risk my mate's life. I am sure you can figure it out yourself." She said harshly. The man looked at her for about a minute.

"I'll talk to her about it and try to get her to change her mind." Aelin shot a glare at him. "You are welcome to spend the night and stay warm but we might have to ask you to leave and fight you're own war." Aelin and the man walked off.

"I know you are going to want to offer iron armor but iron blocks this world's fae's power. I know that Aelin and Rowan both have horrible experiences with iron. Rhysand, you know nothing about them. If there is a chance that someone they love will die it will be hard for them. Aelin's parents and whole court died when she was eight. She  also has lost people she has loved very much. Rowan too. And since she is demi-fae she thought she was mortal for a very long time. Giver her time to think about it. You might be surprised. Plus. Rowan is very attractive without a shirt."

It was true. He was very attractive without a shirt.

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