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 Rowan and I were getting ready for bed when he spoke, "I don't usually admit to this, but I am scared, we don't know them and we have never even met the people who are going to be at the meeting tomorrow."

At first, I was shocked, he was right, he never admitted to those things. But for that, I loved him so much more. The amount of trust we share is unbelievable, the fact that he was able to tell me that proves it.

"I am, too. But whatever happens, we will be together. As long as we are together we are safe. To whatever end, remember? Just because we are in a different world does not mean that does not apply. You are right, we don't know them. But I know Amren and I trust her to tell me the truth, no matter what it is. We will be okay tomorrow, we all will. They might be powerful, we don't know how powerful. But do any of them have the blood of a god in their veins? Probably not. I love you, Rowan. We will get through this, we always do," I said.

His eyes were lined with silver when he smiled at me. A true smile. Before long he was holding me in bed as we fell asleep.


We woke up to the smell of food. The only smell I want to wake up to at this time of the morning, not even Rowan's scent because he better not be waking me up.

I poked Rowan's arm about five times before he opened his eyes, "Food?" I nodded before getting out of bed and putting on clothes, throwing some of his clothes on the bed for him to put on. This was not our normal morning ritual. Usually, Sam and Elena come and wake us up before dragging us to go get breakfast because they have never thought that maybe, perhaps, they could figure out to get food on their own and not wake us up.

As we headed downstairs I saw that Lys and Aedion were already downstairs and eating food.

"Why the hell didn't you wake us up?" I asked.

"We knew that the smell of food was going to a much more pleasant way of waking you up rather than doing it ourselves and getting yelled at," Lys said, she did have lots of experience with waking up in the morning, and none of it was really pleasant for either of us.

"She knows you so well, fireheart. She has almost the same amount of practice waking you up, and not only in the morning."

"You know what, I don't give a fuck I just want food. I swear to god if someone doesn't show me to the kitchen in the next ten seconds will have fun shoveling horse shit in the stables for a month." As soon as I said that it was like suddenly everyone wanted to run a race and were running towards the kitchen with my hands in theirs. I smiled to myself, threats always work.

"Milady, may I introduce you to waffles and pancakes which are freakishly good and I am convinced they have some sort of poison in them that makes me want more until it kills m," my darling cousin told me.

Rowan snorted, "Yeah, that poison is called sugar."

I finally noticed that Rhys, Feyre, and Cassian were all standing in the kitchen staring at us. Rhys spoke before anybody else had a chance, "Cassian did put an excessive amount of sugar in those, plus the cream and the berries that are soaked in sugar water. We are a very healthy bunch."

"Oh, trust me, we are too. When I was sixteen I used to sneak into Aelin's room and eat all her chocolate and she got so mad at me. And that's the story of how we became best friends," Lysandra told them.

"That is so incorrect it hurts. I was nineteen and you were eighteen, we were trying to find a way to not let Aedion get executed and after that, we were planning how to kill Arobynn. We hated each other with a passion. And there was the fact that Arobynn won your bidding with my money."

"You threw a dagger at my head! I still have the scar!"

"Oh, you deserved it for fucking him and getting my money for it! Do you know how much money that was? Eight years of his god damned debt. What was it? Five-hundred thousand?"

"You know, I don't remember. But I do know I got a whole lot of your money that day. I may have been a whore, but I was a smart whore. And that's what counts."

Lysandra and I glared at each other for about a minute before Manon and Asterin came in and grabbed some food. "What's going on here? The darling queen and her friend get into a fight about fucking, whores and money?" Manon snorts before speaking again, "I relate."

When Mor made her way into the kitchen she just looked at us and started laughing. I guess she heard our entire conversation. Rowan was silently shaking beside me"

"Anyway, I came here for food, not chitchat," there was one waffle left, Mor grabbed it before I could. "Excuse me, I am giving you my army, give me my fucking food, darling."

Mor looked like she would argue before silently handing me the plate. Rowan and I walked into the living room, he sat on a couch and I sat on his lap. He cut up the waffle and started feeding me like he did when the twins were younger. This way I could glare at people and still dare them to laugh. There was one small piece of waffle left. "Oh, you can have it, my love." Rowan gave me a curious look before he grabbed the fork again and lifted the waffle up to his mouth and chewed. "For eating my food you get to eat me later," Rowan smirked at me before we heard Aedion laughing next to us.

"What, my absolutely darling cousin, do you think that is funny? Do you think my sexual pleasure with my mate is funny? Like I don't hear you and Lys talking to each other in the corridor."

"Of course I don't find it funny, I find it hysterical," Aedion retorted.

"That's it, you guys aren't allowed to talk to each other. You are not mature enough," Rowan told us. I silently agreed that Aedion is too immature to handle this, but me? I am another level of immature.

"I agree with Rowan. How about we just make both of them shut up."

Everyone agreed.

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