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She's beautiful, smart, she is everything to me. She is my life and I will never, ever let her go. At first I was scared, but I know now that I would die for her. I would kill for her, I would do anything for her, even kill myself. She was taken from me once. I was helpless, I could do nothing. She told me to stay, that was the only time that I ever overlooked her order, and I don't regret it. She wanted to do it on her own. She made that sacrifice for me, her people. She will never have to do that again. She won't, and I will keep that promise until the day I die.

Were they our friends, our enemies? We will find out soon. And I hope they make the right choice.

Because if they take her from me, they will feel my wrath. And they will not die quickly.

We are leaving for the high lord meeting in less than an hour and I am not read, and I do not mean not dressed. I have been dressed for hours, I am not ready mentally. I hate going into situations where I don't know what is going to happen.

Aelin is ready, she is always ready for this kind of thing.

But I am not, I never am. But I have to be ready, not for me, but for her.

It will be okay, we will be okay, she will be okay.


We are welcomed into the Dawn Court by Thesan, the high lord. He looked at us oddly, I expected it, he didn't know who we were. In Erilea, everyone knew who we were. But this is a new land, it's new, nobody knows who we are.

It was beautiful, not that I would admit to anyone. Anyone but Aelin, that is. All I want to do is grab Aelin and bring her home to our children, who are probably scared for their parents. This isn't our war, why are we fighting it? We have known these people for less than a week, why does Aelin trust them?

The room we are taken into is beautiful. Apparently everything here is beautiful. I look at Aelin, she is wearing a long dark green dress with long sleeves, her hair is in a fancy updo, she has kohl lining her eyes and blood red lips, it's all pulled together by the golden crown sitting on her head. If the high lords in this room had a sense of power around them, Aelin had one of royalty.

As the rest of the high lords arrived we all took our seats. Most of the high lords gave us an odd look when they saw us. It makes sense, if someone came into my home and I had no idea who they were I would give them strange looks, too.

I sat down next to Aelin, Aedion sat next to her, and Lysandra sat next to him. Manon and Asterin were sitting next to me. It seemed that the people with more power were closer to the center. Aelin didn't have her normal happy face, she had turned into what I called "bitchy Aelin". Her face had no emotion on it, she looked unimpressed. She looked unbreakable. The gold in her eyes looked like fire.

They weren't really talking about an alliance, they were just fighting. It wasn't even the amusing kind of fighting. None of them talked to us, they just glanced at us a few times. Aelin was picking through the papers Tamlin had brought, every once in awhile she would frown at it. Somehow, Aelin had brought a pen and was crossing stuff out and commenting on stuff. When she had got through the whole thing, she slid it down to Aedion who looked through all her changes, nodding a few times.

"What did you change on that? It's just information about the enemy. It's fact," High lord of Autumn said.

"Lot's of it is incorrect, actually. If you looked through it you would be able to tell. Some of it is just exaggerating the truth. It seems Tamlin here, lied. Or the information he grabbed was wrong. Don't believe anything in this. Some of it has to be the truth, but we can't know what. If you want to know what I wrote, you can take turns looking at it," Aelin responded.

"Who are you?" Tamlin demanded. "You are accusing me of lying! You don't know me! I doubt you even know what you are talking about. This meeting is for males, not females who think they know everything."

"I am the Queen of Terrasen and Doranelle. I wouldn't question me, you will regret it."

"Me? I will regret it? I am more powerful than you. We all are. We are high lords! You are just a little whore that thinks she is better than everyone," Tamlin yelled at my mate.

"I have heard a lot about you, Tamlin. And from what I know, you whored yourself out to the enemy. I doubt anyone in this room wants to tell you anything about their armies. When you run back to Hybern, I want you to tell him that Aelin Galathynius is coming for him. I want him to be scared to go into battle. Tell him that he is going to lose, and not because of you high lords, but because of me. They always think we are weak. Males, they think that females are beneath them. Well guess what, we're not. We are stronger than you, all that time you were trying to control us, we were getting stronger and stronger, and one day, we will destroy you."

"Who the fuck is Aelin Galathynius?" Tamlin yelled.

"Me, darling. Dear gods, why wasn't he listening. Rowan, why wasn't he listening?"

"I have no idea, my love," I replied.

They all looked over Aelin's notes on the papers Tamlin brought. Some of them added their own notes, too. At the end, Tamlin was fuming and the papers he brought were almost completely covered in ink. Everyone, it seemed, thought he was lying.

As the meeting went on, I could tell that Aelin was itching for it to be over. This is how she is, she likes acting not sitting in a room while everyone yells at one another. I just want to know when this is going to be over so I can go home to my children, I want to hold them and tell them that we're okay and will never leave them like that again. But I know that isn't true.

I grab Aelin's hand under the table, squeezing lightly, telling her it's okay. It's comforting to me too, knowing that she is here by my side.

This will all be over soon, I promise to Aelin, my children, and our subjects.

Authors Note:

I am so, so, so sorry about how long it took to get up, that was maybe an entire month?  I will always be grateful for anyone that reads this pile of junk. I am going to try and aim to have a once a week publishing thing. 

Thank you, and once again, I apologize. I hope you liked this chapter, it's funny, but as I have been progressing with the story I will have written a chapter, hoping that I would write this exact chapter next, but then it didn't happen and it was just a filler chapter. 

Love ya'll -

Miss Galathynius 19

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