Chapter 5 - Who Won?!

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Percy: Why is Clint tied up?

Scott: Authors fault!

TheStrangerIAm: Sooooooooooooo rude!

Clint: mm-hmm mmm!

TheStrangerIAm: Sorry, dear! I do not understand!

Loki: BEG-

TheStrangerIAm: No! You will not do that again!

*Percy quickly covered the authors mouth*


*Author disappears! *

Random Dog 🐶 : WOOF!


Percy POV

They were both in fighting stances and eyeing each other,  waiting for the other to make a move. After a while, Thor stepped forward and swung at Scott who ducked and rolled to the side.

He had come up near a rack of weapons and picked two ninja like swords and twirled them, as if he had held them since he was born.

I watched my brother circle around Thor, like he was his prey, then suddenly leeped forward. Nobody expected it,  even Thor was shocked but quickly shook it off as he watched his opponent.

Scott surprisingly had managed to jump over Thor, tucking in and sumersulting over him. He then brought the hilts down on the gods back making him stumble forward.

Using the momentum, Scott managed to spring off and land in a crouch position, but he quickly twisted his upper body around as Thor stumbled to regain his balance.

I looked behind me and saw the Avengers watch Scott closely, especially at his eyes which he had opened at the start of the fight. Although he was blind, Scott said he could always see better with his eyes open but he didn't want to disturb others because of his eyes.

"Young Midguardian is quite good at fighting, I see!" Thor then spun his hammer around and around, until clouds had gathered in the sky, which you could clearly see through the wall length windows, and lightening flashed dangerously.

"Oh... using powers, are we?" As soon as Scott said that, a green glow seemed to fill the room and Scott was his source.

Images of Scott appeared everywhere and the all moved around, this seemed to confuse Thor and the others as the couldn't keep track of the real Scott. I knew because this was simple magic.

Thor, who thought he had found the real Scott, pointed his hammer forward, and lightening flashed. But Thor seemed to have a trick up his own sleeve, as the lightening spread across each copy as soon as it hit the one he was aiming for.

"You have to try better than that!" Was all we heard as smoke filled the training room, forcing us who wasn't fighting into a room to the side where you were ment to watch fights. Why we didn't go there in the first place, I have no idea!

From there we continued to watch Thor and Scott battle back and forth, green blasts and lightening flashing around the area. After so many blasts, it was hard to see anything but you could tell the battle was still going on because you could here clashes of a hammer and sword together.

But soon, the clashing stopped which confused us. We waited for the smoke to clear and we saw Scott holding a sword  at Thor's throat, smiling with victory.

"I won!" Hopping off of Thor, he held up a hand for Thor to shake, which said person happily shook.

"Well done!" Thor congratulated as he stood up and slapped Scott on the back. Not many people would have noticed but he hissed as he stumbled but quickly hid it.

"Are you alright?" Bruce asked and he had made a mistake by touching Scott's back. Scott yelp and took a couple of steps away, only to bump into Tony who looked down, concerned.

Scott then quickly scrambled over to me and hid behind me. This made me protective over him as I started to back up with him behind me.

"Scott... I can help with your back, I promise!" Bruce said while holding out a hand but scared, Scott tightened his grip on my t-shirt.

"Scott, he won't hurt you, I promise!" With that, Steve bent down to our level and slowly reached out a hand.

I felt Scott slowly loosen his grip on my t-shirt and slowly come up from behind me. I turned my head and watched as he slowly took Steve's hand and stood next to him, watching the others warily, to which I joined him with.

"Is it alright if Bruce, here can look at your back?" Steve asked, getting Scott's and I attention. But seeing as he was talking to Scott, I continued watching the others warily.

"Only if you are there too and no one else!" Scott said, looking around at the rest of the Avengers.

* * *

Scott POV

"Okay, I promise no one else will be there. Right, guys?" Steve then looked at the rest of the Avengers who nodded.

"Okay!" With that, Steve stood up and we followed Bruce, who I didn't trust yet, into the elevator and up a couple floors to the medical bay where I was sleeping yesterday.

I grew nervous as I watched Bruce sort different things around the room, that includes several sharp objects etc.

"Can you sit on the bed please?" Bruce asked and I felt Steve pick me up and gently place me on the bed.

Once Bruce had turned around, I saw that he had a needle and thread in his hands and I started to panic. Memories started to service as I remembered something Gabe had said.

But before I could think about anything else, "Hey... it's aright he just got that ready just incase he needs to stitch any of your wounds. It's alright he won't hurt you, I promise!" I realised I had clung onto his arm, shaking. I nodded and untangled myself from him.

I don't know why I trusted him so much but he was to kind and nice to me.

"Can you take your shirt off please?" I heard Bruce asked and I looked up at Steve.

He nodded and tried for a smile as he bent down to my level in front of me. "Promise you won't freak out?" I asked, looking from Steve to Bruce and I saw them frown but they both nodded.

I slowly took my shirt off and looked away, not wanting to see there reactions...


TheStrangerIAm: Hey readers! I managed to get back to say I'm sorry about how late in the day this chapter is!

Steve: Can I have my shield back?

Tony: And the arc reactor?

Clint: And my bow and arrows?

Percy: Just give them their stuff back!

TheStrangerIAm: Okay... but I'm keeping the arc reactor!

Scott: Deal! Anyway, Thank You Readers! Hope you enjoy the chapter! Bye!!!

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