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So me and my mans Dawaun haven't had a heart-to-heart in a mintue, so I call him up and tell him swing by so we can talk about, you know, life. When he gets here, we talk about everything. How our exams went, how our report card grades were, how the summer has been going, talk about the good, bad and the ugly. He starts talking about some girl he just started seeing and she sounds nice. I start telling him about Kenzie.

"She medium brown skin, she's 5 foor 1, her eyes are this light grey color, kind of cloudy-" I start off, but then Dawaun has this confused look on his face. "What?"

"Thats funny cauuse my girl looks them same. But she got her hair in microbraids and she always has on-" He counters. But I finish his sentence.

"Pink lipgloss. What's her name again?"


"Makenzie Smith?"

He seems hesitant to answer but finally does."Yes."

"The one we met at-"

"Payless, yes" He looks stunned. I'm Stunned too. We both sat in silence for a few minutes then I shake my head.

"Impossible. There's no way. She gave me her number with my receipt."

"She gave me her number after you left the store."He says but seems distant.

"OH this CAN'T be HAPPENING Dawaun." I shout, pissed off now and still in shock.

"I can't even.." Dawaun trails off. Then both of our phones ring at the same time. I gotta text.

KENZIE<3: I gotta surprise Brookie Boo! I'm HIV positive! Now I know I should've said something before we, you know but I didn't wanna ruin the moment or our high so I let it slip to the back of my mind.

I'm paralyzed after I read the text. I feel like I am. I can't move, think. I almost forget to breathe.

"Did you just get the same text I got?" Dawaun asks in the deep, angry, tense voice.

"I,I think so. Makenzie said she had-"


"And that she should said something before-"


"Oh Shit."

"Imma kill her." He simply says, gets up and stalks towards the door.

"No Dawaun. Violence is not the answer."

"Well then what should we do?" He screams. He looks angry but I know. I know because I can see it in his eyes that he's hurt. He been hurt and deceived and he hates it so much.

"We need to go to the clinic first. Check us out. Make sure we're not HIV positive."

"She can't get away with this." He yells. He's at a breaking point and when I look into his eyes this time I know something that will shut him up. Something that will give him common sense again.

"Vengence is mine sayeth the Lord." I quote, I know he got it from the bible but I don't know where, my daddy. He told me this all the time as a child. I didn't quite understnd then but I do now. " Makenzie will get whats coming to her. Do not worry about it. Just worry about your health right now." Dawaun sighs.

"Okay?" I ask.

"Alright. Lets go to the clinic."

While we're waiting for our results at the clinic in the waiting room, we wait in silence. I can just feel anger radiate off of Dawaun. He's plotting to get back at her back I bet. I just know he is. I'm thinking about how I'm gonna tell my Aunt if I have to. After she took in and got me that beautiful card I don't know what she'll do to me.

"Ms. Wlliams, Mr. Brown," the doctor says as he enters the waiting room. "here are your results."

I got up first and crossed the room and thanked the doctor as I took both of our folders. When i walk back over to Dwaun he's standing up so I hand him his folder. I look at Dawaun and he's looking at me. We both open our folders.

"Shit." I hear him whisper and I can't even say anything when I see my results. I just feel my now wet cheeks.

"That," I don't even know "That bitch!" I run out the clinic and sit on the curb near Dawaun's car. I rest my head on my knees and let the tears fall. While I'm sitting there I hear some old but familiar voice getting close.

"Uh Brooklynn?" I look up at her voice. "Hi"

I know this heifah didn't just say hi like we are cool. "What Emella?" Perila is standing a few feet behind her.

"I can't say hi, hows it going?"

"No you can't. Because you probably don't care with yo fake ass. If I told you anything you would probably go tweet it to the world."

"Well damn."

"Yes, well damn. Because you dropped me." I almost cry from anger. "You dropped me so the world didn't think you were a lesbian or bisexual. You are a fucking fake!"

"I just wanted to see-" But I don't even let her finish. I jump up and pounce on her. I start pounding her face in. I'm throwing punches like crazy, clawing at her skin.

It takes Dawaun and two other doctors to pull me off of her. Then they promise not to call the police if we leave right away. So we hop in his car and drove off.

"What was that? I go to the bathroom and when I come outside, I see you mobbing on Emella? What's that all about?" He asks as if he was my daddy or something.

"I had enough. That fake bitch comes up to me saying hi like we ended our friendship on good terms, Makenzie gave me HIV and now I might die. I've had it with death and life." I start crying again, harder this time. Dawaun didn't try to comfort me, just let me cry. He concentrates on driving for a while before speaking.

"She got me too."

"I can't believe she would do something like this. Date both of us at the same time, then we both get HIV." I say. As I listen to my statement I realize how shocking, utterly evil and downright wrong the whole situation sounds. "We gotta get her."

"What happened to 'Vengence is mine sayeth the Lord'?"

"I guess you're right, but can I at least ask her why she did what she did." As I reply Dawaun makes a right turn, then a left and we're on our way to her house.

"Lets go."

Brooklynn In Georgia(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now