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Lunch was cool. Veda ain't start nothing. I had to ride the bus home because Dawaun had to pick up his mom because it was raining.

Now I'm daydreaming in trig. I never pay attention. I already passed this class. The exam is just a little challenging so I keep retaking it along with the class. Dawaun's in this class. He's a senior and this is a junior class. Or maybe down here it's a senior class. Either way I'm the only sophmore here. Oh well.

"What the answer to the equation, Miss Williams." The teacher tries to catch me off guard, like always. I've seen it a thousand times. I quickly answer.

"4y." I say then go back to daydreaming.

"Correct" I hear him say. He sounded mad, Oh well.

Just then the bell rings and students bumrush the door. I grab my books and start heading towards my next class. Dawaun stops me.

"Hey Brooklynn."

"Hey, whats up?"

"Uh, you seem pretty good at this algebra 2 stuff."

"Guess I am. Why?"

"I'm not."


"Damn, why you gotta make a brother ask? I need tutoring. Could you do it?" He does that cute half smile boys do when they're nervous about asking something.

"Sure. When do you wanna start?"

"How bout today? I can drop you at home afterwards."

"Sounds cool." I don't know why my heart speeds up.

"Jusque-là belle." The he grabs my hand and kisses it.

"Uh thanks I think." I blush.

"It means until then beautiful." He winks. "I say romantic things in french, sounds better."

"Well gracias romeo." I say in my lame language of spanish. Then we both leave. I have chemisty and he has P.I.G(Participation In Government). When I walk around the corner I see Veda, just standing looking like trouble.

"I knew you were seeing my man." Veda had lost her whole mind.

"I'm not seeing Dawaun. Why are you here? Didn't you graduate like last year?"

"Dom't worry about me trick! Just watch your back." She screams at me, causing a crowd to start forming. She tryna pick a fight but I gotta get to class.

"Whatever." I say moving past her to get to my class.

"Slut." Strike three. Thats it.

I drop my books on the side of the hall, walk right up to her and clock her in the face. She staggers back then tries to pounce on me and grab my waist I think, to knock me down but I step out the aay and she hits the floor. She landed pretty hard but I kick her anyways because she pissed me off. I gets back up even though she looks tore up and at first I think she's gonna try and hit me but she just stands there. I ain't got time for this so I punch her twice in the face then oncein the stomach and she falls again. This stupid 'fight' more like an ass whooping.

"You started something now, I finished it." I say standing over her then walk away. I grab my books and get to class. I'm one minute late. Whatever.

It's after school now and I'm waiting for Dawaun by his car. Two girls walk by staring at me like they're jealous but also scared for their life. I start to say something but drop it because I don't have time to be suspended. Finally, Dawaun comes jogging out the building.

"Sorry, I got into an argument with the French teacher. You ready?" He says while unlocking the door, popping the trunk, tossing our bags in the trunk, sliding into the drivers seat and starting the car. I'm left looking dumb just standing there so I hop in the car as well.

"Yeah, I guess I am."


"Mhm. So I saw Veda today."

"Really, where?"

"Um, in the hallway right after trig."

"Why was she there?"

"Starting trouble. She said some bull but I wasn't feeling that then she got her third strike, so I beat her ass!" I say, getting hype all over again.

"You mean you fought her?"

"No, I beat her ass. She didn't get a hit in so it couldn't have been a fight."


"You don't seem upset, she yo girl right?"

"Yea, but she's grown. She knew what was gone happen if she came down here and talked shit." He sounds aggravated .

"Wow, you really don't wanna be with her?"

"Honestly no. Veda's annoying, petty, childish, self-centered and a pain in the..." He pauses and tries to calm down.

"Well maybe you should see someone else." I joke but when I see him staring at me, I see he took it seriously.

"Yeah, maybe you're right." He says thoughtfully. Dawaun turns the car into the driveway, then turns it off. "And I think I know just the right girl."

The way he's staring at me is so, I don't know. It leaves me speechless and I don't know what to do I've never felt this way before.

"Vous serez bientôt le mien," He whispers then winks at me and gets out the car. What does that mean? The confused look on my face causes him to chuckle. "Come on before my mom gets here, then you'll really have to leave.

I catch my breath, then get out the car and follow him inside. Why am I tripping? It's not like he kissed me.

Brooklynn In Georgia(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now