Chapter 1: Oh Great

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"Put me down you giant trash-compactor! I'll fucking kill you!! " My screams of rage could be heard in the giant building. I'm sure i was very menacing to a 16 foot tall robot. I bet i have it absolutely terrified

The building i was in or was it a building?....The base I was in seemed to be a secret base for the robots, it was made entirely of metal and had technology far more advanced than any human tech I've seen. Plus what tipped me off it was the base was the several of the robots within the base. All ,unnervingly, had the evil red eyes that her kidnapper had. All eyes were on myself and the robot that was holding me oh so gently. Ha! I could taste blood in my mouth from where i had busted my lip trying to escape. So not only was my wrist hurting like a bitch, so was my lip.

I didn't like to admit it, but i was more than unnerved. I've been in worse situations, and not knowing the motives of the giant tin-can also helped me stay blissfully unaware. I still couldn't help the anxiety that creeped into me. How was this even possible? Giant robots? Where did they come from? Who made them? Or was it that they weren't human-made.

Aliens maybe?

The thought was a little far fetched, but i couldn't really over rule it.

I crinkled my nose at the smell of this place. It smelt very strongly of oil and musk, it was almost suffocating. The noise was horrible as well, the robots were shouting among each other, some fighting, others arguing, and it didn't seem like they were speaking English or any other human language. Sweat soaked through my clothes, i could feel the middle of my back soaked because of it. Dirt collected on my clothes as well as mud from the man hole, and I knew i smelt absolutely horrible. My hair was oily and full of grit, but despite how horrible my hair felt and looked, i tried my absolute hardest to keep my hair in my face.

"Where are you taking me? Answer me you coc-" I started only to be cut off.


"Shut up before i decide to break one of your limbs." The black and white metal-titan sneered down at me. I could see the police decals along its arms, it was after all able to take the form of a police cruiser. How ironic.

I scoffed and held my tongue. I had a mouth on me, and it tended to get me into a lot of trouble. I was a trash-talker, something i picked up from living on the streets for so long. The rational part of my brain wanted me to keep quiet and analyze the situation, which is what i was doing, but i was getting distracted with the iron grip on my torso. You know, lack of oxygen tended to do things like that. I was pretty sure my face was turning blue.

"Listen you metal metallo pompinara, I might actually be willing to keep my mouth shut if you, oh i don't know, loosen the grip on my ribs? I mean you caught me for a reason, so surely you don't want me dead for the moment. So be a pal, would ya?" My tone was dripping dark sarcasm.

The robot gave me a ominous look before tightening his grip so much i though I was seeing stars. I couldn't breath anymore, there wasn't any room to allow my ribs to expand. I grunt, obviously pained, but i tried to keep it hidden out of pride.

The robot laughed roughly, it sounded forced and almost unreal, like laughing wasn't something it could do very well. Careful, you wouldn't want to overwork those programs.

Finally, it slackened its grip, satisfied with making me suffer if only for a bit. Sadistic fucker. I gasped for air once i was able to take it in, my lungs burned horribly and my ribs ached to the point I really didn't want to expand my ribs.

I glared fiercely at the metal monster with burning hate, but held my tongue after that. Not wanting to tempt the asshole into killing me. Turning my hateful gaze away from the thing, i looked around, noting we were walking down a large hall. Occasionally a robot would pass us, not even looking our way, which was just fine with me. At the end of the hall a large doorway was approaching, i assumed that is where the titan was taking.

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