Chapter 3: What Stone?

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The autobot, Sunstreaker, finally awoke an hour after my conversation with the two decepticons. He did as I expected him to do, and that was shoot up in a frenzy and then try to figure out where he was at. I knew from his actions he couldn't see at all, that was to be expected considering his eyes were heavily damaged. He behaved liked a caged wild animal, he was ready to snap at anything and everything. I knew he felt vulnerable, I was always able to pick out vunerablity in people, and now it seems I'm able to in rob-no-Cybertronians.

I was starting to wish they chained him back up to the wall with the way he was stumbling around the cell.

"You're still in the cell! Stop stumbling around like a toddler before you step on me!" I shouted as I avoided his foot, he smacked against the bars, which instantly made him jolt back. Luckily he caught his footing and took several slow and cautious steps back. His back hit against the metal wall before he slowly sat down.

"Your eyes look awful, what did they do?" I questioned, trying to start a conversation. I was bored out of my mind.

A disgusted look passed over his face.

"Silence, before i wipe the Earth of your pathetic flesh-bag existence." He snarled, way more hostile than before.

Geez, bite my fucking head off why don't you. Thought I couldn't say I didn't expect it.

"Yes dear." I responded just to piss him off more. 

I should probably have just a smidgen bit of pity for the guy since he's blind, but I don't. For one he was an asshole, and two I'm an asshole also, so I didn't give a shit if he was blind or not.

Not having anything better to do and for the simple fact I needed to keep my muscle mass, I decided to start doing push ups. It helped me with my boredom and allowed me to think. I was used to doing strenuous exercise, so push ups were nothing for me.

So I had some time to figure out a plan before the warship I was on to land. Which meant I need to memorize every bit of this ship I could and figure out the best way to avoid the Decepticons on said ship.

I put one arm behind my back as I continued to lower myself then push myself up with graceful ease.  Sighing I turned my head over to look at the golden autobot that sat in the corner. 

I needed to gain his trust somehow, if I had him on my side while escaping then the odds would be more in my favor. At the very least he could be a sort of decoy, as shitty as that sounded. Somehow I got the feeling if it helped him, he'd do the same to me. 

If I couldn't gain his trust, maybe I could gain the full trust of Zack and Greg. They were pretty trusting for being 'bad-guys.' Maybe I could work my charm and talk them into doing small things for me to help with my escape.  Somehow i felt gaining the trust of the two decepticons would be easier than the autobot. Hell the autobot seemed to be worse than the decepticons, and they were supposed to be the baddies.

But then again I don't really know much, so I can't really judge.

When I finally stopped doing push ups, I sat in my corner and laid back against the wall with a sigh. I needed to get out of here, being cooped up like this was driving me mad. I reminded me too much of jail, and that was what made me even more antsy. Not to mention my cellmate was a total drag. I kinda missed being in a cell with women who had interesting stories to share with me or just someone to fight with. I could fight with the autobot, but I knew that wouldn't work out too well. All he'd have to do was kick me and I'd break into tiny pieces, and I really liked being whole.

I didn't really feel like trying to talk to Sunstreaker this time, not even to get a rise out of him. I was kinda tired, but the kind of tiredness you felt when you were insanely bored. Right now a nap sounded wonderful, so I decided to indulge myself.

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