Chapter 10:

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So rescuing my yellow metal damsel-in-distress wasn't going to be easy, that was an obvious. Once word got out I was free, there were men looking for me around every corner. Being stealthy was becoming much harder, but so far things were going well.

I could only imagine how pissed Luca was with me right now. I was so dead when he found me. I say when because he will, it doesn't matter if the American government had me locked away in the highest level security prison. Nothing stopped Luca from getting to me.

I pause at that train of thought and instantly I get an idea.

Quickly scouting around I managed to catch the attention of two guards, but before they could ever even try to call for back up, they find themselves with bullet's lodged in their brain. I knew with the sound of the gun shots I wouldn't have much time, so I needed to work quickly. I search through the pockets of one of the corpses, giving it a complete pat over before finding what I was searching for. I grin darkly to myself as i press in some numbers and click call.

"Where are you?" Luca's voice was dark and ominous, his patience was obviously at its limits and he had a knack for knowing when I was in trouble no matter how far away I was.

"I'm not sure, I don't have much time, I'm leaving the call going. You know what to do." I said short and clipped, letting the urgency show in my voice. I needed him to get his ass in gear, even as skilled as I was, there was no way I could take down a whole base of trained soldiers. I had some military training, sort of, but I was only one woman.

I could hear Luca barking out an order aggressively to whoever was around him and i quickly put him on mute before continuing on my trek to find my handicapped robot companion. I could only imagine how pissed he was, I'm going to take great satisfaction in knowing he's going to be even more pissed with the fact a 'lowly' human such as myself was saving his shiny metal hide.

Scanning the hallways of the building, I looked down at one of the guns I stole and checked the ammo I had remaining. Sighing softly I reloaded and began to search around, trying to find a clue to where the autobot could be.

I ventured deeper into the base, carefully walking through the dark halls with a gun in my hand. My eyes scanned the area as the sound of loud snarls began to grow louder and louder. Ah there he is.

The sound of electricity could be heard along with other machinery that sounded ominous. A dark emotion bubbled in my chest at that pained snarl I heard, they were hurting him. It didn't sound too bad, for the moment, but it was only a matter of time before they started doing even worse damage.

At least I knew where he was now, so that was great, now I just needed to break him out. 

I heard the familiar voice of the man Silas, but had zero clue what he was saying. Honestly I really didn't care, all that came from his mouth was shit anyways. The only thing I wanted to hear coming from his mouth were his screams as I break his fingers one by one and then his face with my fist.

I brought the phone up to my mouth, I wouldn't be able to hear Luca, but he could hear me.

"I hope you brought heavy duty stuff, we're dealing with top-secret military grade shit here." I spoke lowly before shoving the phone back in my pocket.

I knew my brother would bring the big guns, involving me he tended to be a bit extra. I also knew that if i mentioned to bring in the big guns he'll bring in even bigger guns. I loved my overprotective brother, even if he'd probably load a bullet into my skull after this is over for being so stupid.

I checked the amount of ammo my guns had left, then made sure I still had some grenades and smoke bombs. Taking a deep breath I creep into the room, wanting to get as close as possible to Sunstreaker so I could see how he was being restrained, I knew i had a limited amount of time before I noticed, which is why I had a smoke bomb ready. I scanned the room, I could see he was being held down by large mechanical clamps and I pretty much assumed they were controlled by the control panel that had all the fancy gadgets that also held varies torture devices, like the one they were using to pump electricity through my damsel-in-distress.

Another snarl of pain.

Definitely don't want to be in his shoes, or metal, whatever. I heard Silas speak again, once again I tuned him out in favor of creeping up behind him and his distracted men. My body was tense, I was focused and my muscles coiled like a cat ready to pounce. My steps were slow and calculated, I didn't want to risk getting seen yet and risk the chance of being shot or subdued before I could release Sunstreaker. I pause, I was as close as i was going to get, so I decide to make use of the smoke bomb on my person, I carefully pulled it from my bra and then pulled the level and then quickly set it down on the ground and roll it towards Silas. The moment everyone noticed the smoke, Silas whirled around and I took great satisfaction in ramming the butt of my gun into his temple, sending him to the floor. I quickly use the smoke as cover as make my way to the control panel, catching a glimpse of another soldier, I fired a shot, getting the guy in the neck. 

"Buona notte." (Good night) I smirk, He'd be feeling that one

I moved past the soldier who was flopping around like a fish and to the control panel and began to look over the information. There were far too many buttons, and it felt like hours as i looked them over, I hated having to pause for so long, it left me vulnerable. Avere argento vivo addoss, man this was making me fidgetyFinally I found a button that looked something like a release mechanism and pressed it. Instantly there was a loud metallic clang, letting me know Sunstreaker was now free. I got ready to go to him.

There was another much subtle click behind me. I slowly turned as Silas glared at me from behind a gun, his free hand holding his head, I could see blood trickling down the side. 

"I clearly underestimated you, I won't make that mistake again." 

Ooohhh cliffhanger!! ;D

Anyways, I know its short but i know you guys have been wanting an update! Hope you enjoyed it! :D

Sorry about any grammar or spelling issues as always, you guys know by now I rush. XD


I have a new story out, it my first official original work! Its called Demon Girl, its a super hero story with demons and angels. Its meant to be diverse in characters, so the characters come from all walks of life. You can read the description on the story's page, which is on my OTHER wattpad account (CodeNameWriter) you can find the link to my other account in my conversations page.

Please PLEASE PLEEEAAASE check it out, it would mean the world to me!

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