Chapter 2: For the Love of-!

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Do you ever just want to punch someone so much you just have to hold yourself back with all your will? 

"Where is the stone flesh-bag?" The giant idiot of a robot screetched, spit flying everywhere.

Because I do.

"What fucking stone?!" I snapped and then went into a cursing fit in Italian. I was so angry i couldn't even speak English at the moment.

He once again sent currently of electricity through me, enough to hurt, but not enough to kill me. I groaned in pain as my muscles spasmed and pain shot through me. That only succeeded in pissing me off more.

I didn't understand, what stone? This thing has been questioning me for hours, asking about a power stone or something, but I've never even heard of whatever he called the thing.

"The stone of Kaon!! You have it, I know it!" Screechy snarled as he slammed a claw hand next to my strapped down form.

The metal table under me quivered from the force, before i could open my mouth to snark a clawed talon when down my arm, cutting into the flesh. Pain shot through my arm, and I took a sharp intake of air as I hissed.

"Its a flat red crystal, with a black core, its the size of a human hand. You have it, your body reads of its radiation!" It barked

"I don't have anything! I haven't seen anything that even sounds remotely like that!" I snap, throwing my head with an angry look

"I don't have time to deal with this, I'll let Shockwave deal with you when he's done with the Autobot!" He angrily hissed, at the same moment there was a loud snarl.


To that he visibly flinched before he yanked me up from the table that i was strapped down to and tossed me at another robot.

"Put the fleshling back in the cell." He snapped and walked into the hall way opposite of us.

The robot that held me didn't even really pay me any attention as it carried me to my cell, it held me as if I were a trash bag and they were taking out the trash. I growled to myself, my body was aching horribly, but luckily that session was pretty tame to some of the pass shit I've dealt with.

When the robot oh so kindly tossed me back into cell, and after i recovered from the oh so gentle fall, I found that my cellmate was not in the cell.

Oh well, not my problem.

I scooted back over to my corner and sat there for God only knows how long. I played with my hair out of boredom, hair covering the right side of my eye, not like I could see from it anyhow. Softly sighing I looked up in time to see the evil looking robots dragging along the yellow robot that was my cellmate.

The bars shut off in a section as they dropped him in the corner, not even chaining him back up. The robots were identical, purple, red visors, basically clones since I've seen several more that looked like them. I watched as they turned away from the yellow robot and leave the cell, the lazer bars turning back on. 

Immediately my attention went to my cellmate, and I instantly sucked in a breath. Oh no. I slowly stood to my feet and moved closer. His eyes were shattered and blue liquid streamed from them. He was still and silent, which led me to believe he was unconscious.

There was no way these  guys were just simple machines. They were alive, they had to be.

He looked horrible and was probably going to be in a lot of pain. He had dents and scratches all over his armor, and in a few places there were gauges that leaked what i assumed was his blood.

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