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Okay, so as I said in the description the first chapter won't be out until September 30th. That'll give me a little time to get some planning done on the story.

This story is going to have a slower burning romance than my others....Well I'm going to try and make it as slow as possible. I have a tendency to rush things. ^.^'

As a lot of you know, my muse on my stories come and go, so there will be times my updates are slow and there will be times I'm fast. Please bear with me, I am constantly coming up with ideas for different things so my attention flip-flops everywhere because of my over-active imagination.

Not to mention I am fixing to start college, (September 19th)  so I have no clue how my schedule will be when I start. I will try my hardest to make sure I keep my muse going for this story and my others.

Thank you if you have read this far, as a reward I will give you guys a sneak peak of whats in store for this story.


It was supposed to be a simple day. All she had to do was go to the grocery store, get food, and go back to the motel. It wasn't like she was asking for any attention. For once she was hoping for some peace and quiet in her life, that was the reason she came to this small mundane city. It was a fresh start to her new life, the city was not too big and not too small, everybody was friendly but minded their own business, and most of all, no one knew her.

Yet here she was, running for her life as a giant metal titan chased after her.

What did it want from her?

She didn't want to find that out to be honest. So she ran as fast as her slender legs would take her, and that was pretty fast. She thanked herself on her decision to wear tennis shoes, she was so close to putting on a pair of heels.

"Fuck." She hissed to herself.

She was pretty used to running from things. The cops, thugs, dogs, her past, but she never thought she'd ever be running from a giant robot. She couldn't say she welcomed this change.

"Running is futile little squishy! Just give up!" The titan sneered with a dark laugh.

Like hell she would give up! What did the giant fucker expect her to hand herself over on a silver platter with a giant red apple in her mouth.

As if.

"Fuck you!" She all but screamed as she rolled to the side to avoid the beast's attempt to snatch her up. She hissed in pain when her flesh scrapped against the cement, but she had no time to dwell on such a petty wound.

She'd have a lot worse to worry about if that thing managed to get its claws on her.

People were running around screaming, cars were crashing into each other and objects as she weaved through the mess, the robot obviously catching a lot of attention. The large menacing robot snarled as it chunked a car out of its path, faintly she could hear a faint scream of agony, but she didn't want to linger on it too much.

Seeing the opportunity that would allow her to escape, the golden haired woman took it. The slender woman ran through caution tape to launch herself down into the opening of a man hole.

She knew she'd come to regret her actions only slightly.

Luckily, she had quick enough reflexes, so as she fell, she managed to grab a hold of the metal bars that formed the latter down into the man hole. Due to her weight and the speed she was falling, when she managed to grab a hold of the bar, her wrist popped painfully and her body slammed against the bars below. She cried out in pain and let go of the bar. In a matter of seconds she found herself landing on slick slimy concrete. Her back popped from the force of her land, and she laid there wheezing.

That hurt.

The beast screetched in absolute fury from above. She could hear loud crashes and banging, almost as if the thing was throwing a tantrum.

"Don't think you've escaped me! I will have you!" The thing snarled, its red eyes glaring down at her

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