Chapter 8:

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(I'm alive!!! And here to bring you an update! Enjoy this chapter full of horrible grammar, poor spelling, and typos. XD)

The drive to Saguenay Quebec was silent. I had too much on my mind to annoy the autobot, and I was pretty nervous. I rarely get nervous about anything, but seeing my brother again after so long was nerve wrecking. I knew I had a serious conversation ahead of me because I also knew my brother was not at all happy with my disappearance.

Not that I can blame him, but after what i went through, I felt like if I had stayed in Italy any longer then I would have had a melt down. I knew it was dangerous and a risk to leave Italy, leave my brother's protection, but I also knew I honestly didn't need my  brothers protection. I can take care of myself just fine, I'd just have to watch my back more than what I did when I was in Italy.

My brother had the tendency to baby me even though we both knew I was very much capable of handling myself. He just did it because I was his younger sister and his only other family member other than his son. My brother was super protective of me and I of him, but i sure as hell didn't baby him.

The wonders of being the younger sister.

"You've been silent for awhile, speak. Where are we going?" Sunstreaker sounded snappish and anxious.

"Saguenay Quebec, my brother will be picking us up and taking us to our home in Italy. From there I will see to your repairs to the best of my ability. You'll be in a safe environment with freedom to being in your robotic form." I replied as I took an exit, slowing as I turned the steering wheel.

"When your repairs are for the most part finished, I will help you go wherever it is you need to." I added as I sped up to match the speed limit of the road, taking it easy rather than speeding.

The autobot gave grunt of acknowledgement but said nothing else and i didn't bother to say any more.



Losing his optics filled Sunstreaker with a great amount of anxiety. Darkness, a lonely endless darkness. He was useless like this, pathetic even. Without Sideswipe he was also vulnerable and easy to take out. 

He could still remember the feeling of clawed digits digging into his socket, tearing into his optic and pulling it out slowly, calculatingly, but still brutal enough to do extensive damage. He could remember the feeling of the claws just stabbing into his other optic, his pain sensors blaring loudly in his cranium  and echoing down to his spark that constricted in even more pain.

All he could think about is the pain echoing throughout his frame and the darkness that drowned him. He could never see the golden sun again, the deep blue sky, the soft white clouds, the sunsets and all of the beautiful colors, the galaxy and the stars scattered across it, he'd never be able to see the beauty of the things in the universe. What hurt even more was he'd never be able to paint again, never be able to properly care for his paint job, and most of all never get to see his twin. His spark ached in despair, he needed Sides, he felt unlike himself. He was so vulnerable and alone, he hated it. His spark reached out desperately for his twin, but there was a wall between them, and his spark seemed to slam against it, making his chassis echo with a hollow pain. 

He hadn't felt this low and beaten before, and with Sideswipe not around, he felt hopeless and defeated.

Having the human as a guide was crippling to his pride and ego, but what choice did he have? Had it not been for the human, and as much as he really really hated to admit, he'd still be in Decepticon clutches. He supposed he struck lucky with getting such a competent human who'd guide him. He was surprised at how accurate and detailed she was when she gave him directions. She also did a decent job manipulating the drones she befriended.

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