Chapter 5:

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Guess whooooo?! ME!! AHAHA! I am back and totally not dead! XD And i'm here to bring you an update!! Which i'm sure you have all been eagerly awaiting. 

College has been my main concern so while I do think of my stories, my assignments are first. Even so, sorry for the very long absence. I will try to give you guys a few updates, but I really don't want to make promises that I can't keep.

And thank you guys for your patience and the support you give for my stories, it really means a lot.

Anyways, enjoy! And please, PLEASE leave comments, your comments fuel me! XD 

P.S. I know my spelling and grammar are horrible, but thats nothing new. ;D 



This was no good, not, at, all.

Sunstreaker had been taken from their cell for well over 3 hours. I was beginning to panic, if they killed the autobot, my ticket out of here will be ripped up to tiny little pieces. How could I get out if the autobot was killed off or separated from me?

This was not good.

I found myself pacing the cell while trying to come up with a back up plan. I had four days to come up with a plan to get out of this giant tin can and I was coming up blank. My thoughts kept going back to Greg and Zack, they were still talking to me about gossip and they were showing signs of being a little attached. Would their assumed attachment allow me to get them to free me? I really didn't know, but I'd have another conversation with them to find out. I'd have to push to see just how far they'd be willing to go. They've been bringing a steady amount of food to keep me sustained, even going the extra mile and getting magazines for me to read when I did not even ask for them. So that was something. Right?

I was too caught up in my thoughts at first to notice two deceptions dragging a beaten Sunstreaker until I heard his metal feet scrap ear piercingly along the floor. Looking up, my eyes widened as the two drones opened the cell door and just dropped the mech onto the ground. I had to quickly jump back to avoid being squished, i felt very irritated at that and barked out a curse.

"Watch it you---" I had to paused, fuck what was that word I wanted to say? I've said it many times. Tin-can, no, not that word either, apparently my English just went rolling down the drain  for the moment.


"Watch it you giant trash compactors!" Ah, there is is, granted I should have just kept my mouth shut since the drones were walking away.


I turned my attention to the pile of dirty yellow metal on the floor in front of me. Moving closer, i eyed him curiously before kicking at his audio, trying to see if it would get a reaction out of him. Instantly I was rewarded with a growl. Okay, he's alive.

"They really did a number on you." I stated the obvious, talking at him rather than to him. His eyes were bleeding heavily, and I was beginning to wonder if alien robots were capable of bleeding out. I watched a moment longer and decided it was possible.

"You should probably get up." He was getting his fluids everywhere and honestly I'd rather not have my side of the cell nasty with his blood or whatever the stuff was.

He attempted to get up, surprisingly, but as he tried to lift himself up his arms gave out and he crashed back down. Briefly I felt a little pang of sympathy for him. 

Just a little pang though.

I watched as he just dragged himself forward, using his hands to feel around before he found the wall he usually rested against and used to ease himself up. My eyes followed the trail of florescent blue he left, it was pretty bad this his eyes were causing him to lose that much blood.

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