Chapter 7: Fuga

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Yo, I got a new picture of Orabella in the Random section of this story. Check it out would ya? XD

Once again I apologize for spelling errors and horrible grammar. 



Sunstreaker ran faster as blasters whizzed by. Zack gaped at us but I caught the encouraging look before he began to shoot at us, and when I say shoot I mean he missed completely and horribly on purpose. I gave a nod as Sunstreaker jumped through the bright tunnel of light. 

I felt very dizzy and horrible until it disappeared as we appeared on the other side of the tunnel. We found ourselves in the middle of a large forest and I looked around quickly and instructed Sunstreaker to go west. With my help he avoided trees and other things that could potentially slow us, looking back, I could hear the decepticons trying to locate us.

"Frag, where are we?" Sunstreaker spat out in disgust that was because his feet were sinking into the damp earth, I'm sure it felt fantastic for him.

"Canadian forest, just keep going where I tell you, I'll try to get us to a road where you can do your little transformation trick." I spoke quickly.

"Left!" I shouted before he could smack into a tree, that was a little close.

Blasts started to whizz past us again and I yelped when one blast caused the bark of a tree to splinter over onto my head, luckily it was small, but I'm sure I'd be picking splinters out of my skin and hair.

Before I could give instruction, Sunstreaker smacked his shoulder into a tree and he let out a snarl. The impact didn't feel too great for me either, it surprised me and made me slams against his head with a grunt.

"Aren't you supposed to be my eyes you useless lump of flesh?!" He spat out as he righted his direction and I went back to telling him where to go.

"Look, I got several things i gotta worry about, its not easy being someones eyes."I huffed out with an annoyed tone.

He only growled at my answer as he continued running.

"I think we lost them, but keep running, id rather not risk it." I told him, he didn't answer me, but I knew he heard.

"Go towards the left, I think I hear cars." I wasn't 100 percent sure but it was worth a shot.

Immediately Sunstreaker went in the direction I told him, his pedes making imprints here and there when he'd walk over soggier parts of the forest floor. We found ourselves in a clearing for a short bit, and being out in the open like this was not something I liked. Luckily it wasn't a very large clearing and we were soon back in the cover of the woods.

"How much longer?" His tone was so irritated and pissed, I was momentarily distracted by a moose until I focused on the task at hand.

"Until I say so, so don't start complaining. You're lucky we even escaped." I gave a snort as I held onto his armor firmly to keep from falling.

"I'd watch your tone human." He warned me, I scoffed.

"Or what? You're going to squish me? Unlikely since you need me, like it or not." Sunstreaker was not happy with my reply to his threat, but he knew i was right.

I wasn't sure how long Sunstreaker was walking, but after what felt like maybe 2 hours we finally found the road. I looked around, it was empty, not a car in sight and it looked to be an older road, so it definitely was not a highway.

"Alright, we're here." Before I could finish that sentence I found myself in the middle of twirling gears and shifting parts. It all happened so fast that before I knew it I was tossed back into a low sitting leather seat. 

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