Chapter 16: River Madness

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The afternoon by the river started off like all the others in the Cupola encampment. Kids played endlessly by the river splashing and carrying on as the woman watched them from the banks. The men were situated by the edge of the trees talking about how they were going to prepare for the monthly fishing trip or the hunt along the great river.

Jordak, a tribal elder walked past the others with just a nod. He was past the age of hunting and fishing and with his warm smile and long white hair, now helped out in the overall well-being of the tribe. He nodded to a large man named Druk and continued on staring at the beautiful area the tribe called home.

The encampment covered only a small area beside the river but to the thirty or so members of the small tribe, it was more than adequate. Large trees and bushes surrounded them keeping out the cool winds during the rainy season and allowing the sun to keep the huts warm at all times.

Jordak smiled as he watched the kids frolic in the warm waters of the great river and he longed to be young again only if for a brief amount of time. He moved towards the elder's hut, walked through the door and into the sweltering heat of the interior. He sat amongst the other elders and felt the first beads of sweat come over his dark brown skin.

"Why have we been summoned, Bala?" Jordak asked a thin man seated on the far side of the hut.

Bala moved from his position in the shadows and soon half of his face could be seen. "We have been contacted by the gods."

Jordak looked shocked as the other two members of the tribe of elders stared back at him, "What do you mean we've been contacted. The gods have never seen it fit to contact us through normal days, they have always waited for the Night of Celebration!"

"I was contacted through the Morning Prayer and brought forth into the realm of shadows," Bala said sternly. "From there I was contacted by our god of light and told to bring the elders together, there we would be told in greater detail what we are to do."

"Barlock came to you in a dream? How can that be?" Jordak asked with surprise.

"Yes, he instructed us to be here at this time." Bala boasted.

"-And what did this creature look like?"

"He was deep in the shadows but I felt his presence." Bala raised his hands and looked to the sky.

"How do you know it was Barlock?" Jordak shot forth.


Jordak was calm and did not react to the outburst. "What I am saying is that the gods are strong and the minds of man are weak. Do not take the words of the gods at face value until they give you a reason. False gods have fooled many men, so all I ask for is patients. Be sure Bala; do not rush us into something that may be a falsehood."

Bala was angry but held back, "I know the difference between a false god and the real one." He wavered for a minute then felt the confidence return. "-But that's in the past, I have already agreed to its terms."

"WHAT!" The others yelled in shock, but they all knew it was too late.

The earth began to shake around them and Jordak had to stand to try and avoid crashing into the walls of the hut, but as he moved towards the door the room erupted in the brightest lights he had ever seen.

"What's going on here?" Jordak screamed but his voice was silenced by a high-pitched whistling sound coming from the center of the floor.

The sandy ground soon began to shiver and shake in place as the sound intensified. Jordak stared at movement and he was soon gasping in astonishment, the sand began to rise into the air in the shape of a globe. A blue glow began to appear as the sand slowly ran off the sides of a globe now floating above the huts sandy surface.

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