Ginger Biscuts

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Takumi stood in his kitchen, assessing what he should make for his guest. Yukihara had turned up to his house unexpectedly today and Takumi being the polite person that he was had to give the guest something to eat.

He looked around the kitchen and found some ginger in his vegetable basket. 'Oh I know! I'll make ginger biscuts.' Takumi thought and started making them.

Takumi tweeked the recipe a little by adding olive oil instead of the one commonly used, adding in a pinch of cinnamon and adding a few white chocolate chips.

Once he was satisfied with how the dough had turned out, he cut the dough into little bear shapes cause those were the only cookie cutters he could find.(not because they looked kawai.) He then put them on a baking tray and sent them to bake for ten minutes.

While that was baking, Takumi quickly made a vanilla tea for Yukihira. *Beep* the oven went and Takumi took the cookies out and set them on a plate decoratively and then set the plate on a tray along with the tea.

Takumi picked up the tray and walked to the living room where Yukihara was sat.

"Sorry for the wait." Takumi apologised and set a cup of tea with a bunch of cookies in front of Yukihara.

"Oh it's fine. Sorry to turn up unannounced.  By the way these Biscuts look really cute." Yukihira's continued talking.

"Oh it's fine and I just whipped these biscuts up. Not sure how they taste." Takumi shrugged meekly.

Yukihara took a biscut, dipped it in his tea and bit into it. His eyes widened because of the taste of the biscut. The ingredients just mixed together in perfect harmony. The biscut gave him a cool, relaxing taste.

"Oh my Jesus! That's delicious." Yukihira exclaimed "I never thought a biscut would help me relax." Souma said. Takumi was happy to know that his rival/ best friend actually liked the biscuts.

"You like it?" Takumi asked surprised.

"I love it." Yukihira said " Here try some." Souma said dipping a biscut in his tea and bringing it close to Takumi's face as if trying to feed him. Takumi felt his cheeks heat up.

"N-no tha-" Takumi couldn't complete his sentence because Yukihira had shoved the ginger biscut in his mouth.

It was actually really good, Takumi had to note down the recipe later.  Before the two boys knew it, they'd finished all the biscuts.

"So what brings you here, Yukihira." Takumi asked

"On nothing. Just wanted to check up on the second best chef of this school." Yukihira grinned

"Hey! Don't get too cocky cause you're the first seat." Takumi pouted

"Second isn't so bad." Yukihira argued

"Cause you're first, it is bad." Takumi said and Yukihira laughed

The two bantered for a while until Yukihira had to leave.

"It was nice to have your company." Takumi said.

"Yeah same. Oh and Takumi, teach me how to make those ginger biscuts some time." Yukihira said

"Sure" Takumi nodded


Being a third year and the second seat was hard because you rarely get any free time and even if you do there's paperwork and that lazyass first seat, Yukihira leaves his paperwork to Takumi too. So really life is hard on Takumi.

But today Takumi has free time cause he had finished his paperwork for today, the other day and surprisingly for once Yukihara had done his paperwork himself.

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