☡Bored ☡

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Souma hated the theoretical classes they had in Tootsuki. Who would  want to lectured about the different types of plates anyways. He already knows this stuff.

Souma looked around, he can't be the only one that's bored, right? He saw Ryou's head slumped on the desk. Looks like he was already asleep.

Souma looks the other side and sees the Alidini brothers. Isami looked like he was doodling something and Takumi had his chin on his hand, looking bored as ever.

The two made eye contact for a second and each made a face to show how boring the lecture was. Souma smiled at how cute Takumi was and winked at him.

Takumi blushed and turned the opposite side. That was adorable. Souma thought to himself. What did he do to deserve such an amazing boyfriend? He'll never know.

After a few sneaky glances at Takumi and a generation later, the bell finally rang signalling the end of the lecture.

Almost the whole class sighed in relief.

"Oh it's not over yet kids. Your plating teacher is absent so after lunch,  I'll be talking class for you all." Their lecturer said and this made everyone groaned and the lecturer smirked.

Everyone got out of class and Souma waited for Takumi. When Takumi came out of the class, the two walked up to the terrace and had their lunch.

"Today's lecture was boring, I really don't want a second part to it." Takumi complained, head resting on Souma's shoulder.

"Wanna bunk?" Souma asked Takumi with a small smirk on his face as he looked at his and Takumi's intertwined hands.

"How?" Takumi asked

"You could call your brother and tell him I'm sick and that you're taking me back home." Souma suggested

"Wow you really thought this out. What do we do though if we bunk class?" Takumi asked still a bit unsure

"How about I f**k you in the boys restroom." Souma said making Takumi choke on his own spit.

"Souma!" Takumi scolded

"What, I was only kidding." Souma justified and Takumi rolled his eyes

Just then the bell rang again. This time it was to signal the end of lunch.

"We're bunking right?" Souma asked

"Um.. I don't know about this.." Takumi trailed off

"Are you scared?" Souma mocked the half Italian

"N- no!" Takumi answered

"Then prove it. Call Isami and tell him I'm sick like we planned." Souma said smirking. Takumi took out his phone and called Isami to prove to Souma that he wasn't scared.

Souma watched him convince Isami and felt kinda bad that he made Takumi lie to his twin. Seeing Takumi sweat like crazy and look nervous showed how he probably didn't lie to Isami much. But hey, it's not a huge lie, right?

In the end, Takumi managed to convince Isami and gave Souma a victorious smile. 'Looks like it's time to initiate my plan' Souma thought and picked up his chocolate milk packet.

He then 'accidentally' squirted some off the box and on to Takumi's uniform. Takumi gasped at the juice stain.

"Oops!" Souma said "Let's get you cleaned up" He continued and led Takumi to the nearest restroom.

Thankfully there was no one else in there so Yukihira can easily initiate his plan.

Takumi went to the counter and started washing his uniform jacket that had the chocolate milk stain on it. Yukihara stood behind him waiting for the perfect opportunity.

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