Christmas Without Cookies?!

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"Goddamnit!" Yukihira cursed, setting down his bag of groceries and checking all his pockets for the keys to his bakery.

Souma was instructed to deliver nine hundred sixty nine cookies to one of his customer's over the top Christmas parties but how's he going to do that when he's locked out of his own bakery.

He could call the customer and cancel but it's against his morals as Yukihira Souma to refuse a customer their order.

The red head banged the door and even tried to karate chop it but all his efforts went in vain.

Souma almost lost all hope and was about to reenact the scene where Ebenazer Scrooge loses his mind in 'The Christmas Carol' when in the distance a little bell jingled.

Could this be Yukihira Souma's Christmas miracle? Souma picked up his grocery bags and walked towards the sound. He soon realised that the jingle came from the Aldinis' bakery.

Souma froze, the Aldinis where Souma's self proclaimed rivals. The bakery was run by two brothers and the older one, Takumi Aldini was a total nut job. The first time they met, Takumi stepped on Souma's foot and claimed that they were rivals and the crackhead didn't even say sorry for crushing his feet. The red head pouted at the thought.

Souma contemplated on whether he should go in and request to use their kitchen. He decided against it.

However, as he turned around a voice called out to him.

"Oh Souma-kun? What are you doing here." Isami, the nicer twin called out.

"Eh Isami, I just came by to see how business was going for you on holiday season." Souma said sheepishly.

"You got locked out of your bakery didn't you?" Isami asked with a raised eyebrow.

"How did you know that?" Souma asked wide eyed.

"I saw you trying to karate chop the bakery door." Isami smirked "I also know that you have to deliver nine hundred and sixty nine cookies today. Megumi told me."

"This is embarrassing and also I'm screwed." Souma chuckled bitterly

"You can use our kitchen if you want." Isami offered

"Isami, you're an angel! But then there's your crackhead brother." The redhead shivered at thought of what Takumi would do if he saw Souma in his kitchen.

"But ironically you're the one that's pining over my crackhead brother." A minor detail, Souma has a huge crush on the blonde Italian. Cause Italians man "Also nii- san's gone to get ingredients. He won't be back for another two hours." Isami said

"Okay then! I'll pay you back for this somehow, Isami!" Souma said following Isami into the Aldinis' kitchen which was much more organised than his own and had an abnormal amount of olive oil. Italians man

After assessing his ingredients and pre-heating the oven, Yukihira began to make and bake his cookies.

~One Hour Later~

Souma was done baking all of nine hundred and sixty nine cookies with two extra cookies even. Now all he had to do was decorate.

As he filled the icing bag with red royal icing, he heard a loud thud.

"YUKIHIRA SOUMA!!" Takumi yelled from the doorway of the kitchen.

"Calm down nii-san." Isami sighed from behind a red faced Takumi.

"Yeah 'nii- san' your face is so red, it's making my frosting look pink." Souma said cockly and Takumi's face only got redder at that.

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