Just Friends

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A/N Get ready for 69 time skips in this one shot.

-Takumi is one year old and Yukihara is 6 months old.-

" Ma, 'ill 'e 'ike me." One year old Takumi asked his mother

"Of course, kumi." His mother answered

Takumi looked at the child in the crib and smiled playing with the cute baby's red hair as little Souma looked at the small blonde boy with wide gold eyes and a toothless grin.

"Coot!" Takumi exclaimed " 'ouma and me be fviends!"

"You're already friends." Souma's mother said chuckling and Takumi's mother joined in.

As the elders talked, Takumi gave Souma his hand and smiled in wonder as the younger held it tight. For a moment he thought about his twin brother Isami and how much he was missing.

-Time skip to where Takumi is three and Souma is two years old-

"Kumi, kumi, kumi." Souma chanted over and over as he waddled behind Takumi like a lost puppy (A/N Can you imagine that, it's so cute.)

"We're avmost there Souma." Takumi said walking towards his house. Souma nodded and followed the blonde still chanting his name.

When they went in they were greeted by Isami and Erina. Erina was their neighbour too and always hung out with the twins and Souma because they were the only ones who talked to her.

"Let's play family." Erina demanded

"I wanna pvay something evse." Isami pouted crossing his arms. Souma looking at him and immediately mimicking him. This made Takumi giggle a little.

"I'm the eldest so I choose." Erina said

"You're evder by onvy..." Isami stopped and counted his fingers.

" S-seven mon'hs." Takumi said recalling it from a conversation between their mothers

"How do you know, nii- chan?" Isami asked

"Be'ause kumi smart!" Souma said excitedly and Isami agreed. Takumi shook his head but was flattered anyway.

After much argument they ended up playing family again much to Isami's displeasure.

"I'm the mother, Takumi and Isami are the children and Souma's the father." Erina assigned the roles, a slight blush on her face.

"But me want kumi to be mother." Souma protested to which Erina glared at the redhead. Isami giggled when he saw how red his brother's face had gotten

-Time skip to where Takumi is four and a half and Souma is four.-

"Did you two pack everything." Mrs Alidini asked the twins

"Yes ma!" Both the boys answered cheerfully

"Okay then let's get you two to the bus stop." Their mother said happily holding both of their small hands and taking them with her.

At the bus stop the twins met Souma. While Isami was socialising with the other kids, Takumi stuck with Souma.

"You look cute in your oiniform, kumi!" Souma said with a grin.

"It's uniform, Souma." Takumi corrected and as Souma tried to pronounced it, Takumi ruffled the shorter's red hair.

The two happily got into the bus when it came. The two were assigned in the same class. (Takumi and Isami joined school late.)

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