Chapter 11

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Authors Note: so, I made a new cover for this book! I'm really proud of it, also I'm considering making a cover tutorial book, so if you guys want I'll do that, just comment yes or no.

She asked him out the next day, her smile wide and her eyes full of hope.

He agreed.

His eyes often scanned over Katherine, examining the features that had made his younger self go crazy. He no longer saw the magic he once did.

Throughout the following days, Ren would find his eyes wandering throughout the halls. He would often find her laughing. Oh,he loved her laugh, a sweet sound that filled his ears with some sort of love sickness.

Her back would lean against a locker or two and her books would lay carelessly in her arms, threatening to fall out. They never did. She was always with someone, Finn fooling around with her, Poe telling a joke, or Hux trying to flirt with her. Usually ending up with red cheeks.

Katherine often  worried, she would scan over his chocolate eyes and try to melt them with hers. It no longer worked.

Rey didn't talk to him like she used to. Their conversations were often short then she was whisked away by one of her friends. But he soon realized why. Love hated him, a lot. It pushed a girl in front of him, one he would immediately fall for, then snatch her away. Kylo should just give up already, blow off Katherine after their date then sulk off to the shadows in where he belonged.

Soon enough it was the date. He showed up to Katherine's door, an awkward smile and his hand outstretched for him to take. Her parents wore pleased expressions, watching happily as they left into his car. Rey was the only thing on his mind. On the way there, she tried to start conversation but he answered bluntly, internally cursing himself for being such an ass.

When they arrived, Katherine reached for his hand, her palm was warm but out of place. The two sat down in some sort of awkward silence before Ren decided to lighten up a bit.

"So...we have a lot to catch up on." He laughed nervously, reaching for his water.

"Yeah, we definitely do." She smiled, intertwining their fingers together. Kylo moved his hand away. "Why?'

"Why what?"

"Why'd you do it? Why'd you crush my heart?"

She sat there for a few moments, her eyes wide in shock.


"Just tell me. Tell me why you left little Ben Solo a heartbroken mess! Tell me why you thought it was okay! Tell me why you left my walls miles high! Tell me why you came back after all these years! Tell me why I made Heartbreak Hotline! Oh's all because of you."

Without waiting for an answer, he stormed out of the restaurant. 

Authors Note: I hope you guys liked this chapter! I'm sorry I haven't updated many of my books, I've been really busy and school's starting soon. ALSO can you guys comment more on my recently published chapters? I feel like this sounds rude but it really helps to get feedback on my stories, and know if people actually like them. So if it isn't too much of a trouble, it'd be appreciated. ALSO ONE MORE THING: comment yes or no for a cover tutorials book!

Heartbreak Hotline • Reylo AUWhere stories live. Discover now