The movies

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Peyton's POV

I got to the DQ all the girls were waiting outside. We walked inside once I got there, we sat down at a booth. The waitress come and took our order, the girls ordered ruffly the same thing, all cokes, and fries, their burgers were just a slight different form one another. The waitress came back with our drinks, the girls started talking about their day.

"We hung out at the park and met some guys." Jordan said. I nodded.

"Yea, we met two of em." Skyler said. Bailey stayed quiet, she didn't seem  to be interested in talking.

"Nice, what did you guys do?" I asked Piper and Riley. They looked at each other and finally talked.

"We skated around town, and went into some places." Piper said. I nodded. I saw them a few times. The girls were telling me more about their day but with details now. It was interesting to hear what they were saying. The waitress came with our food, some of their faces lite up when  they say the food, mainly Piper's and Jordan's faces. I laughed at the fact that they got their food last and had disappointment in their faces.

"Thanks!" I said to her, she nodded and left with her tray. We ate our food as we talked about what ever, I finished my burger and fries, I kept my coke till the end so I could chug it. Piper and Jordan had a race to see who could eat the fastest. Didn't work they both tied. Skyler and Bailey took their time like usual and Riley just ate how ever. She took her time, then talked then ate and yea she has her own thing.

"Ready to go soon, we gotta catch that movie before we leave." I asked the girls. Jordan and Piper raised their hands,  they were ready.

"Yea, I'm good!" Riley said.

"Same." Skyler said.

"Yea, let's go." Bailey said. We left the money on the table and walked out. We were laughing and giggling, Piper and Riley were on their boards skating around. It was getting dark, it was around 6:30, the movie starts at seven, gives us time to do what ever in the mean time. We got to the drive in, we went under the fence through a hole, we took back row seats. We tend to point out stuff in the movie and talk, so we sit at the back. We all sat down.

"I'm going to get food and drinks. Want anything?" Jordan asked.

"Coke and popcorn!" They all said.

"Okay, come with me Skyler!" Jordan asked, she nodded. They got up and left towards the snack bar. The other girls all got up and stood in a circle, Bailey stayed seated beside me, looking around.

Riley's POV

The other girls left, I stood up with Piper, we talked and started yelling at random people. We thought it was fun, Peyton tapped us on the shoulder.

"Cut it out!" She yelled. We laughed, Piper  sat down a few chairs over. I sat beside her, Jordan and Skyler were gonna sit in between me and Peyton.

"What do you think the movie is about?" I asked Piper.

"The same as usual, romance!"Piper said I laughed. I got up and got bumped into someone. Piper stood up beside me.

"Watch where your standing!" Piper yelled. The guys turned, there was around six of them. I laughed and backed away from the guys.

"Sorry little lady." One of them said.

"For one don't call me little lady." Piper said. I knew she was ticked. She would attack him if she was allowed.

"Leave them alone why don't ya!" Another guy said. He walked up to us.

"I  can handle it on my own!"  Piper said. I held her back, Bailey came up to us and stood beside me. Another guy came up.

"Hey girl!" He said. I looked at Bailey she stayed quiet. "What's a nice good looking broad like you doing here with them?" He asked.

"Them.. is her gang!" I piped up. He laughed.

"Stop hiting on us!" I yelled.  Jordan and Skyler came back.

"What's going on?" Jordan asked. She looked over at the guys. " Hey Ponyboy and Johnny."

"You know them!" Piper said.

"Only the two boys, they were the guys we hang out with at the park." Jordan said. Piper laughed.

"Hey!" Ponyboy said.  I nodded.

"This is Riley, Piper and Peyton." Jordan said as she pointed to each of us.

"Hey, this is my gang. Two-bit, Dallas, Sodapop and Steve." Ponyboy said as he pointed to each one.

"So Steve... why you hiting on us?" I asked. He backed up behind the other guys and didn't answer. "That's what I thought."

"Girls sit down and shut your traps, movie starting!" Peyton yelled.  I laughed. Bailey went and sat beside Jordan and Skyler. Piper and I sat beside Peyton. Jordan, Skyler, Bailey and a few of the guys sat in front of us. Dallas,Two-bit and Steve sat beside us.

Skyler's POV

We sat down in front of the other girls, some of the guys joined us. I sat beside Ponyboy and Jordan. The other two sat beside Jordan. Bailey sat beside Jordan and Johnny. The last guy sat on the end. The movie started, we hushed up and ate popcorn while the movie played.

"Boo... get new hair. It's flopping around in your face!" Piper yelled.

"Yea while your at it get a hair cut!" Riley said. They all started laughing behind us.

"Shut the hell up will ya. It's a movie!" Jordan yelled. I laughed. They gave us a snarky look and sat back in their chairs.

"Are they always like that? Sodapop asked.

"Yes, you should see them at home!" Jordan said.  Ponyboy and Sodapop laughed.  Piper put her head in between mine and Sodapop's head.

"Pepsican you should see how she is at home!" Piper said.

"That's not his name and put a cork in it Pj!" Jordan said. Piper baked off.

"Fine, but I'm giving you all nick names. Starting with you." Pj said.

"Go for it Snarky!" Sodapop said. I laughed.

"Okay for starters your Pepsican!" Pj said.

"Okay Pj sit down and tell us after the movie." I said. She huffed and sat back in her chair. The movie was almost over now. Soda didn't seem too interested in the movie. I looked behind me and saw Dallas trying to pick up Peyton! I laughed a bit. Riley and Piper were talking between each other.

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