The Trip Day 2: Continuing

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Peyton's POV

Dal and I are cleaning up around camp, the girls still aren't back. I told them to be back before supper. Dally fell asleep on the ground, I started walking over to Dal. I saw Dal wake up, he pointed to the road. I turned around, finally the girls are back. When they pull over they get out. Riley and Logan come running out. No Austin or Piper.

"You have to get Piper!" Riley said, I was confused.

"Where is she?" I asked, Logan was silent behind her.

"In a jail with Austin." Logan said with a smirk. Dally started to laugh, I punched him in the side.

"Let's get going." I said, boy is she gonna be in trouble. We got in and drove to the front, we stopped. Logan and I got out, we walked to the front counter. I rang the bell and waited. A guy came to the front.

"Hey Carter!" Logan said, I just let them talk. They started talking, I wasn't in the mood. I pushed Logan over.

"Who's Austin's guardian!" I said, the boy ignored me and continued to talk to Logan. Some guy walked over to me.

"I am!" He said

"Good follow me and let's go." I said, he was confused. I grabbed Logan and the guy. Logan got in the bed with Riley and Dally. He sat beside me in the front.

"What's going on?" He said

"Austin is in jail! And so is Piper." I said

"What did he do now and who's Piper?" He said

"I don't know what they did,Piper is my close friend." I said, he nodded. We drove in silence the rest of the way. We got to the station and all got out. We got to the front desk.

"Hi, were Austin and Piper's guardians." I said, she looked at us.

"Bring Austin Smalls and Piper Jacobs to the front!" The lady said through the speaker. We paid the fine to bail them and sat down. I sat beside Dally and Riley.

"Weird that's my last name too." The guy said, I just nodded. I saw Piper and Austin walk out. Piper walked over, I stood up with my arms crossed. She smirked.

"Spill!" I said

"We got caught." She said

"Come on Austin." The guy said

"Sorry Ryland I didn't mean to. She threw me the cigs and I accidently dropped them and got us both caught." Austin said

"You stole again!" I yelled at Piper, she kept quiet.

"Yea." She walked over to Ryland.

"I'm Sorry Austin! It was all my fault I shouldn't of gaven those to you in the first place." Piper said, Rylan stood there as they talked.

"It's fine, happens all the time." He said, poor kid.

''Piper your not off the hook, but let's get back to the lodge." I said, she nodded and we walked out. Ryland and I sat in  the front, the rest of them took the bed. We drove back to the lodge, we all got out.

"Can Piper and I go to the campfire?" Riley asked me, I nodded.

"I guess, we'll join you after, Have fun!" I said, she smiled.

"You guys go to and grab the others." Ryland said. They left, Dal,Ryland and I are here at our campsite. I continued where I left off and cleaned. Dal and Ryland talked for awhile. I changed while I was cleaning into sweat pants and a sweater.

Piper's POV

We walked down to the campfire. Logan kept bugging me, after he tried to play with my hair I turned around and grabbed his wrist.
Riley was laughing.

"Give?" I said, he just stared and kept trying to get loose. "I'm waiting."

"Fine give." He said, I let him go. Austin patted his back, She smirked and walked into the lodge. Riley, Austin and I walked over to the fire, we sat on a log. There were other people sitting on the other side. I heard laughing and shouting from behind me.I felt breathing over my neck.

"Logan!" I yelled, I grabbed his arm and flipped him over the log. I looked down and saw a different guy. I feel so bad. "Oh.. I'm sorry."I said, he looked up and smiled. I gave him my hand and helped him up. "You okay?" I asked, Logan looked at me.

"She gone soft." Logan said, I gave him a death glare and ran up to him. I jumped on his back and started to fight him, he started to fight too. I heard Riley yelling.

"Go PJ!" She said, I smiled and continued to go after him. I saw Dally,Ryland and Peyton  walking down. Now I'm in more trouble. I kept going and he pinned me to the ground.

"Piper!" Peyton yelled.

"Logan!" Ryland yelled. the others circled us as we continued fighting. I felt someone grab me and pull me off, someone grab him and held him back.

"What's going on!" Dally said, I looked at him.

"Logan is what's going on!" I said

"No she jumped me." Logan said, I gave him a death glare as he shot one back.

"She jumped him for calling her soft and they just broke out into a fight." Austin said. Dally let me go. I pushed by Peyton and sat down with Riley. I sighed and watched the fire. Everyone took seats and sat down. The guy I pulled down sat beside me.

"Thanks for earlier. I'm Bradley." He said, I nodded.

"Piper!" He nodded. We shook hands. I grabbed a stick and waved it around. Peyton got up and took it away.

"Really. I was having fun."

"Yea poking someone in the eye." Logan said.

"very funny." I laughed and talked with Riley she was talking to some little kid."Who's that.?" I asked, he looked at me.

"Carter!" He said

"Nice to meet you Carter." I said he nodded.


"Piper but call  me Pj." I said, he looked at me.

"Why do people call you Pj?" Bradley asked, I shrugged my shoulders.

"Because it's my name." I said, they still looked at me funny.

" We call her Pj because she's Piper Jacobs." Riley said, they all understood.

"Cool, that's my last name too." Bradley said

"Nice, that would be funny if were related, but obviously were not." I said

"What are all you names?" Bradley asked.

"I'm Riley, that's Peyton and our friend Dally." She pointed to each of them.

"Well my gang back home, but I guess you girls are our gang now." Dal said

"Gee thanks feel so welcome." I said, he laughed. " Can't wait to see the others and make them jealous." I said. Riley laughed.

"Others?" Austin said

"Yea, we have three close friends and six friends I guess." Riley said.

"Yea, well if were leaving tomorrow we better get some sleep." Peyton said, we nodded and got up.

"Bye guys!" I said, they waved bye.

"Hey, we'll come say bye tomorrow." Bradley and Austin said. Riley smiled.

"Okay but were leaving at 10 so be there before." Riley said, I grabbed her arm and walked back to the campsite. Dally and Peyton followed behind. We got to the campsite, I didn't want to sleep in the tent. I decided to grab my sleeping bag and sleep under the stars. I crawled in the bag and zipped it up.

I listened to the sounds of nature and started to doze off. It was getting darker and darker. I finally was out like a light.

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