The Curtis House

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Piper's POV

I was talking with Riley about the movie and the comments I had about it. Skyler turned around and looked at us, I ignored her and kept talking with Riley. The movie was almost over, thank god. I never was a fan of the movies, they bore me. I was more into laughing at people in the movie.

"Piper wanna go to the snack shack?" Riley asked.

"Why not, Pepsican is annoying me!" I said, as I looked right at him. He smirked and turned back to the movie. We got up and walked to the snack shack. Two-bit and Dallas followed us.

"What you doing?" Two-bit asked us. I laughed. Like he wants to know.

"Getting food! What else are we doing!" Riley said. I high fived her. She laughed with me.

"Well aren't you girls friendly." Dallas said. I smirked.

"When I want to be boy!" I said. He laughed.

"I'm gonna call you...." Two-bit said

"Riley?" Riley said. I laughed. 

"No... I'll call you Mrs. Obvious! Two-bit said to Riley. She laughed

"Okay, I'll call you Mickey, because your wearing mickey!" Riley said. I laughed.  I was next and I ordered two popcorn and two cokes. I grabbed them and paid. I walked back with the guys and Riley. Dallas seems and looks like a bad boy but also a guy who goes with any girl. I need to think of names for the other guys. I probably won't see them again so nah, it won't matter.

I sat down in the same spot. Peyton ate some of my popcorn.She was enjoying the movie, I looked around, it was quiet and dark. I wanted to leave but Peyton said I had to wait till the movie was over. It was almost the end anyway, so I stayed and ate popcorn. I started to throw it at people. Aiming for Jordan and Skyler. I got them a few times.

"Pj STOP!" Jordan said, she looked at me and climbed over her seat. I stood up in front of her. I knew we were gonna fight.

"No, I think you look better with popcorn." I laughed.

"Oh yea." She said. I sighed. I looked back at Riley and smirked. I turned back around, Jordan jumped on top of me, I fell to the ground and we started fighting. I punched her a few times and she punched me a few times. The guys were either pulling us apart or cheering us on. Ponyboy, Johnny and Pepsican were trying to seperate us. Ponyboy got me off her, I didn't mean to but I elbowed him in the stomach he fell. Jordan got up, she looked terrible.

"Don't jump me!" I said to Jordan, she gave me a death glare. Skyler and Jordan went over to Ponyboy to help him.

Bailey's POV

Riley and Piper are going crazy, they can't sit still, or even be quiet. I get there bored but really, I thought they were nice and more caring then this. Peyton got up from her chair and  walked towards us. She grabbed Piper and Riley, she brought them to a corner. I was standing beside Johnny. Jordan and Sodapop were helping him to his feet.

"You okay Ponyboy?" I asked.

"Yea, I'm fine, doesn't  hurt much." He said. I sighed, I though she hurt him. I feel bad. Peyton came back with the girls. Piper stepped in front of Peyton and Riley.

"Sorry Ponyboy for elbowing you and Jordan for fighting with you!" Piper said. I knew she meant it, I can tell. She left and sat by her self. Riley stayed with, Peyton said she needed time alone.

"Let's head home girls!" Peyton said. It was around 9.

"You can't walk home in the dark at this time of night!" Ponyboy said. Johnny nodded in agreement.

" Yea, you can crash at our place!" Sodapop said. I was happy we didn't have to walk all the back and in the dark.

"Okay, fine. One night, but were gone tomorrow." Peyton said.

"Thanks Peyton!" I said. She smiled.

"Come one guys!" Sodapop said. We all left the drive in and walked down the road. We got to their house, Ponyboy and Johnny walked in, we followed behind.  When I got in I looked around, it was a cozy little place. There was a couch, some chairs and a tv,by the kitchen there was a table. We all stayed together, I saw that there  was a guy in the kitchen.

"Darry! Were home!" Soda yelled. He walked into the living room.

"Who are all these girls?" Darry asked.

"We met them at the drive in, there staying the night. They live out in the country and we said there not walking out there in the dark." Ponyboy said.

"Okay.. I'm Darry!" He said. We waved. And as usual Jordan started talking.

"Hey Darry, I'm Jordan call me JJ. This is my gang!" Jordan said. He nodded, I laughed. So did they. Dallas, Two-bit and Steve left, after we got to the house.

"I'm Skyler and this is my sister Bailey!" Skyler said, I smiled and waved.

"Piper call me Pj and this is Riley and Peyton!" Piper said as she pointed to Riley and Peyton.

"Nice to meet you all! I'm going to bed, I work tomorrow. " Darry said.

"Yea same!" Peyton said. " Riley your going to bed too, you work as well." Peyton continued.

"You guys can take mine and Pony's bed!" Soda said.

"No, It's okay!" Riley said.

"No go for it, we'll sleep here!" Pony said. Peyton gave in and  Pony  walked them down to the room. He came back. I sat on the couch with Skyler and Jordan. Piper wanted to sit by the tv, she sat on a chair. Pony sat on the other couch with Johnny. Soda sat on the floor against the couch we were siting on.

"Nice place!" Jordan said. I agree with her, it's cozy!

"Thanks!" Ponyboy said. We nodded and watched mickey mouse on tv.

"You never told us your ages!" Soda said.

" I'm 16!" I said.

"Johnny is too!" Pony said. I smiled.

"14!" Skyler said.

"Same!" Ponyboy said.

"I'm 15 an so is Piper!" Jordan said " Riley is 17 and Peyton is 18." Jordan continued.

"Nice, I'm 17 and so is my buddy Steve! Two and Dally are 18 and Darry is 20" Soda said. I nodded, the girls nodded as well.

"Yea, that's us!" Skyler said. Pony laughed. I was getting tired. I leaned my head towards the arm of the couch and fell started to fall asleep. I woke back up a few times, everyone was sleeping besides Johnny.

"Why you still awake?" I asked, he looked up.

"I don't know couldn't sleep." He said. I was kinda squished, I got up and sat beside Johnny. I was beside him and the arm of the couch.

"Mind if I sleep here?" I asked.

"No!" He said. I nodded and closed my eyes, I opened one of my eyes and looked at Johnny, he was smiling and he started to doze off too! I closed my eyes and fell asleep, I was thinking about out day and what will happen tomorrow.

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