Back Again

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Johnny's POV

I awoke to the sun just rising in the distance, the brightness caught my eye. I rubbed my eyes, I looked around. I saw Bailey beside me, she was leaning against me. I moved her hair out of her face, her face looked like she was in pain.

I took her hand, it was ice cold. I was starting to get scared, she was breathing slower then usual and she was turning blue. Her arm where she has some scraps and a small gash was the most blue.

I sat up and tapped her shoulder, she groaned. I got up and sat her up. Her body was as limp as it was yesterday. She shouldn't of left last night, it's my fault. She started coughing, and looked like she was having trouble breathing.

"Bailey!" I shouted a few times, she never answered. I lifted her into my arms. I carried her down to the hospital, on my way down Dally drove by. He stopped and hopped out of the car.

"What happened!" He asked, I almost started crying.

"She wanted to leave last night, so we did. When I woke up she was barely breathing and she's ice cold. She won't answer me. " I said between sniffles. Dally understood and placed her in the truck. I hopped in on the side with her in my arms, Dal jumped in and drove to the hospital.

"Pull the car over!" A siren with blinking lights were going off behind us. Dal pulled over, the officer walked up to his window and took his shades off.

"Why were you driving passed the speed limit?" He asked.

"Because my friend is dying!" Dally said, I think he's over reacting just a bit. The officer looked over at Bailey. He closed his note pad.

"Okay well let me help you. I'll escort you down there." He said, Dally rolled his window up. The officer put his lights on along with the siren. He was telling people to move off the road. We reached the hospital, but she was still cold and wouldn't answer me.

Dally grabbed her, he ran into the hospital, he started yelling. Nurses and doctors started rushing towards us, they put her on a bed and rolled her away. I stood in the entrance ad I cried. Dally took me in his arms and hugged me.

"She's gonna be okay!" Dal said as he tried comforting me. Wasn't working too well, I still feel bad. It's my fault I kept thinking to myself. The nurse walked over to us, she moved us to a different waiting room then the regular one. It was for visitors who has someone close that was in critical condition.

I sat down with Dal by my side. I heard yelling and screaming coming from down the hall. I looked down and saw the gang all talking and shouting at the nurses. I walked down the hall to where they are.

"There with me, it's fine!" I said, the nurse understood and let them follow me. They were asking so many questions. I wasn't in the mood to talk or answer them because this is too personnel on behalf to talk about.

"C'mon Johnny, what happened?" Pony asked, Dal told them to get off my back and sit down. I sat in a corner by myself. Skyler walked over to me.

"I know how you feel!" Skyler said, I looked at her then back at the floor. "You don't have to afraid to tell me." She continued.

"Yea I know but this is the second time and I don't want to loose her again." She looked at me, Jordan was looking at me. " What Jordan!" I asked with a kind of a mean tone.

"Nothing, you just seem the most worried besides Skyler." Jordan said, she was standing with Soda. Their fingers were intertwined, he had his arms around her waist as she held his hand.

"Well yea, I'm worried. My girl is slowly dying and it hasn't even been a day. Of course I'm worried." They all had sorry looks and disappointment on their faces.

"I'm sorry we didn't know." Jordan said speaking for everyone. I shrugged my shoulders, Skyler walked back to Pony ad Dally walked over to me. A nurse walked up to us, she stopped in front of us.

"Any one here her family?" She asked, we all kept quiet.

"Yes, Me and him!" Skyler said Pointing to me.

"Okay follow me." She said, she walked us to a room. We stood outside the door. "Bailey is in critical condition, she has hypothermia. She's also loosing her arm, she lost some circulation sometime yesterday. Were doing everything we can to save her arm and help her out." She continued. I started to tear up along with Skyler.

"What about her breathing?" I asked, she sighed and looked down at me. Skyler rubbed my back and gave me a confident look.

"Her breathing is back to normal for now, she was breathing like that earlier because she has trouble breathing, also from the hypothermia." We sighed, she opened the door and let us. She closed the door tight. Skyler and I sat at the chairs beside her bed.

"Why did you say I was family?" I asked Skyler.

"Because I know how much you mean to her and she means to you. I also knew you couldn't live without seeing her." I was grateful that she said that and let me join her." Plus you are family, you her boyfriend." She continued.

"Thanks! This means a lot." I told her, she nodded and sat back in her chair. She fell asleep awhile after. I put a blanket over her, I moved my chair to the other side of the bed.

I held her hand for a minute, I could feel the warmth being restored into her body. She made a few noises as she moved her leg. I calmed down a bit, her alarms for the machines started to go off. The nurses came in and told us to wait in the corner.

I watched as they moved or added wires and put a mask on her face. After they were all done, they explained to us what happened. She was in shock and ended up unconscious. We looked at the new machine it said "Life Support" .Skyler couldn't handle seeing her like this. She wanted air and to see Pony, she left. I took her spot beside the bed. I cried in my hands, I eventually stopped crying but fell asleep beside her.

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