Is Bailey Gonna Be Okay?

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Jordan's POV

I stayed at the hospital all night, Soda and Skyler stayed with me as well. I get my cast off anyways in a few minutes, the nurses never came and told us anything about Bailey yet. Skyler is worried, she's afraid she might loose her only family left. Sod has been watching us closely, Johnny hasn't come back since yesterday when he ran out. I feel so bad for him, I'm gonna look for him later.

"Jordan Collins!" A nurse said and walked up to us, I got up and followed her down the hall. I walked into a small room, it only had a bed and sink, some cabinets but that's all.

"Wait here, I'll be back." She said, I nodded and sat on the bed. I put my feet up and leaned back, I looked up at the ceiling. She came back with a drill or saw in her hand. She told me to stay still and don't move. I did as she said, she turned the blade on and cut the cast off.

"Rhonda! Grab me the boot please!" She said. Oh come on, I just got the cast off and now the boot.

"Do I need a boot?" I asked

"Only for a few days." She said, I sighed. The nurse walked in with a boot in hand and came to me. I slipped it on and tightened the strings so it was to my liking.

"You can leave, just sign out." She said, I nodded and walked out. I saw nurses running into Bailey's room. I walked over to Soda and Skyler, Skyler was in tears. What's happening?

"What's wrong?" I asked, Soda looked up. I sat beside Skyler and hugged her in my arms. Soda rubbed her back.

"Bailey went unconscious and isn't breathing." Soda said, I bursted into tears and cried with Skyler. A nurse walked over and bent down to our level.

"Were doing everything we can, but for now you three should go home and rest."She said, I wiped my tears off my face and got up. Skyler got up, Soda and I each put an arm around her and walked out.

We walked along the side of the road, I saw some Socs walking down the road. I ignored them and kept walking, one of them walked over to us.

"Hey greaser broads! And you." He said, I wasn't in the mood. I pushed him away, one of the smaller Socs walked up to him, he had his hood on.

"Leave them alone will ya, you caused enough trouble last night." The guy said, I recognized that voice. The two socs walked the other way.

"Declan?" I said, the guy turned around."Come here." I said.

"Yea?" He answered, I looked at him.

"Is that your brother?" I asked, he nodded.

"Why?" I s all I said, he tried to tell me what happened. I didn't want to hear it. I kept walking with Skyler and Soda. We walked up to the Curtis house, Skyler went to the couch and sat down, Pony was awake watching tv.

Johnny's POV

The girls and Soda just walked in the door. I wasn't in the mood to talk, I was scared and worried about Bailey. I know I might have been too harsh to her, but I still worry.

Jordan had her cast off and was replaced with a boot. She walked over to the kitchen and waved. I waved back.

"Hey Johnny! How you doing?" She asked, I shrugged my shoulders. I honestly don't know.

"I'm fine I guess." I said, she nodded and grabbed something to eat. She made her way to the door, put her shoes on and jacket.

"Where you going?" I asked her. She turned around.

"Back home, the girls and Dall should be home soon anyway." She said, I nodded. Soda got up and walked to her, she said bye and grabbed Skyler. They all said there good byes, Pony and Skyler kissed then she left out the door with Jordan.

The girls are gone and it's just us now, Two is sitting on Darry's chair asleep with cake in his hand. Soda and Pony came over to the table and sat down.

"You good?" Pony asked me. I nodded and put my hands in my jacket.

"I'm going to find Steve see you later." Soda said.

"Okay!" Pony said, it's just him and I now. I sat back in my chair, Pony grabbed a book and started to read it aloud. I was starting to fall asleep, I couldn't keep my eyes open. I fell asleep in my chair, I eventually started to not here Pony anymore. He either fell asleep or red in his head.

Bailey's POV

I've been unconscious for awhile, I feel like a ghost outside of my body. I can see nurses all over, earlier I went to the hall. I saw Jordan,Skyler and Soda in the waiting, I walked down to them. I saw the girls crying together, I wonder what was going on that they all of a sudden started crying.

I turned around and saw a few nurses rush to my room. I followed them, my body was laying on the bed limp. I saw a giant gash on my side, some cuts on my face and my arm has a bandage on it. I saw that I was having trouble breathing, my "ghost" could feel the same. I dropped to the floor holding my chest.

I couldn't breathe, they hooked up some machines to me. I had a mask on my face and tubes across my face from ear to ear. I saw that they put a tube in my gash and put a paper under it. Most of the nurses left the room by now, I was stable for now.

I though about it, what if. Just what if. What if I won't be able to breath on my own. What if I have to be bed ridden for awhile. I kept thinking then the question, What if I die here. I don't want to be known for being some shy and quiet girl. And what about Skyler, she could never live on her own. She would also be put in a girls home.

I couldn't stop thinking about it, I snapped out of it. I knew what I had to do. I need to get the life back in me, I need to be there for Sky. She can't live without me and the gang. What about Johnny? How we he live, I will regret what I did. What if he won't forgive me. I'm gonna do this for them, for Skyler, for Johnny and the gang. I need to get back the life in me.

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