Everywhere and Anywhere

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Riley's POV

Jordan and Soda just walked or limped into the living room, Steve was looking around. Jordan sat down on the chair and Soda beside her. Peyton got up to make diner, I don't know if the guys are staying or not. But I heard Buck is having a party, I'm going. Peyton might not let me go because it's a school night for the girls. But I'm gonna convince her to let me go, and I'm brining Piper.

Peyton was making diner, I decided that desion's had to be made. So I did what I do and made them myself.

"Are they staying?" I asked, Peyton looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders, she went back to cooking diner.

"I'm heading out to Bucks and joining Dal!" Steve said, Two-bit nodded his head.

"Yea me too! Cmon Soda!" Two-bit said as he was out the door.

"No thanks, I'm good!" Soda said, I was surprised he didn't want to party with friends.

"Okay, anyone else?" Two-bit tried to convince Peyton, didn't happen.

"Yea, I'm in and so is Piper!" I said, Peyton looked at us, them smiled. She was happy, probably because were either working or at home.

"Go ahead, but be back before eleven ." Peyton said, Piper shook her head and grabbed her jacket.

"Hey Pepsican don't stay out passed your bedtime!" Piper smirked, I laughed. It was funny, he gave her a stare. I pushed her out the door and closed it. We were off, we walked through the field to town with the guys.

Sodapop's POV

I decided to stay at the girls house, I didn't want to party anyway. I work tomorrow and I know Steve will be sorry he drank. Two-bit has school. he will probably get a hangover and stay at my house all day. The girls, I doubt there allowed to drink, Piper on the other hand. Boy is she a job, she's everywhere and anywhere. Riley will keep her in place.

"Supper!" Peyton yelled, I got up and followed everyone to the table, Jordan looked like she was having trouble getting up. I walked over and helped her up and walked her to the table.

"Thanks again Soda!" She said, I smiled. I knew she appreciated the help.

"Dig in why don't you!" Peyton said, there was chicken, corn and beans and mashed potatoes. Looked really good.

"Really good Peyton and Bailey!" I said, I know Bailey helped made this, she is apparently the chef here. I enjoyed the diner, tasted good. Skyler looked like she loved it, she was shoveling it down.

"Slow down, there's lots!" Jordan said, I laughed. Skyler shrugged her shoulders.

"Whatever and you never know!" Skyler said, she grabbed more food, she finished that. She had no food left on her plate and was eyeballing Pony's plate. He didn't start yet. He looked over at her.

"You look like you need it!" Pony said, he pushed his plate towards Skyler, she thanked him and ate half.

"You need to eat too! Here!" Skyler said, Pony took it and ate. I was happy they were thinking of others. 

"Thanks for diner!" Pony and Johnny said. Peyton and Bailey bowed. I walked with Jordan to her room, she sat on the bed and started out the window.

"You dig sunsets?" I asked, She nodded.

"Yea,I do!" She said, with a smile. "Enjoy while you can right!" She continued.

"Yea!" I said, she smiled and scooted over. I sat beside and watched the sunset from the window with her. She fell asleep a few minutes later. I laid her down and pulled the covers over her. I closed the door on my way out.

Piper's POV

We got to Bucks, Dally was already there waiting for us. We walked in, there was a bar, some booths and pool tables. This was cool, I wanted to play some pool so bad, I grabbed Riley and Two-bit. We played some pool, guess who won? I did! Me! I was happy. Two-bit looked down. So I walked up to him.

"You know what might help?"


"If you pay attention to the game and not girls that walk by! Also you suck at pool!" I said, his jaw dropped, he didn't take the advice the way I planned. He started to chase me, I ran behind Dally. He stood there with beer in his hand.

"Piper back up!" He said, I ignored him and moved around side to side. Two went to the left, I went right. I ran up the stairs, didn't like what I saw and ran back down. two was standing at the bottom.

"Ha! Got you!" He said, I smirked and punched him in the gut.

"Lost me!" I said, he got up and limped a bit before he caught his breath. I managedto run outside, I bumped into some Socs on the way out, they were talking to girls.  I pointed to a guy.

"Smells!" Then Pointed to another " Player!" Then another "Takes advantage!" I said, as I pointed to each. The girls looked disgusted and slapped them across the cheek. I chuckled in the back. They turned around and look at me. Two came running up, he didn't notice the Socs. He stood in front of me and tackled me to the ground.

"Two! Get off! There socs!" I yelled, he got up and helped me.

"Your gonna get it!" One of the guys said, I thought that was funny. Riley, Steve and Dally walked outside and saw. One Socs threw a punch to me, I swung under and punched him in the gut. He fell down. We each took on a Socs and beat the shit out of them. Once they were all out, we ran for it.

"Best night ever!" I yelled, the others didn't look too happy, I mean they were happy we beat them. But now I'm dead. I somewhat insulted them. I made that up, but the one really did smell.

"Yea, and now your gonna get it! Dally said, I shrugged my shoulders.

"No! I'm at home all the time!" I said, Riley laughed

"Really! Your gone all the time and home by sunset!" Riley said, so I'm gone. There not gonna get me, I kept trying to tell them I'm fine. We got to the curtis house, they said we were staying the night with Darry and Two-bit. How great!

"Wait, I'm out!" I said, and made a run for it. I fell though, Dally was standing in front of me. He gave me his hand, I grunted and grabbed his hand. I walked over to a couch and watched mickey, Riley took the couch and Two the floor. Riley fell asleep barely halfway through the show. I fell asleep right after, and was out like a light!

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