They Finally got Their Wish!

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Piper's POV

After we said bye we left. I actually didn't want to leave now, knowing I have brothers. I'd rather be with them, even though I just met them. We've been on the road for an hour at least, we should be home in half an hour twenty minutes. In the mean time, I just feel the breeze in my hair and the terrible smell of cow shit. I think I also swallowed a bug or two, I started coughing.

"Piper!" Riley said, she moved towards me and tapped my back so I'd stop coughing. It actually worked, once I got my breath back I spoke.

"Thanks!" She nodded and moved back to her spot. In the back window, she sat there and annoyed the crap out of Dal and Peyton. I was laughing so hard, I though I'd nearly die.

"Oh god Riley" I kept saying, she kept laughing and making fun of Dally. I thought it was actually really funny.

"Riley!Piper!" Peyton yelled. We looked at her."Both of you sit down back there and shut the hell up!" Peyton continued, Dal laughed. Witch earned him a slap. We bursted into joy.

I stopped annoying them and continued looking out into the field. Riley pointed to a sign, it read "Welcome to Tulsa". Finally, is all I thought. We drove threw town and stopped at the Curtis house. We jumped out of the back, Riley and I raced inside.The door flung open behind us as wind traveled behind us.

"Hello?" Riley asked, we didn't see anyone. It's a sunday, only Darry is working today.

"JJ,Sky,Bails?" I yelled threw out the house. I heard someone up stairs, Riley and I raced up them. We found Two-bit walking around, didn't surprise me.

"Two?" Riley asked as she tapped him. He turned around and looked at us.


"What are you doing?" I asked him. He pointed down the hall, we followed him to the front yard.

"I'm suppose to wait till you come home." Is all he said, I don't understand, Why wouldn't the girls wait for us.

"Why? Peyton said as she dropped some of their stuff off on the porch.

"Bailey's in the hospital!" Two said, Peyton almost lost she started freaking out.

"Everyone in now!" She yelled as she stormed off to the truck. She drove so fast, I can't believe she didn't get caught. Even Dally was hanging on for dear life.  She got to the hospital and parked anywhere, she slammed the door shut and ran inside.

"Peyton!" Soda said, they all got up and walked over to us.

"Where is she?" Peyton said, as she was looking around.

"Down the hall." Pony said, Peyton speed walked  down the hall. She looked at all the rooms till she found the one. She walked in and ran up to Bailey.

Bailey's POV

I'm still unconscious, I don't have the energy to try and wake myself up. At the moment I feel like a ghost, I can see and hear everything in this form. I'm gonna try and get back in my body, I tried earlier but couldn't. I saw Peyton,Riley and Piper come running into the room. The girls and their guys came after Peyton and Piper came running in.

"Bailey?" Is all I heard from Peyton, she sat there and cried. I knew I had to do something. I went over to my limp body and tried to get back in. I was able to succeed, I oved my hand a little. I felt someone touch me.

"Bailey!" I heard a few yells and sighs. I opened my eyes and got some of my vision. I saw everyone standing around me. I looked at my hand it was Johnny, I smiled as he gave me one in return.

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