Chapter 9 - Olympus Coliseum II

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This chapter is super long (like 15 pages in Word!) to make up for the last chapter being so short. This is jam packed with important stuff, so please read! There are also two sync results involving some highly requested characters so give that a read too! I hope you like it!

Enjoy! <3


You weren't sure what you were going to find down there but you knew what you were looking for. Some type of indication of where you came from or anything to do with your family—if you even had one that is. You, Kairi, and Naminé made your way into The Underworld.

You looked around as a fog settled around you and the were large rock formations blocked any view in the distance. The tunnels you traveled through twisted and turned with no indication of if you were actually going the right way or not.

"That's strange..." Kairi said.

You looked at her. "What is?"

"There's no Heartless."

You looked around. It's true, you had been down there for over an hour without incidence. "Maybe they're also put off by how creepy this place is?"

"I doubt it..." Naminé said. "I would think they would love it."

As you walked along, you thought you kept hearing noises around you, from voices to clanging noises yet nothing appeared. You turned a corner and saw thick fog leading to a crack in the wall, emitting a faint green glow and something just drew you to there. "There. There's something there."

"How do you know?" Kairi asked.

"I can just... feel it."

Kairi just shrugged and followed your lead with Naminé trailing behind. You crossed the large room, hearing voices and noises coming from the inside of the cave. Just as you were about to reach the entrance you heard growling behind you.

You three turned around slowly to see three snarling heads in front of each of you.


Immediately, you three split up and ran in opposite directions, causing the three-headed dog to all dart after you at the same time and get nowhere. You all summoned your weapons and prepared to attack.

Kairi darted forward and got in a few hits in the beast's leg before she had to duck and roll out of the way to avoid being chomped in half. She ran underneath its belly, slashing at its legs as the dog turned around to try and attack her. This left its back open and you and Naminé stepped forward. You surged electricity through your poi and shocked its hind leg a few times causing it to stagger a bit. Naminé sent a few fireballs that caused the dog to turn and snap one of its heads in her direction while the other heads barked loudly.

This isn't working... you thought. We just need to get through to the entrance, so if we can just stall it... You had an idea.

"Kairi! On my cue, use Gravity to hold it in place!" You called. As you said that you were swinging your poi faster and faster over your head in a circle, emitting a low noise. The dog stopped momentarily and Naminé got a few more fireballs in. You swung faster until the pitch rose so high it was above all of your range of hearing. The beast stopped and started whining and burying his head in its paws, though it couldn't cover all its ears at once.

"Now!" you yelled.

"Gravity!" Kairi put her hand in a fist as a large half dome engulfed the beast, pinning it to the ground. "Hurry!" Kairi and Naminé darted from behind the rocks and towards the entrance. They ran through and you followed them while the beast slowly rose to its feet and started after you. You slipped past the entrance just in time so the dog couldn't get to you.

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