Chapter 16 - Port Royal III

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A/N: Sorry about my hiatus, I hope this extra extra long chapter makes up for it! This has been the busiest year of my life, I swear. You can read my announcement if you're interested, but I won't bore you here with the details.

There are individual and sync results today! Make sure you read at least one of the individual routes. I did make them all different, so feel free to take a read on all of them if you would like! Also, there is a VERY important Sync result you must read before the individual routes!! There is also a small but important scene AFTER the individual results, so be sure to read that too! :)

Thanks for sticking with me so long!

Enjoy <3


You were on the ship back to the mainland to retrieve the gummi ship and continue on your journey. You were sitting on the deck, looking up at the stars and listening to the gentle waves around you. "How much longer, Jack?" you asked.

Jack grunted from the wheel. "About two hours, lass. Are ye that antsy to get away?"

You sighed. "Not necessarily get away, but I would like to find some answers," you responded, putting your hand over your scar again.

"Curiosity can be a dangerous thing, love."

You smirked. "Danger is a good thing."



-Sync Results-

Demyx and Zexion: "Unbroken Strings"

Demyx had lost track of you since you left Mount Olympus and the Underworld, but he had stayed behind to research more on the meaning of the prophecy with Zexion.

"I just don't understand. Why were we in her prophecy? Does it mean that we are going to be involved with her more? But then why did things come up from our Somebody days? And why—"

"Demyx, you gotta stop." Zexion was sitting with the pages of his Lexicon floating around him. "I'm doing my best to answer your questions but I can't if you continue to incessantly bother me."

"Oh, sorry," he said with a nervous laugh. "I'm just gonna walk around a bit then while you keep researching."

"Good idea," Zexion said flatly.

Demyx got up and walked back towards the witches. He saw them still there, arguing about Zack while struggling to have ownership of the free eyeball.

"He was right here and you let him get away! He never visits anymore!"

"And whose fault do you think THAT is?!"

"He's so dreamy, just give me the eye and I can see when he's coming back next!"

Ugh, Demyx shook his head in disgust. I'm so over everyone being so into him just because he's tall and has nice hair and blue eyes... I have blue eyes too. Nobody seems to care about that.

Suddenly the witches stopped as the Eye rolled to the center of the table. It started floating and emitting a bright light as a window-like screen expanded to show you in a cave fighting with a figure in black and red.

Wait, that looks like [Name]... Demyx moved closer to watch as the figure relentlessly dodged your attacks and caught you off guard repeatedly. Where the hell is Axel!? He saw the man string you up with lightning as he stopped and said something before pulling out his weapon and stabbing you all the way through the stomach. I have to save her!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2018 ⏰

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