2: Jealousy

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Thrandruil's POV

I sat in the dining hall, drumming my finger impatiently against the the table.  In front of me was a breakfast feast, waiting to be eaten.  Waiting and waiting.  But it couldn't be, not without my irresponsible yet loving son.  Sorry, feast.

The golden doors burst open.  I heard Legolas's quiet footsteps enter the hall as he took the closest seat next to the head of table, which was where I was sitting.

"Good morning, Ada."

"Good morning, Legolas," I said, not looking at him as I slid a ladle of pumpkin soup into my bowl. "Late again."

"I was ... busy," he finished, looking flushed.

Right.  Busy as in hanging out with that prissy Tauriel character again.  I scowled, "Lovely," I said in a bitter voice.

"Training," he added lamely.

"I'm sure you were," I said, patting his hand. "And with that obnoxious Commander again, I suppose?"

His head snapped towards me, "She's not obnoxious."

"Hmm?" I looked up, pretending not to have heard him. "Son, did you say something?"

He sighed, looking down at his plate, "Nothing, Ada."


When Legolas left the room, I sighed. I will not except Tauriel's relationship with Legolas.

I can't believe he had feelings for her, she isn't even a princess!

Then I started thinking of all the beautiful elves available for him. Adelaide would be nice with Legolas, so would Georgiana. I thought harder. Wait a minute ... what about ... Yes, yes, YES! She would be perfect for Legolas!

Her father is my good friend here. When we were younger, we used to visit each other's palaces. Now, back to the Tauriel relationship problem.

I made up my mind. I was going to ask him and his daughter over for a visit, TOMORROW.


Legolas's POV

Early the next day I heard a sharp rap on my door. I flipped my hair out of my eyes, "Come in, " I called, trying not to sound irritated. What time is it??!

The door opened. It was a young elven maid, "Lord Thrandruil demands your presence immediately." She said shyly.

I frowned. What in Rivendell's name could he want? "Where?"

"The Ballroom, my lord."

"Thank you," I said.

She nodded, quietly shutting the door. I started to get dressed, slipping into a simple tunic. It was too early to be in fancy clothes yet. I bet Tauriel wasn't even up yet.

After I'd changed and done my hair, I left my room, heading into the dark corridors, drifting into thought.

Why are we meeting in the BALLROOM? Are we meeting someone or what? I wondered as I entered the hall leading to the ballroom.

When I got there, the room was bustled with activity. Butlers were carrying platters of delicious buns and biscuits, I couldn't help but snatch a cupcake from a platter as it passed by.

There in the corner of the room, I could just make out a few shadowy figures lurking across the emerald studded floor.

I slowly walked toward the shadows, only surprised to find it was Ada, and two others who I didn't recognize.

He tapped his foot impatiently, along with crossed arms. "You're late," he spoke sternly. "Sorry Ada," I resisted a gulp.

"This, Elrond here is my son, Legolas."

Elrond stepped forward and we shook hands. "A pleasure to meet you Legolas," he let go of my hand.

"I want to introduce you to my daughter, Arwen," he added. She curtsied.

Arwen was breathtaking(but not as pretty as Tauriel)! With midnight hair, pale skin, friendly blue eyes, and an aqua-blue dress. She also had a pair of flats to match with her whole outfit.

"I am pleased to meet you," I said with a bow.

"Legolas, Arwen, why don't you two go out into the garden and get to know each other?" Ada suggested, shooeing us out of the ballroom as he spoke. We shrugged and walked out.

"So Legolas," Arwen started, "I have always wondered what happened to your mother." At that moment I stopped. "My mother?" She nodded.


I poured out the whole story that at the age of six, a terrible sickness swept through Mirkwood and my mother had died from it. Father had never spoke of her ever since that day started.

"I'm sorry about your loss," she had said. "It's ok, an Orc brought the disease in," I replied.

We became silent for a while as we passed the lavenders, starting to head toward the tulips.

After a while we found a bench in the section of the roses and started talking about what happened in the past.


Tauriel's POV

I scratched my head, looking both ways down the corridor.  I was supposed to start my morning training with Legolas at 6:00, but it was 6:30 and he still hadn't shown up!!! It wasn't like Legolas to be late.

Finally, I decided to look for him. As I stepped into the garden,  I noticed a mane of white hair and smiled, about to call to him, when I heard laughter. It wasn't the manly laugh I'd known all my life. It was a different laugh, a girl.

Then Legolas moved his head slightly to the side, and I could see half the girl's face. She
had midnight hair, pale skin, and pearly blue eyes.

Her laugh was like sweet clear bells.

I started walking away from the pair, feelings hurt right to the core. Then something new was forming in my heart, but what was it? Sadness? Anger?...Jealousy?

What was I going to do?

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