11: Avonlea Academy

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Legolas's POV

When I finished my royal duties, which seemed super boring today, I searched for Tauriel.

When I found she wasn't in her room, I went over to Raeyla's for her help. As soon as I found she wasn't in her room either, I begun searching the entire kingdom.

I looked in the kitchen, they weren't there. I jogged to the archery fields. They weren't there either.

Did you know, Tauriel and Raeyla are both practically twins when it came to archery?

Luckily, Arwen left for Rivendell so that problem's been put aside.

I searched like about 3 hours. Sweat begun to trickle down my forehead. I casually wiped them away.

Oh, where in Rivendell's name could they be?

I was starting to lose hope when I caught a glimpse of a stream of auburn hair near a crack big enough to squeeze through.

I immediately turned tail and rushed to the gash in the wall.

I wriggled through and to my luck, both girls were here.

This place seemed familiar, with it's sparkling waterfall and grassy bank.

Where have I seen this place again? Oh! I remember now.

Tauriel and me have hid in here from a huge crowd of followers a couple of years ago.

Aware of my sudden movement, they both quickly whirled around.

"Hey, it's only me," I replied soothingly as Raeyla begun to whip out her knives.

She let out a sigh of relief and located the daggers back into their sheaths.

"Where have you been?" I continued. "I've been looking all over for you guys."

"We've been here the whole time," Tauriel answered calmly.

I sat down on the bank of the water next to them and we begun to chat.

"Tauriel?" I questioned. She glanced at me in reply.

"Do you remember your first day at Avonlea Academy?"

Tauriel's POV

"Oh yes," I answered. "I remember."


I ran through the halls of Avonlea Academy.

I couldn't be late, not on my first day!

I almost got there, until--wham!!! I hacked into someone!

My arm hit the marble floor, my face contorted with pain.

My right arm clutched my left, which was turning bright red.

"Oh, I'm SO sorry! Are you alright?" A voice cried out. I looked up.

It was a whitish-blonde haired boy, he had cold, icy blue eyes, a silver circlet resting in his hair, a green, tinged brown tunic he wore and he had a quiver of arrows strapped onto his shoulders.

I've never thought of this about men before, but he was rather attractive!

I tried to ignore the inquisitive eyes around us as he waited patiently.

His hand was outstretched, I took it and he pulled me up to my feet.

"Thanks," I replied quietly, I knew he could hear it.

"Anytime," he called back.

I can take you to the nurse," he offered, gesturing to my bruised arm.

I hesitated. It was only a bruise, but I could see it was starting to bleed.

What choice did I have?

"Fine, then." was all I could say.

So he led me down the hall, past the principal's office and into the clinic.

I could tell something strange happening.

Every time he glanced at a girl, they would like go all nervous and flirty.

Soon afterwards, a healer arrived. She had me seated in a wooden chair and examined my arm.

"What happened?" She asked.

I looked at the blonde haired boy, unsure if I should tell her about our collision, he nodded.

So I said, "I accidentally smashed into someone on my way to class."

"I see," she murmured.

Ages later she bandaged my arm and told me I only fractured my forearm and that it'll heal six weeks later.

As I headed out the door, my rescuer walked up to me.

"I'm extremely sorry this all happened," he said, clasping his hands together.

"It's fine," I spoke casually.

I started to walk to cooking class, but the boy called, "wait." I turned.

"I haven't really gotten your name yet."

"It's Tauriel," I called over my shoulder.

"I'm Legolas," he called out after me.

I stole secret glances at him. Yep, he was attractive all right.

End Flashback

I let out a chuckle.

"What?" Legolas asked.

"I was just thinking of the time when I rammed into you at school!" I answered, looking at the scars on my forearm.

"And by the way," I added, facing him.

"Thanks for bruising my arm! What a nice welcome for the new student!"

"If I haven't done that, we would've never met."

"What a cheesy way of looking on the bright side!" I teased, fiddling with my red hair.

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