8: Camping for The Night

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Legolas's POV

We had gotten orders from father to pack what was left. We would start our journey right after everyone is ready. This changed my life forever.

I mounted with Tauriel on my dappled grey horse, Thunder. While Tauriel rode alongside me on her creamy white stallion, Milkshake.

Arwen rode nearby on a honeycomb coloured horse named Taffy.

Thunder used to be my mother's companion and my mother, queen Arin, used to be Thunder's good friend. Ever since she passed away, Thunder's mood changed from patient and gentle, to cranky and impatient. I hated his new mood.

Tauriel's POV

We rode for a while, until Thrandruil held up a hand motioning for us to stop. That was good news, why? Because my stallion here, Milkshake, always gets tired when moving to faraway places, that is why his pack is almost empty from me feeding him every once in a hour.

"We shall camp here for the night," Thrandruil insisted, gesturing towards a large lush green field not far away, big enough for all of us elves to fit onto. So could the Mirkwood palace!

"Use what you have left from home to build a shelter," then we all started hurrying about, using some material from home or some from the woods two meters away.

Using my mother's skills, I grabbed some tree branches, sharpened the ends and tied them together with vines. I stuck them into the ground so they'd stand. I then chopped leaves off trees and stuck them on the sticks as roof shingles. I added a few more layers to it just in case of it happens to rain. I backed away and admired my work.

Legolas walked over to see what I was looking at. He immediately praised my work the moment he saw it. "Great shelter building," he complimented.

"Thanks," I responded, kissing him lightly on the cheek. "How did you learn to do that?" Legolas questioned, cracking his knuckles as he spoke.

"My mother taught me, before I moved to Mirkwood." I sighed, crawling into my tipi for the night and staring up into the ceiling of leaves. Legolas joined me, intwining his hand with mine.

Legolas's POV

I felt sorry for Tauriel. She had no family, no relatives, no cousins and no friends except me. How terrible would that be to have neither at all?!

As we watched the stars through the cracks of the leaves, Tauriel asked, "so, when do you think we will find a place to rebuild the Mirkwood palace?"

"I don't know. Tomorrow? The day after tomorrow? A week later? We never know," I replied, untwining my fingers from Tauriel's and begun to crawl out of the tent.

"Where are you going?" She questioned, halfway crawling out the tipi.

"Back to my shelter," I answered, starting to walk toward the messy hut, I am terrible at shelter building by the way.

"It is really peaceful tonight, goodnight Tauriel," I said, slipping into my tent and throwing on a warm, woollen blanket.

"Goodnight Legolas," she echoed back(sort of), and poked her head back in the tipi and did the same.

The Next Day

I was the first to wake up that morning to pack. I folded my blanket and stuffed it into my pack.

I loaded my supplies onto Thunder, and fed him his breakfast: a fresh, juicy red apple. As Thunder munched on his meal, Tauriel came out, dressed in her usual forest green hunting outfit.

She also had braided her hair, along with her quiver of arrows, her bow, a pair of knives,  a sword and her confidence.

Tauriel's POV

Just at that moment when I was about to greet Legolas, Arwen, who was leaving in two days(yay!), greeted him for me(boo!).

"Morning, Legolas, morning Tauriel," that smile she always gave everyone, made me want to barf.

"Morning, Arwen," I responded, as if everything was fine. Legolas echoed me back.

"You know," she added, turning to leave. "You two look great together." She smiled sweetly again before walking away.

Now this news, shocked and surprised me. I have never seen Arwen compliment about us looking good together. But still, I liked it.

"Thanks!" I heard Legolas call out to her as she was packing for the road trip.

I grinned at him. He grinned back. Legolas leaned forward and gently kissed me . I fluttered my eyes and my arms dangled by my side, unsure what to do.

Arwen was right. We did look great together, because we are together.

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