Vacation Time

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~Soul's POV~

After everyone got settled in their rooms, the teachers told us to come to the lobby for a quick meeting.

I looked around and we were all here. All except for the love birds.

Am I really jealous? No, I can't. If anything, I have a crush on Liz. Besides, Lord Death even told me to keep an eye on him. Maybe something really is wrong with Kid.....

I looked over again and saw that they were here. Kid had his arm around Maka's shoulders. They were laughing about something. I then felt someone nudging my arm.

"Hey dude, are you alright?" Blackstar asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm just tired from the jet ride over here. I could really get some shut eye." I said, crossing my arms.

"Well, I'm here! So after this, let's get to the pool!" He said.

"Yeah!" We high fives each other.

Stein then clapped his hands, getting all our attentions. All the teachers were stood next to him. Stein then held up a mirror and Lord Death's image appeared.
"Well hello kids! I hope you all have a great time here! Don't get into any trouble and have fun. Ta-ta!" He waved goodbye and his imaged disappeared.

"Like he said, don't get into any trouble. Bed time is 10. We're here for a week. Alright now, have fun!" Stein finished and the students scattered.

"Let's go Kid!" I saw Maka pull Kid, leading him back to the rooms.

"Hey Blackstar, I'll catch up with you! I left something at the dorm." I said turning my back and walking after them.

"Whatever man!" He ran off.

I followed Maka and Kid around the hotel. I made sure I was far enough so that they couldn't see me. I looked down the hall and saw Maka and Kid walk into Kid's room. I noticed that he left the door cracked, since I could see the light.

I walked over to room, tip toeing my way over there. I stopped and pressed my back against the wall, listening. I didn't hear anything, so I just stood there for a moment. I then heard a door open and two bodies wrestling I think.

I pushed the door open and looked around to see if they saw me. When the coast was clear I opened the door fully and walked in. There was no one in the living area and the kitchen. I looked to my left and saw the bedroom door cracked open. I then heard Maka scream Kid's name.

I was nervous for some reason and walked closer to the door. I closed one eye and leaned towards the door to see what was going on. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Maka was bouncing on top of Kid, NAKED! Kid was laying down in the bed with his eyes closed. He was thrusting while Maka bounced.

"K-kid......f-faster.." Maka mumbled, still bouncing.

"I" Kid said as he did what was asked.

Maka screamed louder and then screamed his name.

I couldn't take it anymore and I ran out of the room, hoping they didn't hear me. I shut the door, quietly and ran to the pool.

"What did I just see? Did I really witness that!?" I yelled in my head.

"That was horrible! SO UNCOOL!" I yelled out loud, making my way to the pool area.


~Kid's POV~

Maka laid on top of me, panting.

"That.....was better.....then the.....first time." She said, panting and smiling while hugging me.

I rested my head on her's. I rubbed her back while kissing her head. "I loved it when you screamed my name in those different voices of yours." I said, letting the moments of a few minutes ago flood my mind.

I even left the door opened, that way Evans would see. He's been following me around everywhere and it's getting on my nerves. I had a feeling he would continue. My motives were true as I sensed him while Maka and I were having sex.

I sensed his confusion. Apparently, he wasn't getting the message. When Maka screamed my name, he ran away. He ran away to the pool area like a lost boy.

I don't know why he's trying to take my girl away from me, but it's not gonna work. Maka is mine and only mine. She will be my Death Queen.

"Maka, we should get going before someone notices." I suggest before removing the beautiful girl off my chest.

"Alright, let's head to the pool area with the others." She said while grabbing her swimsuit. She gave me a kiss and head towards the bathroom and shut the door. I got up and went to the balcony. I opened the screen and stepped out and looked down, seeing a majority of the school in the pool.

I looked over and saw the rest of the gang. Liz was tanning while painting her nails. Patty and Blackstar were wrestling in the water. Patty stared to drown him. Tsubaki was talking to Mifune and the little witch.

I then spotted Soul. He was watching Blackstar and Patty wrestle in the water. He sat at the edge of the pool, letting his feet splash in the water. He laughed as he saw Patty drown Blackstar. He then looked up and we made eye contact.

His smile quickly vanished and a scowl appeared in his face. I waved and smiled at him. I know he saw everything. I couldn't help but burst out in laughter. Soul clutched his fists and started punching the pavement. I laughed harder.

"What's so funny, reaper boy?" Maka said as she fixed her hair. She wore a really cute green and white dotted bikini.

"Oh, I'm just watching Patty drown Blackstar." I laughed pointing at them. She laughed as well.

Her smile went away. "Why is Soul punching the pavement?" She then pointed at Soul. He had his head down and punched the pavement, still splashing his feet in the water.

"I'm not sure. Let's head down there." I guided her out of the balcony. I glanced over and saw Soul staring at me again. I laughed at him again, making him more angry.

Maka and I left the room and headed towards the pool.

"Well, you who finally showed up!" Liz took her sunglasses off and pointed at us. "Where were you guys?" She asked.

"Well, Maka and I just walked around a little bit. I wanted to spend time with her." I said, grabbing her hand. She looked at me and I gave her a wink. She blushed.

Soul had stopped punching the pavement and made a noise. "Yeah, alone time" He said, adding emphasis on 'alone time'.

Blackstar then grabbed Soul's feet and dragged him in the water. They started wrestling. Patty joined in and so did Maka. Tsubaki went and sat down next to Liz, talking about boys.

I then felt Voice's presence. "Guys, I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Be right back." I said, then leaving.

I ran towards the bathroom and then checked to see if anyone was there.

"What is it?" I said out loud, after checking the bathroom.

Voice appeared as Spirit this time. Why Spirit? I'll never understand why he transforms into these copies.

As if answering my question, he said "Well, this human is your lover's parent." He then smiled. "Anyway your highness. Everything is going according to plan. I thought I should inform you."

"Good. And my father?" I asked.

"Still clueless as ever, my lord."

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