Twist Of Events

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~Maka's POV~

~ Right Before The Bon Fire ~

It was our last day in Hawaii. The whole students decided to have a Bon fire on the beach. The teachers agreed and we spent the day preparing for tonight's Bon fire. The sun was going down and we all had to carry some things to the beach.

"Come on guys!" I yelled.

"Shut up Maka. You're not the one carrying all this fire wood!" Soul yelled.

The boys were carrying tons and tons of fire wood from the store to the beach. Kid couldn't use his skateboard because of the weight of the wood. Blackstar carried the most but even he struggled. Liz and Patty carried fuel while Tsubaki and I carried food.

The students brought blankets and other things so they could lay down on the beach.

"Hurry up guys! You're the last group here!" Stein yelled.

"You're not the one carrying the fire wood!!" The boys yelled back at him.

Stein laughed. "You're not the only group that carried the wood. Now get your asses moving!" He then lit a cigarette.

The boys finally made it to the beach and dropped the wood on the sand.

"About time." Stein said.

"I can't feel my arms." Soul complained.

"Same" Blackstar and Kid said.

"Come on guys!" Liz and Tsubaki came over in their bikinis. I looked at the guys. Soul and Blackstar's jaws dropped and had nose bleeds. Kid saw Soul's gaze and tackled him.

"That my weapon, you disgusting slob!" Kid yelled.

"Well, you're with my meister!" Soul yelled back.

They started fighting and a cloud of dust followed in their fight. Blackstar just laughed at them.

A sweat drop appeared on me, Liz and Tsubaki's head. We walked away from the idiots.

Liz patted Tsubaki's shoulder when we were far enough from the boys. "I see Blackstar liked what he saw." She teased.

Tsubaki's face went red. We all laughed.

Finally the boys stopped fighting and joined us on the beach.

Kid picked me up and ran towards the water. "Kid! Put me down!"

He laughed. "Okay!" He then threw me in the water. After that, he came in with me.

"Oh my Death, it's cold!" I yelled through my laughs.

Kid laughed his ass off.

~ During The Bon Fire ~

Later that night, all the students sat by the three huge Bon fires. Kid sat next to me with his arm around my shoulder. Liz started getting tired, so she put her head on Soul's shoulder. Soul blushed. Blackstar, Patty and Tsubaki were still in the water.

"Our weapons seem to like each other." Kid whispered. He then kissed my forehead.

"That's cute." I said.

The Death Scythes (minus Azusa and Justin), Stein and the rest of the teachers were telling the students stories about what their life was like in the academy.

Papa explained that his ex-wife (Mama) made him into a Death Scythe. After that, he explained what it felt like to become Death's personal weapon. I liked hearing the stories about my mom. Him and Stein then got into an argument and Ms.Marie tried to shut them up.

I couldn't help but smile.

"What are you smiling for?" Kid asked, rubbing my shoulders.

"I'm smiling at the peace. I've never been this happy before." I smiled, looking deep in his eyes. His eyes suddenly had regret and sadness in them. "Kid, what's wrong?" I asked.

He looked down at the sand. "Nothing, I'm happy to." He then lifted his head and looked at the stars. "I just think, we could be happier." He then smiled.

"How?" I asked. He never answered me. He just continued to smile.

Okay, I guess....

"Alright kids! It's 12, let's put out the fire and head back to the hotel! We need be up and ready by 8:00 sharp!"

It took about a half an hour for us to clean everything up and head back to the hotel.

I kissed Kid goodnight and went in my room with Tsubaki.

~ The Next Day ~

After everyone was ready to go, we went towards the jets to head back to Death City. As I sat down at my seat, in between Kid and Soul, I saw Stein struggling with something.

"Hey Stein, is something wrong?" I asked.

"Oh, it's just I haven't been able to contact Lord Death since we got here. He hasn't called us and I'm beginning to thing that something happened while we were away. Don't worry about it." He said.

Before I sat back down, I saw Kid and Soul looked at each other and smile. I smiled back and sat down between them.

"What are you two smiling at?" I asked them playfully.

Their smiles went away but they laughed awkwardly. Soul spoke first.

"Oh, well we're not smiling at anything" He said, trying to cover up his lie.

"Lair!" I punched his arm playfully.

"Okay, I'm just gonna tell her Kid." He said, rubbing his arm. "We smiled because we saw your skirt ride up a bit." He said while laughing. I looked at Kid and he was blushing like crazy.

"You pigs!" I punched their arms. I sat back down, ignoring them for the rest of the ride back home.

~ 7 Hours Later ~

As everyone got off the jets, we headed back to the school.

Stein was still having trouble with communicating Lord Death. Him and the rest of the staff were worried sick. Papa wasn't sure if something happened or not, so we left to Death City as fast as we could.

We finally got back to the school. All the students and staff walked up the stairs towards the school's entrance and was greeted by a sad Lord Death.

"Father, what's wrong?" Kid asked. The rest of the school had minor chats but quickly, the chatter stopped.

"We've been played. An enemy knew we were going to be gone. This past week, there have been 15,000 killings. All around the states, expect for Death City." He said, informing the students and staff.

"They must of known you couldn't leave here, so they attacked else where....." Kid mumbled to himself.

"That's right Kid." Lord Death said, catching his son's attention. "Although, we're still having the dance on Monday. So, Saturday and Sunday we are all going to be busy. Tomorrow, bright and early, we all will be hunting down these creatures that took 15,000 people's lives and souls. Is that understood!?"

"YES!" The students and staff roared.

Lord Death then clapped his hands. "Alright, see you tomorrow then!" He said.

The students quickly disbursed and the staff left to talk to Lord Death.

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