The Nightmare

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~Maka's POV~

"Soul!" I yelled out to him. He kept walking towards the school and didn't even bother to wait for me. I ran after him but then he started to run as well. I didn't even know he could run that fast.

"Hey Soul! Wait up, will you!?" He kept running towards the school. I had no choice but to run faster to catch up with him. I could barely breath at the pace I was going and me running faster is taking a lot out of me.

"Soul! Why are you running? School doesn't start for another hour!?" I yelled.

Still, the demon scythe did not turn around, nor did he stop. It felt like I've been running for hours and we just left the apartment.

He suddenly stopped to catch his breath. I finally caught up to him. I was about to Maka-Chop him but I was too tired.

"Soul, why did you run away from me?" I asked, trying to catch my breath as well.

He looked over at me and jumped. He had fear in his eyes, along with anger. His arm then turned into a scythe and he launched towards me.

"Get back you demon!" He continued with this rant. "I'll get my meister back!" He then cut my arm.

"Soul! What are you talking about? It's me, Maka!?" I yelled, grabbing my arm in pain.

He looked at me with disbelief. "No, your not! Your Death's Queen!" He yelled and continued to lash out at me.

"Death's Queen? What are you talking about!?" I continued to dodge.

"You know what I mean! Ever since you got with him, you both have planned to ruin everything!" He then stopped and looked at the ground. "We could've saved him, but you didn't believe me."

He then came at me again. He lashed and lashed at me until he got tired.

"Fine. Finish me!" He fell to the floor, panting.

"We won't let you fall that easy my friend!" That voice!

"YAHOO!" It was Blackstar and Tsubaki.

"Thank goodness-" Blackstar threw Tsubaki at me and cut my other arm.

"Damnit! I missed!" He yelled, retrieving his weapon.

What is going on? Why are they attacking me? Why did Soul call me Death's Queen? I have to fight back or else they'll kill me! Just don't hurt them Maka!

I tried to summon the weapon within me and it worked! Blades came out of my arms and legs.

"This demon doesn't give up!" Soul yelled to Blackstar.

"Guys! Listen to me! I don't know what you guys are talking about!" I yelled, bracing myself for one of their attacks.

"Shut up, demon!" I looked over and it was Liz holding Patty in weapon form.

"Liz? Patty? Not you too!" I walked towards them but Liz started shooting at me. Her aim was bad but it made me loose my balance and fall to the ground.

They all started walking towards me. Liz spat at me.

"Should we kill her now or wait till the King gets here and use her as bait?" She said, pointing Patty at me.

"Let's use her as bait. Once the King finds out his Queen is in danger, he'll come running out." Soul said.

Who is this King? And why am I so important to him?

Suddenly, Stein and Papa came to the scene. Papa jumped out of Stein's hands and turned into human form.

"I see you all manage to capture the King's Queen. Good job you guys." Stein said, praising them.

I saw Papa and got up and ran towards him.

"PAPA!" I held my arms out but Blackstar kicked me in my stomach and I fell to the floor.

"Well she's a live one." Stein said, lighting a cigarette.

"Papa......why?" I said looking right at him.

"The darkness has taken it's full effect on her....." Papa looked down at the ground.

"WHAT'S GOING ON!?" I yelled at them all.

"We can't wait anymore!" Blackstar yelled. "If we kill her now, the King will know we mean business! Keeping her alive is making us a target!" He fussed.

"He's right." Papa and Stein at the same time.

"WHAT? PAPA!" Suddenly, Liz shoved Patty in my ear.

"Your Majesty. As of now, you are dead. Say goodbye to your dark kingdom and your Death King." She put her finger on the trigger.

"DEATH KING?" I yelled.

There was no stopping them. I shut my eyes, waiting for the death that my friends were going to give me. But it never came.

I opened my eyes and saw fear in them. I looked around and they all had fear in them. I followed their gazes and saw a dark figure. As the figure grew closer, I could see who it was. It was Kid.

"My Queen! What have these mortals done to you!" He yelled as he ran towards me, making everyone ran away to a safe distance.

"Kid?" He held me close. He laughed.

"It's Death now. Hence, Death King. They must of beaten you bad, my love." He then looked at all of them. "So, I see harming my love is the way you get my attention!" He had a demonic voice.

"Shit! I told you we should of-" Blackstar was suddenly quiet when a black needle went straight through him. Kid pulled out and he fell to the floor, dead.

He then did the same to Stein and Liz. Kid walked over to Patty and picked her up. He then snapped her in half and threw her on the ground. She changed into her human form in half as well.

He walked over to Tsubaki, who was in human form holding a dead Blackstar. He grabbed her by the throat and choked her until she stopped moving. He let go of her and her body slumped to the ground.

I watched in horror as Kid had killed all of his friends, without a second thought. I tried to move but someone was holding me. I looked up and it was Vesta.

"Watch as your lover kills everyone you love. I told you all he was destined to be a witch but you all had me killed!" She held my head straight at Kid, who was walking towards Soul.

Soul began to run but he was caught. Kid then wrapped his hands around his head and snapped his neck. Soul dropped straight to the ground.

He then went after Papa, who turned back into a weapon. Kid picked him up and released dark energy to the weapon. Papa's reflection appeared.

"Your wish is my command, my Dark King." He said.

"This can't be happening!" I yelled. Vesta then moved to so that we were face to face.

"This is your future girl!" She then laughed wickedly.

I shut my eyes in fear.

"No! This can't be! Someone, help me! Please!" I yelled out.

I felt my body shacking violently. I then felt someone slapping my cheek. I heard a voice, telling me to wake up.

I opened my eyes and I was back in the hotel. The person who was shaking me was Kid.

"Maka! Your all right!" He then hugged me. I looked around and saw everyone was okay, though I didn't see Stein, Soul or Papa.

The girls stood there, crying their eyes out, watching Kid hug me and tell me it's okay. I saw Blackstar and he seemed relived that I was awake.

Tears fell down my eyes as I remember the nightmare to the last detail. I was too scared to even hug him back.

Did that nightmare mean something?

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