The Culprit Appears?

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~Maka's POV~

Saturday morning, Kid, his weapons, Blackstar and Tsubaki met up with Soul and I in front of our apartment.

"Lord Death gave us the option to choose were we hunt." I said, holding the message he sent.

"Well, were would we go?" Patty asked.

I thought hard and found I place. "How about Baba Yaga's Castle!?" I asked.

Kid and Soul's eyes widened. They then glanced at each other. "What's wrong?" I asked. They then smiled and laughed.

"Well, after the battle with Asura, the castle is probably in ruins now. I thought even you would know that." Soul giggled.

"Well, even if it's in ruins, we can't rule out any chance that there might a culprit hiding!" I yelled.

"Maka's right! As a god, I need to make sure these bad guys are down for good!" Blackstar yelled. "Tsubaki, weapon form!" She did what was told. "Now, let's go!"

"Wait!" Kid yelled. "Maybe it's a trap. Don't you think the culprit might expect us?" He questioned.

"All the more reason to go!" Blackstar yelled.

"I can't. Knowing the building, it might be asymmetrical....." Kid mumbled. Liz slapped him up said the head.

"We have bigger problems then that!" She yelled. Kid rubbed his head in pain.

"Fine, all in favor of checking out the castle, raise your hand!" I yelled as I raised my hand.

Blackstar raised his hand that held Tsubaki. Liz raised her hand along with Patty's. Kid and Soul kept their hands down.

"Over ruled. We're going to Baba Yaga's Castle." I said. "Soul, transform."

The boys looked at each other. Is something going on that I'm missing?

"Whatever. I still think it's a bad idea." He said as he glowed blue and turned into a scythe. I caught him and spun him a little, getting a good grip on the weapon.

I looked over at Kid and he was staring into space. Liz and Patty walked over by his side and looked for what he was staring at. He was just looking at the ground.

"Come on Kid!" Liz yelled.

He jumped and looked around. "Oh, right. Girls, weapon forms." He said. The demon guns glowed pink and flew into the air. Kid caught them, holding them in his unusual way. "Let's go." He then summoned his skateboard.

"We'll be able to get there faster." He said as he extended his hand out to me. I grabbed his hand and held on to him while holding Soul. "Blackstar, you'll be able to run there no problem right?" He asked.

"Pfftt. I'll most likely beat ya there!" He said. He then waved and ran off, carrying a cloud of dust with him.

"He never changes" Kid mumbled. "Ready? Hold tight love." As he said that, we flew off.

I was terrified but the view was breath taking.


After a while, we finally made it to the castle. To our surprise, Blackstar really did beat us there.

"Hahaha! Told ya I'd beat you guys!" He said proudly.

I hopped off of Kid's skateboard. Kid then returned Beelzebub back to his palm. I looked over at the castle and it was still in good condition.

"You'd think after a battle like that, think place would be nothing." Blackstar said, reading my thoughts.

"Let's just get this over with, shall we?" Kid said, walking in the castle first.

The castle hallways were empty. Not a single soul was present in the castle.

"I'm not sensing any souls. Maybe we were wrong?" I said, questioningly.

"This place is absolutely disgusting! The symmetry is completely off!" Kid yelled.

"Let's just continue on, just in case someone is hiding here." Soul said.

"Soul, if someone was here, I would-" I froze.

"Maka, what's wrong?" Soul asked.

"There's a very powerful soul here." Kid answered. "Be ready!"

We all then ran towards the soul. The hallways were very creepy. As we finally found the soul, we entered what used to be Archne's throne room. The place still looked the same, expect there was an actual throne in the center. Sitting in the throne was a dark cloud.

The dark cloud noticed we were here and jumped. It then scanned us with it's eyes. The dar cloud then started shape-shifting into a body. It shape-shifted into Kid.

"Well, hello mortals! Expect for you reaper, good day!" 'Kid' waved at us all. It even sounded like him and stood the same way the real Kid did.

"Who the hell are you!?" Blackstar yelled. 'Kid' laughed.

"I'm Death The Kid! Who else would I be?" He continued to laugh. He laughed so hard, he fell to the floor. "Hahaha! I'm just messing with you kids. Anyway, who asks?" He said, standing up again.

"Maka Albarn, Scythe Meister of the DWMA! Who are you!?" I yelled for Blackstar.

"Well, I don't know. My masteress calls me Voice." He said.

"Who's your masteress?" The real Kid asked.

Voice laughed. "Well reaper boy, that's for me to know and for you guys, to never find out!" He laughed again.

"May I ask, why are" Kid asked the annoying cloud.

"Well, you are the most powerful being here. Might as well imitate the biggest threat." Voice said. Suddenly, a cloud of darkness covered his hands. A gun appeared in both hands, imitating Liz and Patty. "This should be fun."

"What is? Me, kicking your ass!?" Blackstar yelled while running towards him. "Here, have a taste of my soul wavelength!" Blackstar extend his arm towards Voice's stomach. Voice laughed and his stomach turned into a void. Blackstar's hand and arm went straight through.

"You missed." Voice said as he kneed Blackstar in the face. He then shot him with the guns in his hands. Blackstar recovered and dodged and made his way back to me and Kid.

"Are you scared children?" Voice said.

"Why would I be? You're shape is my boyfriend. I'll just pretend that you really pissed me off." I said jokingly and ran towards him. The slashed him with the scythe.

"Why aren't you fighting back!?" I taunted. I continued to slash at him. I took a step back to see the damage he took but was shocked to find he had healed.

"When I take a shape of someone, I also take their abilities. It seems this reaper boy has the ability to heal himself. How nice." He said. He then began to shoot at all of us.

"Children, take this as a lesson. You can't win against madness." He continued to shoot at us.

"Where are the 15,000 souls!?" Blackstar yelled. "You're out numbered, so you might as well give up!"

Voice stopped shooting. He then smiled. "That's for me to know and for you guys, to never find out!" One of the guns in his hands disappeared. A dark cloud covered that hand. Voice extend his hand towards Blackstar. Suddenly, a black needle shot out of his hand and went straight through Blackstar.

"BLACKSTAR!" We all yelled. Blackstar slumped to the floor. Kid froze. I could hear his weapons yell at him to get his ass moving.

Tsubaki transform back into human form and hugged Blackstar. "He's still breathing!" She yelled happily.

Voice then disappeared and reappeared behind Tsubaki. He grabbed her neck and began choking her. Kid still wasn't moving.

"NO! I WILL NOT LET MY NIGHTMARE COME TRUE! LETS GO SOUL RESONANCE!" I ran towards Voice as fast as I could.

I went after him with Kishin Hunter. I lunged forward towards him.


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