Soul To The Rescue!

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~Soul's POV~

Kid left with Voice and told me to stay with Maka, in case she woke up. I couldn't help but obey him.

"This sucks...." I mumbled.

I couldn't help but stare at myself in the nearby mirror. I looked the same, I felt the same but I didn't think the same. I had horrible thoughts about the DWMA and I hoped they all died. This wasn't me but the madness was to strong.

"I have to stop myself. Soul! This is so uncool! Get a hold of yourself!" I heard a voice in the back of my head. I think it was me?

"What the hell?" I looked around to see if it really was me. Maka was still sleeping in the bed. Besides her, I was the only one in the room.

"Good, I have your attention. Listen, you need to snap out of it!" The voice was back.

I then found myself in the dark void Kid put me in when I accepted the madness. I stood on the dark floor and looked ahead and saw a figure. The figure shifted into me.

"Voice? What are you doing?" I said, assuming it was him.

"I'm not Voice. I'm you before you accepted the madness. The you that isn't clouded by power." He said, crossing his arms.

"Sorry, but I'm not convinced. Prove that you're really me! What's something only I know?" I said, also crossing my arms.

He sighed. "To be honest, you-we, tell Maka almost everything. Well, you-we, have a thing for Liz. The only one that knows is Kid, because he tackled us when we looked at her in that sexy bikini of hers." He rubbed his and his face went red. "That good enough?"

"No, because someone else knows that. I need something that no one knows." I said.

He sighed. "Now I know why Maka says I'm a handful." He mumbled. "Fine. I can't believe I'm say this out loud, but you-we, already named our future kids. If we have a boy, Asher. If it's a girl, Darcy. We are even willing to change our last name back to Evans." He said, blushing.

"Well damn. You are me!" I said. "That's so cool!"

"Well idiot, now that I've proven who I am, I need to get you out of here!" He said, extending his hand out to me. "Come on, we need to go."

"No way! You are me and you know that power is what I want. Kid is able to give it too me." I said, pressing my hand against my chest.

"He's lying! Kid only wants to rule and even HE is under the influence of madness! We were to late. Vesta had infected him with so much madness, that even after her death she remains in him. Maka is the only one that can save us all." He said, still having his hand out towards me.

"Everything is just a plot of revenge. Once Kid has brought Vesta back to life, she is going to use him to kill Lord Death! After Lord Death is defeated, she is most likely going to kill Kid and spread madness across the globe!" He yelled, spreading his arms wide.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"After having nothing to do but think, I concluded that's what this whole thing is about." I was surprised that I used the word 'concluded'.

"Even if I did listen to you, how would I be able to help Maka?" I asked, taking a step backwards.

"The same thing I'm doing to help you get our mind back. Convince her. Tell her that her Kishin Hunter will be able to free Kid." He held his hand out again. "Do it for Maka. Before Kid and Vesta destroy the world we live to protect." He was serious.

If I do it, I'll lose all the power I have been granted. If I don't, supposedly that world goes into chaos once again. Damnit.

"For Maka. For our world." I grabbed his hand. I suddenly found myself back in the bedroom with Maka, who was still asleep. I collected my thoughts and I now see the horrors Kid is committing. I looked back at Maka.

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