Here Again

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~Maka's POV~

"Maka! Looked at me." Kid said, cupping my cheeks with his hands.

I couldn't look at him. All I saw were the horrors.

"Maka?....please, look at me. Everything's okay now." He said. He leaned in and kissed my forehead. I threw him off of me and ran towards Soul, who just walked in.

"No! Get away from me!" I yelled at Kid. I hugged Soul and cried on his shoulder.

"Maka, what did I do?" He asked. I looked over at him and he was staring at Soul. Kid tensed up but loosened a bit. He then put his head down.

" did nothing." I lied. "I just had a all died right in front of me...." I said in sobs. Soul wrapped his arms around me, pulling in for a tighter hug.

"It's alright. None of us are dead." Soul said, patting my back.

"But it felt so real!" I pushed him away and stared at everyone. "It was so real. And the worst part was, I couldn't do anything to save you guys! I had to watch you all get killed!"

I pointed at Liz. "You were shot by a needle, along with Stein and Blackstar." I looked at Patty. "You were broken in half!" They started to cry.

"Soul, Tsubaki. He broke your necks!" They looked at me.

"Who's he?" Tsubaki asked.

I put my head down. I didn't want to say it. She asked again. Tears fell like a waterfall and I couldn't stop it. I looked at Kid. "Him" I cried my eyes out.

They all looked at him with horror in his eyes.

"But I don't believe it! It was just a nightmare!" I said, trying to defend him.

No one moved. Kid slumped to the floor with disbelief on his face.

"I would never......" He began to cry. I wanted to comfort him but I couldn't I just stood there, watching him cry.

Liz broke the silence. "Kid, like she said, it was a dream" Her and Patty went over to comfort their meister.

He still cried.

I finally had the courage to walk to him. I knelt down next to him and lifted his head with my hands. Tears went down his eyes as he stared at mine.

"'s not real." I said, placing my lips on his. I pulled away and saw horror in his eyes.

"It may not be real, but......AHHH!" He got up and ran off.

"Kid!-" I got up to chase him but Soul stopped me.

"Let him go. Apparently, you hit a nerve." He said. He pulled me in for a hug.

"Soul?" I said, hugging him as well.

"Yeah?" I then faced me.

"I saw Vesta. She held me down while Kid know...." I said through my sobs.

They all looked at me as if I had an extra head. Soul let go of me and took a step back. Liz and Patty stood up and stood next to Soul, along with Tsubaki. They all just stared at me.

"VESTA AIDEEN!?" They all yelled. Liz stepped forward.

"You mean the woman, who possessed Kid and tried to make him kill us?" She said, trying to make sure she understood everything.

I nodded in agreement and their jaws dropped.

"So, it's not over then." Tsubaki said, putting her head down. "That means, she's still alive." She finished.

"How would that mean she's alive?" Soul asked.

"Well think about it. Maka had a nightmare with Vesta and Kid killing all of us. She must be out for revenge and she's starting with Maka." She said, still pondering on her response.

"Well, let's hope your wrong" Soul said, putting his head down. His eyes then widened. "Guys, I'm gonna go see if Blackstar is around, so he can help figure this out." With that, he ran out the room and left.

"Okay?" Liz said, confused as ever. She then walked towards me.

"Maka, everything is gonna be okay. I promise." She said and then hugged me.

"I hope your right....." I mumbled.


~Kid's POV~

I ran out of the hotel and continued on. I ended up near a highway.

"Damnit! Why!?" I yelled to the world. I need help, I need advice. "VOICE!" I yelled out.

I waited for what felt like an hour until he finally showed up. His dark cloud came over and he shifted into Soul. Weird enough, he carried a knocked out Soul.

"So it was you in the room." I said, looking at Soul.

He nodded. "I thought the human was going to snitch us out. So I took actions in my own hands." He said, placing Soul down the ground. "Anyway, you called?"

"Yes....that dream Maka had. What did it mean?" I said, rubbing my head.

"She predicted the future." He said, expressionless as ever. My eyes widened, but he didn't stop there. "Your highness, Maka said she saw Vesta in the dream."

I fell to knees. "What does this mean?..." I whispered. "I have to stop this..."

"What?" He asked. He took a step towards me and asked again.

"I have to stop this so it-" suddenly, Voice became a cloud again and consumed me.

My body twitched as I tried to get him out of me. I was back in the horrible void again.

"No! Please, get me out of here!" I yelled at him.

"Sir! If you stop now, what would that mean?" He asked me. He then appeared as white cloud. The darkness around me was worse then before. "You highness. I can't let you give up on such a thing." He said.

I fell to my knees. The non-visible floor caught me. "You were there! I want to take my father down, not them! Especially not Maka!" I yelled, punching the ground.

"Then let her join. She'll be with you until the end. All you really care about is her." Voice said in a wickedly.

"Let.....her....join?" I questioned. "But how? And what about Vesta!?"

"All in time, my prince. The fire witch is nothing but a dream. Though, Maka has seen what the future holds. Who knows of she's in it or not. Focus on the girl."

I found myself back on the highway. Soul was still knocked out.

"Let's get back, shall we?" Voice picked him up and we headed back for the hotel.

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