The Dark Prince Rises

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~Spirit's POV~

"Maka! Get away from him!" I yelled. I tried to stop Kid but Soul and Voice.

"Not so fast Spirit!" Soul said as he had his arm into a scythe and slashed me on my side.

"AHHH!" The pain was harsh. "How do meisters deal with this!?" I yelled.

"Sorry Spirit, you got in the way." Soul said, coldly. Soul then grabbed Maka and took her next to Kid. All three froze for what felt like forever.

"MAKA!" I yelled. "Wake up!"

She didn't move. Neither did Soul or Kid. Suddenly, Kid wrapped his arms around Maka. Kid then whispered something to Maka and then kissed her. She whispered something back and then kissed him again. Soul then moved again and smiled. He moved forward, so that he stood in front of Kid and Maka. Voice stood next to him. Voice held a purple soul in his hand.

"That can't be...." Lord Death whispered. "They're going to bring Vesta back to life! That's what the souls are for. Kid, you're making a big mistake. Vesta will kill you once you bring her back!" He yelled.

"No father, you're wrong. Mother will open her arms to me and we will rule over these pitiful mortals!" Kid yelled. Maka laughed.

"Maka! Come back to Papa! Please!" I yelled, opening my arms out for her to jump in them.

"No. I will rule along side my lover." She said, then kissed Kid's cheek.

Lord Death then quickly went over to then to retrieve the soul but it was too late. Soul took a step back towards the couple. Voice then turned into a dark cloud and covered all three of them. The next moment, they were all gone.

"Damnit!" Lord Death said. "We need to stop them."

I fell to my knees. I couldn't understand what had just happened. First, Maka losing her pureness to Kid. Now, she leaves to become a bag guy.

"Why? Am I that bad of a parent? All I ever wanted was my daughter's love and now she left for a boy!" I punched the floor.

"Spirit! Enough. We will get them back. The madness has consumed all three of them. You need to get up. We have work to do!" Lord Death said to me.

"No! As a father, I should of protected her.....I should of." I began to cry.

"Reaper-Chop!" Lord Death hit me in my head hard. I didn't know I could bleed that much. My body was twitching a little. "Next time you begin to sulk, I will reaper-chop you!" He said.

"You're supposed to say it first, not do it." I said, still twitching.

"Spirit, you're not the only father in the room. If we start now, we'll be able to safe our kids." He held out his hand for me. I grabbed it and stood, rubbing my head.

"Then let's get to work. Do you have a plan?" I asked him, still rubbing my head.

"Of course! I planed it since Vesta's death! I had a feeling she wasn't really dead."


~Kid's POV~

After Voice helped us get away, we appeared back in Baba Yaga's Castle. Maka had fallen asleep in my arms. I carried her bridal style and walked down the corridors to the chamber bedroom, where Arachne comforted my older brother.

I placed her down on the bed, sat down next to her and stroked her hair. She is so beautiful. Suddenly, Voice (as Blackstar) and Soul appeared next to me, standing.

I looked over at Voice and slapped him upside the head. "Next time, don't give away to much information. I saved your ass before Maka hit you with her scythe. That little mess up caused me a headache." I said, rubbing my head.

"I'm sorry your highness. I wasn't trying to but at least everything worked out?" He said, rubbing his head.

"Barely" I looked back at Maka. I then extended my hand towards Voice. "The book."

"Oh, right!" His hands glowed black and the spell book appeared in his hands. "My apologizes. I went to give this to you the other day but Spirit found out you were sexually active with his daughter." He handed me the book.

I flipped through it, looking for the revival spell. I finally found it. The spell was bookmarked.

" seems I was correct about the souls." I turned the page to the other side. "It says, we need the soul of the person we're trying to revive." My heart stopped. "I forgot the soul...." I mumbled.

"Yes, you did." Voice said. "But, as your loyal servant, I got it for you." He said as he held out the purple witch soul. I took hold of it. I felt my mother's wavelength.

"This makes up for your blunders." I said to him. I looked back at Maka, who was still asleep. "Maka, I'll be back. I have some things to take care of."

I walked out of the huge bedroom and made my way towards the throne room with Voice. Soul stayed back, just in case Maka woke up.

"Hey, long time no see. Ribbit." Eruka said, sitting down at the table with Free and the Mizune sisters.

I took a seat at the throne.

"So when are we going to start this?" Free asked, finishing his food.

"We have no choice but to start tomorrow. That's when the moon is at it's highest." I said, reading the spell carefully. "Voice, I want this place heavily guarded just in case my father and his lackeys show up."

"Shouldn't we just move to a different spot then?" Asked Free.

"We won't have a enough time and I don't know any other location. Let's just hope they don't figure it out." I said, still reading the spell page.

"We have everything we need. The souls, more supporters, and even a necromancer witch! Ribbit." Eruka said.

I looked up at them and they were staring at me. "How did you figure that out?" I asked.

"Well, none of us have death magic and you're the one who wanted to obtain this necromancer spell book. We just put two and two together. Ribbit" Eruka said.

"I see. I guess I should of said something about it." I said.

"So, you're really the son of the fire goddess, Vesta Aideen?" Free asked. I was shocked that he asked me that. I didn't tell anyone. I then saw Voice slowly take steps backwards.

"I see someone can't keep their mouth's shut." I said, looking at him.

"Sorry, your majesty! They asked and I answered" He said, rubbing his neck.

"Anyway, yes she is my mother. I'm also the younger brother of Asura, in case you were going to ask." I said, glaring at Voice.

Voice's eyes then widened. He then shifted into Soul. The witches stared at him in confusion, as I did as well. Voice started to panic and his breathing increased rapidly.

"Voice, what's the matter!?" I asked, shutting the book closed.

He continued to panic and started running around the room, as if looking for something. He then froze and shifted back into Blackstar. Voice then fell to his knees.

"The Soul Eater boy broke free from the madness......." He said. "I lost him to the light.....and I lost the ability to shift as him...." Voice stood up.

"He broke free?..." I whispered.

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