Parental Problems

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~Spirit's POV~

The second day of this vacation with the students and I already want to go back to Death City. It's way to hot here!

"Maybe Maka would want to spend time with her papa." I said, thinking of the different things we could do.

I've been so happy that Maka and I are having a father-daughter relationship now. Before she would say she hated me, of course she never meant it. Now, she willingly hangs out with me.

I got dressed, deciding to take her to the boardwalk and started walking to Maka's room.

My Maka has grown so much. She looks and acts like her mother. I can't believe that reaper boy is with her. Maka's too young to date! But, I don't want to ruin our new relationship. So, I've calmed down a bit.

Still though, Kid and Maka have been a little 'touchy' lately.

I should to talk to Lord Death about it.

I finally came up to Maka's room. I knocked on the door and she opened up. Her eyes widened.

"Papa!" She jumped in my arms.

Wow. I've never been so happy, expect she started to cry.

"Maka, what's wrong?" I asked her, holding her in a tight hug.

"Papa, I had a really bad nightmare and, and" she started stuttering. "And I just don't want to lose anyone!" She cried in my arms. "It felt so real and everyone died in front of me! There was nothing I could do!"

I patted her head. "Hey, hey. It's okay. I'm here. Papa is here and he's not gonna let anyone get hurt, okay?" I asked. She pondered her head.

"Hey, Maka." I asked, still hugging her.

"Yes Papa?" She asked in sobs.

"Since were in Hawaii, how about me and you have a father-daughter day?" I asked.

She put her head up and smiled, tears still fell from her eyes. She then hugged me again.

"Yeah, I would like that papa. Let me get dressed and I'll be out." She then turned around, walked in the room and shut the door. I waited for her.

I started messing with my thumbs, when I heard Soul and Kid talking down the hallway.

"So, Voice is just a servant?" Soul asked Kid, who didn't noticed me standing down the hall. They walked slowly and continued to talk.

"Yes. I call him and he comes" Kid said.

"So, was he there when you and Maka.....ya' know." Soul looked down at the floor.

"Kid and Maka did what?" I asked. They both jumped in the air and froze. Kid's face turned red.

"Spirit! When did you get there?" Kid asked.

I waved it off. "What did you and Maka do?" I asked in a murderous tone.

He wouldn't answer me. "You have 5 seconds to speak." I said. "One..........two..........three..." I turned my arm into a scythe. I pinned the two boys and brought the blade to their necks. Kid had an expressionless face but Soul was terrified.

"....four.......fiv-" I brought the blade close enough that if they move, blood would spill. Before I finished counting, Soul shouted.

"They had sex....twice!" Soul shut his eyes.

My heart was shattered into a million pieces. My arm turned back to normal. I couldn't think straight.

"W-what?" I grabbed Kid by his throat. "Son of Death or not, is this true?" I said, gripping his throat tighter.

"You idiot!" He glare at Soul. "Spirit, I can explain-" my hand gripped tighter.

"You had sex with my daughter? I should kill you, here and now! You too!" I said to Soul. "My Maka is unpure!" I said as the door opened.

"Okay papa, I'm-" she froze when she saw us. I let Kid go. "What's going on?" She asked.

I went to answer her but I couldn't. For once, I couldn't even look at my own daughter. There was so much disappointment, I couldn't think straight. I stared at the floor and avoided her question.

"Maka, answer me truthfully. Did you and Kid have sex?" I asked, still looking at the ground.

She started to cry. "Papa I-" I put my hand up, cutting her off.

"I have never been so disappointed in you. I hope Death forbids you from being pregnant! Oh my....I can't breath. I really can't believe, my daughter who wants so much, has given herself to this boy! Who might just be using you!" I completely lost my cool.

"Don't you dare say-" Kid went to yell at me but I punched him in the face.

"Enough. I've had it with you. I hope that's nothing to your father because he will hear about this. And you!" I pointed at Maka. "......get out of my face." She was shocked. Heck, I was shocked.

"I'll speak with you when I'm cooled down, until then, I don't want to see you." I turned away from then and started walking back to my hotel room.

"Papa! Please!" Maka yelled for me. I wanted to turn and comfort her, really. But I was so mad that I thought I was going to beat her, then KID!

I turned around and Maka was on her knees crying. Soul was trying to comfort her, while helping Kid get off the floor.

I really can't believe it.....


Later that day, Maka and Kid were no where to be found. The weapons and Blackstar haven't been seen as well. The only one that I saw was Soul.

Soul had occasionally been in the pool area but then left when I walked towards that area.

I had to watch the students in the pool area with Stein and Sid. It's sad how the student decide to spend their trip in a pool.

Stein came up behind me and slapped my back.

"Well someone seems off today!" He said, watching students drown each other.

"Yeah, I had one hell of a morning." I said, sipping a cup of coffee in my hand.

"Yeah, I know all about it. I went to go to the vending machine and heard people yelling. I walked over and saw you punch Death the Kid. I over heard the important parts of the problem." He then lit a cigarette. "It's not like the two most responsible students to do something like that."

"I might get fired for punching the boss' son. I don't care though. My fatherly instincts kicked in and I couldn't think. I was so mad." I said, spacing out.

"Well, we have a problem anyway. I tried to contact Lord Death but for some reason, it wouldn't go through. So I asked a meister student and the same thing happened." Stein looked like he was thinking hard.

"I think it would of been better if I stayed with him." Thinking about Maka and Kid was killing me.

"Still, it's something I need to fix. Anyway, is it just me or do you notice some changes between Soul and/or Kid?" He pulled the cigarette out of his mouth. "Soul seems to be worried about something and Kid, he's just been different."

"Well, I'll agree on Kid's behalf." I thought for a moment. "Soul has been different as well especially when he's with Kid. Do you think something's up?" I asked him.

"I'm not sure. Let's just keep an eye on them for now." He said.

The students were getting loud.

"Well, you keep an eye on them. If I see them, I might kill them" I then left it at that and walked to my hotel room.

Before I left, I could hear Stein say "Just don't do anything stupid."

I swear, if Maka gets pregnant at this age, I might lose my temper and really kill this kid.....

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