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Hey guys!!

So we passed 4k reads!!! We are now at 4.14K read on Fangs and I could never be more proud of us. We are a family. Author to readers I thank you for reading my book it really does mean a lot. As a friend to friend, thanks for enjoying what I do and write about.

So here is the Character/Auther Q&A. Hope you enjoy and I answer the questions as best as I can.

Also please note that some of the questions and responses are gonna be continuing from the last Q&A!




From: @XxLightCityxX

Luke: I don't really appreciate your attitude. Bbuuttt in attempt at a peace treaty... a game of Fifa. You can challenge me to something but that's my offer. If I win peace treaty aanndd pay for my lunch for a week. Deal?

Hell yeah bitch! Your so fucking on! Prepare to loose because I have vamp speed in all parts of my body and I can move really fast on the controller. Good luck with winning.

Ashton: I'm not cruel. I just wanna know... I was put thru the same pain moments before I asked you a question. But still answer the question or I swear... I will attempt to kill you without dying. I'm a 5'2 kick boxer, been doing it for 8 years now. Post up!

Wow... easy there tiger. Okay okay, I would choose mint chip aanndd blood vanilla because you gotta have that blood syrup on the ice cream. It just make it so much better. And okay, come at me bro!

Calum: Soooo I heard you play football. Wanna play a real game sometime? I bet I could beat you.

Damn girl. Are you challenging everyone in the band now! So you wanna loose 3 times! God. But yeah I'll play.  Good luck though.

Mikey: so we're having a pizza party then? And a calzone, honey, is like a pizza, folded in on itself. They're SOOOO good. I'll make you one sometime, okay? You poor deprived vampire... I'm Italian. Anything else you haven't had I could make?

THAT... SOUNDS... AWESOME!!!!!! AND HELL YEA WE'RE HAVING A PIZZA PARTY!! And no. Surprise me with your cooking skills.

Val: Soooo I'm free Saturday. Sleepover?

Yass girl!! You, me, Romania, and Charlotte can go to the mall and have a sleepover without the boys. But I can make them have our own private concert.

Abby: Girl you're amazing gag!  Ilysm. But check out this thing I'm doing for boys. Project Hi Or Hey. The real question is are you a thrill junkie or nah?

Haz, you know me by now lol. I am NOT thrill junkie!! Maybe with makeup but that's about it lol. And thank you for making this amazingly, crazy project! It's so original and so sureal. Ilysm too!!

From: QueenLoloTheAwesome

Ash: Don't marry Val's friend, marry me because I is better.

I'm not gonna marry Charlotte. Don't worry. You still have a shot at this.

Val's friend: WTF you doin here mate? Already enough drama now you omg my feels!

I have a name you know. It's Charlotte. And I never left. Luke, aka the asshole, keto me in a basement for about 2-3 months!!

Val: You remember me right. Omg you still haven't changed lol PS I think Cal is cheating.

Excuse me bitch? Yeah I remember you and I know for a fact that Calum is not cheating on me. So back the fuck off.

Michael: Val has you wrapped around your finger.

What?? What are you talking about? We're just friends! Almost like siblings!

Calpal: Whyyyy Val not meeee!?

Um... Idk... I think I love her. And I would never cheat on her thank you very much!

Luke: IMA on yo side. But why Val not me? I'll marry a vamp! Ily.

I love you too. And it's not by choice. It's literally fate. I'm sorry.

Lol creating drama.

Okay guys, so those were all the questions. And XxLightCityxX's questions were really old, like literally from month and a half ago so that's why they say "check out Project Hi Or Hey".

So I hope you guys loved the answers of the question and I'm sorry if anyone got offended or hurt by the responses of the characters, and I deeply apologize. That was not my intention.

The next Q&A will be in November, so you can start leaving your comments now if you want so I have them for November!! Or you can wait and comment later on. But make sure if your doing that just put "for the Q&A" before typing your questions!

So in the mean time... follow me on...

Twitter - @AbbySchonnop
Instagram - @5sos_chick_512
Spotify - @5sosmde12
Musical'ly - @abbyschonnop1
YouTube - @CatherineSchonnop  (new video coming out soon!)

And follow Project Hi Or Hey on Twitter, Instagram, Tumbler, and Wattpad - projecthiorhey on everything.

And follow my band on...

Instagram - justaminuteofficialband
YouTube - Just A Minute

Love you guys!!

Abby xox

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