Chapter 26

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Luke's POV

I wake up. I'm in my "dungeon" per say. I'm laying on the floor, covered in burn marks. The cell doors are open and I'm the only one in here.

Then I remember.

Val has powers. Val has my power. She's has Michael's powers. We are all fucked if she likes them a lot, she will become a vamp blood junkie.

I get up off the floor and walk over to the door. I try and open it. It's locked. Shit. Why did I make it only able to open from the outside. God I'm an idiot...

I slide down the door and sit on the floor. I look around and just think. I have another person in here. I get up, smirking. I walk over to the first cell and I open the door and make the girl visible again. I see a darker skinned girl, with green eyes, sitting on the floor tied up and gagged.

"Hello my little one." I say looking down at the girl. She looks at me with her big green eyes which turn to her vampire eyes in anger.

"Fuck off asshole." She says to me through the gag.

"Ooh feisty today aren't we Rome." I say to her taking the gag off.

"My name is Romania fucker. But you can call me Lucifer because I'm the fucking devil!" She says and hisses at me with her fangs.

I've had little Rome here since I made her. She's my little pet. My creation. She was only 16 when I changed her, so she's about 65 technically. I changed her 50 years ago.

"Oh come on Rome, stop asking like that." I say, sitting beside her.she pushes herself farther say from me. How rude.

"Come back here." I say and grab her by the arm and pull her into my lap. She squirmed around while I had a firm grip on her. After about 30 minutes of this bullshit, she stops and just gives up. I push her fringe to the side to look into her eyes. They were still her vamp eyes and I love then so much. She's like a child to me. But that's what it's like when you change someone into a vampire. That's what it's like for Michael and Calum because Michael changed Calum. #MALUM

"I hate you. And I always will. You made me a monster." She says all pouty.

"I made you into an amazing creation. I saved you from dying and getting old."

"Yeah, only to lock me up and not tell anyone about me." She says to me and hits me in the crotch. I release her and lay on the floor in pain as she goes to hop over to the other edge of the room.

"You British bitch." I groan, still in pain.

"Australian asshole." She says to me.

We sat in silence for a good hour after that. I heard her lightly snoring then I walked out and went to a different room. I sat in the corner of the room and put my head in my knees and lightly cried.

I actually thought she forgave me... but she just wanted my powers and her friend back...

I'm such an idiot...

Val's POV

I'm such an idiot...

I heard Luke think. I did actually forgive him and I didn't know that he had Charlotte... that's why I went all bad shit crazy... I wouldn't have done that if it was any other circumstance. He just... Oh... he just pissed me off so bad!

Then I hear a crash. I run to where I heard the sound. It came from the kitchen. All the plates flew out of the cabinets and crashed to the floor. Oh shit...

"Oh shit wh- oh shit!" I hear Ashton say walking into the kitchen.

"Val, what did you do?" Ashton asked me.

"I... Uh... gotreallyangryamdflewalltheplatesoutofthecabnits."


"I said, I got really angry and flew all the plates out of the cabinets." I say looking down at the floor. These powers are really getting to me. They are fun, but I want them to go away.

"Oh Val. It's okay. You're not use to the powers like we are. You're gonna struggle with them. We all did, but yours can actually go away." Ashton says hugging me.

"Thanks Ash. I'm glad you're back in my life again. I feel like I have my brother back." I say to him, still in his embrace.

"I missed you so much Val. You have no idea." He says to me.

I love you Val. I hear him think.

I love you too Ash. I think and I know he heard me because the embrace got tighter.

"You know I mean I love you like a sister right?" Ashton says.

"Oh I know." I laugh. "Can you help me clean this up please." I ask Ashton and he nods yes and goes to get the broom and comes back within seconds. We clean up my mess and through out the broken pieces.

"I think we need to go buy new plates." Ashton says and grabs his keys.

"Agreed." And we walk out to the car.

Hey guys!!

NEW CHARACTER!!! So I wrote this chapter to introduce a new character and her name is gonna be Romania. I wrote this for my friend, because she's been with this book since the beginning and she literally cried when I told her I would write her in. That is what I want my fans to feel when I write them in. So I might do some more characters in the future so don't worry, you'll get a change.

And wow, guys. Val is a little but crazy with the powers don't you think. But the good thing is, is that she doesn't really like them. She just has to learn to control it for the next 2 days. Lol.

And this month's Q&A should be up soon!!

So in the mean time... follow me on...

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YouTube - @CatherineSchonnop

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And follow my band on...

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YouTube - Just A Minute

Love you guys!!

Abby xox

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