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  • Dedicated to Raghaav Rajendran

It was my birthday , I was going to be 20 in just a couple of hours. I decided to stay in my room and see all the people being excited about it. As for me I was not at all excited or happy! Why? One may ask me! But to the one asking I would simply say, "You don't know how it feels like to live in a house where everybody loves you because they think you are not strong enough and smart enough for deciding and being yourself". Now don't get me wrong, my family is a very loving and caring one ,a bit over caring sometimes but yeah who's counting. We live in a house pretty good and we are financially sound too! So, what's the problem, right? So for all those who are curious to know the answer and even for those who are thinking what the fuck am I writing, the problem is I am sick! Now, not 'having a cold, feeling feverish sick, but like having-a-god-damn-leukemia sick.'

I have had this disease since I was 3.Doctors said I won't be able to survive for more than 1 or 2 years, but miraculously I did! Then again my condition weaken at the age of 10 and again the DOCTORS said I am soon to die but guess what, I lived. Well, I don't know the doctors here are too stupid or I am born with a damn good fortune but whatever it is I wish it to be constant for like 20 more years, so that I am able to fulfill the dream of becoming an editor! AAAH! Getting back to reality, I am sitting in my room and seeing the family preparing a good meal for their 'so-sick-about-to-die-any-time' daughter. And just then the door opens loudly and my small sister comes in running full of excitement and out of breath, “I saw you, I saw you from the window. Please come out now, the cake is READDDYYY!!”, said she. “ Anna please stop jumping, yeah am coming. Will you please give me a minute?”  Now really, she is over addicted to cakes. I got up, combed my short brown messy hair, saw my reflection in the full length mirror beside my wardrobe , to  tell you the truth I was satisfied by what I saw. An olive skin girl with smooth features. “COOOOMMMMEEEE LIZZY, YOU ARE TOO SLOW!!!!” , Anna said jumping again. “Yes, yes stop jumping”.

We went out, everybody started singing happy birthday for me,  yeah they really do treat me like a baby! I said my thankyous and how happy I am stuff and then everybody started eating and I too ate. I was too eager to get it over with because their ‘full-of- love -eyes’  never left  me. It was killing me to see them so scared of losing me. This is sad, I don’t wish it for anyone. Seeing your family like this, hopeless and weak in front of you,  makes you feel miserable, trust me! As the last thing you want is to hurt them and then you realize that just seeing you there, so ill, hurts them like anything and the worst of all, you can do nothing for them and yourself apart from letting the time pass and slowly and mercilessly drifting you to your end. After realizing that they all were looking at me and seeing me with hope I forced myself to regain my confidence and return to myself. “PRESENTSSSSSS, YESSSSSS!!!!!!”, Anna practically  screamed in my ear. “WHOOOO! ANNA!! calm down girl” I said to her and everybody once again got back to their ‘keeping yourself happy no matter how sad and torn from inside you are self’. This time there were not a lot of presents but only one a big cardboard box wrapped with beautiful golden paper. My mom came and kissed me on my cheek and gave it to me and everyone was looking at me with such an excitement that I could not help being excited myself.  I carefully took off its cover and then what I saw made my life, tears started running down my cheeks, I couldn’t even speak for a while but then I composed myself and said, “THANKYOU SO MUCH EVERYONE! I LOVE IT!!”

I ran with it to my room, behind me I could hear my family’s happy crying. I jumped on to my bed and unwrapped it once again but this time its plastic cover which was carefully wrapped by my dad, am sure, to protect the most precious gift of my life. I saw it and kept seeing it for long. PRIDE AND PREJUDICE BY JANE AUSTEN, PUBLICATION 1907, it read. I knew it was not the first publication as it was published on 28, January, 1813 by T.Egerton, Whitehall,  but still the happiness and feeling of being loved it gave me was wordless. THANKYOU THANKYOU! I kept on repeating in my head for the most beautiful family of this universe. I read the novel till morning and just when my mom came to wake me up and tell me to get ready as we were to go see the doctor, I kept it aside. She came in and apologized for not coming to wish me good night last night, I said it was perfectly okay. When she left I once again gave a quick look to the book and headed for the bathroom. After an hour I was fully dressed in my pants and tees and shoes. We went to the hospital, my doctor Mr.Mason was a nice kind of person, who always looked stressed and tired to me, anyway, my mom and Dr said their hellos and then he got straight to the point. My body had stopped reacting to the pharmaceutical medication and it was causing a problem for him and his team to really get into the roots of the problem. My mother, naturally, freaked out but I was almost prepared for the end because I have heard this for like 17 years. I asked him, “ Mr.Mason is it like all the other times or its really happening this time?” My mother gave me a horrified look and I could not help but feel pity for this lady who loved me unconditionally. Mr.Mason too saw this look but as he is an honest and straight forward man and that is why I like him, he gave me a simple answer, “Lizzy I wish it ends up being the same as always, a supernatural recovery as I call it, but I am afraid it is serious this time”. I nodded and so did he, I stood up and took my mother out, she still was in the state of shock and despair. We went to the car and I told her to let me drive, she said nothing so I took her seat and drove home. She was so quite, never said a word and I didn’t disturb her thoughts.

After reaching home I thought to talk to my mom, to give her the courage to stand this misery but she was not in the mood to do any talking so I went to take a walk. I was walking down my favorite lane and was thinking about what my life holds for me, what is it like to die and never return to your family, is there any thing after death, is there any heaven or hell and if it is there then where am I going when I die? I didn't want to die, nobody does. I always wanted my life to be full of surprises and I wanted my life to surprise me this time too and save me from dying. I was walking and thinking thats when I saw him for the first time, not that tall but really very handsome, fit and beautiful body. He came straight up to me and said, “Miss, are you Lizzy?” I was so shocked to see a stranger talking to me so directly and that too a pretty hot stranger that for a minute I was blank.


“Uh! Yes.”

“Good!” And he grabbed my hand and the next thing I knew was a BAAM! And darkness.

“Where am I?” I opened my eyes and saw I was in some dark place, I was scared and really confused.

“Don’t worry Miss!” someone said. And then I saw the same boy standing in front of me. FUCCKKK!!!!! I AM KIDNAPED!   

“WHO ARE YOU? WHY DID YOU BRING ME HERE? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH ME?”  The questions slipped out of my mouth before I could tell myself to shut up!

“Lizzy! Don’t worry you are going to get cured!” OHMYGOSH! I AM DEAD!

So, please tell me how do you like it and the next update will be soon!

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